diff --git a/copy-runtime-files.ps1 b/copy-runtime-files.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index f665b79dd74eed28a35b886cb99927aeb9c65499..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/copy-runtime-files.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-param (
-    [string]$mode,
-    [string]$qtver,
-    [string]$daemonDir,
-    [string]$lrcDir,
-    [string]$outDir
-$clientDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
-$stamp = (git rev-parse HEAD).Substring(0, 8)
-$stampFile = $clientDir + "\.deploy.stamp"
-If (test-path $stampFile) {
-    if($stamp = (Get-Content -Path $stampFile)) {
-        write-host "deployment stamp up-to-date" $outDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
-        exit 0
-    }
-# default values
-$qtver = If ($qtver) { $qtver } Else { "5.15.0" }
-$qtMinorVer = $qtver.split('.')[1]
-$mode = If ($mode) { $mode } Else { "Release" }
-if (!$outDir) { $outDir = $clientDir + "\x64\" + $mode }
-If (!(test-path $outDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $outDir -Force }
-$qtverSplit1, $qtverSplit2 , $qtverSplit3 = $qtver.Split('.')
-$qtMsvcDir = If (([int]$qtMinorVer) -le 14) {"msvc2017_64"} Else {"msvc2019_64"}
-$QtDir = "C:\Qt\$qtver\$qtMsvcDir"
-if (!$daemonDir) { $daemonDir = $clientDir + '\..\daemon' }
-if (!$lrcDir) { $lrcDir = $clientDir + '\..\lrc' }
-write-host "********************************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Magenta
-write-host "copying deployment files..." -ForegroundColor Green
-write-host "using daemonDir:    " $daemonDir -ForegroundColor Magenta
-write-host "using lrcDir:       " $lrcDir -ForegroundColor Magenta
-write-host "using QtDir:        " $QtDir -ForegroundColor Magenta
-write-host "********************************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Magenta
-# dependency bin files and misc
-$FilesToCopy = @(
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\avcodec-58.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\avutil-56.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\avformat-58.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\avdevice-58.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\swresample-3.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\swscale-5.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\ffmpeg\Build\win32\x64\bin\avfilter-7.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\openssl\libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll",
-    "$daemonDir\contrib\build\openssl\libssl-1_1-x64.dll",
-    "$clientDir\qt.conf",
-    "$clientDir\images\jami.ico",
-    "$clientDir\License.rtf"
-foreach ($i in $FilesToCopy) {
-    write-host "copying: " $i " => " $outDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
-    Copy-Item -Path $i -Recurse -Destination $outDir -Force -Container
-# qt
-$windeployqt = "$QtDir\bin\windeployqt.exe --qmldir $clientDir\src --release $outDir\Jami.exe"
-Invoke-Expression $windeployqt
-# ringtones
-$CopyDir = $outDir + "\ringtones"
-If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }
-$RingtonePath = "$clientDir\..\daemon\ringtones"
-write-host "copying ringtones..."
-Get-ChildItem -Path $RingtonePath -Include *.ul, *.ogg, *.wav, *.opus -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
-    write-host "copying ringtone: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
-    Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $CopyDir -Force –Recurse
-# qt translations
-$lrelease = "$QtDir\bin\lrelease.exe"
-# lrc translations
-$lrcTSPath = "$lrcDir\translations"
-Get-ChildItem -Path $lrcTSPath -Include *.ts -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
-    & $lrelease $_.FullName
-$CopyDir = $outDir + "\share\libringclient\translations"
-If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }
-write-host "copying lrc translations..."
-Get-ChildItem -Path $lrcTSPath -Include *.qm -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
-    write-host "copying translation file: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
-    Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $CopyDir -Force –Recurse
-# client translations
-$clientTSPath = "$clientDir\translations"
-Get-ChildItem -Path $clientTSPath -Include *.ts -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
-    & $lrelease $_.FullName
-$CopyDir = $outDir + "\share\ring\translations"
-If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }
-write-host "copying client translations..."
-Get-ChildItem -Path $clientTSPath -Include *.qm -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
-    write-host "copying translation file: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
-    Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $CopyDir -Force –Recurse
-New-Item -Path $stampFile -ItemType "file" -Value $stamp -Force
-write-host "copy completed" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
diff --git a/copy-runtime-files.py b/copy-runtime-files.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca4ee98bd0cd31b4bdccac64cade382d805adb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/copy-runtime-files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import tempfile
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import platform
+import argparse
+import shutil
+import fileinput
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+    from colorama import init
+    # init ANSI escape character sequences for windows
+    init()
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'
+    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
+    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+    WARNING = '\033[93m'
+    FAIL = '\033[91m'
+    ENDC = '\033[0m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+def execute_cmd(cmd, use_subprocess_pipe=False):
+    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+                         shell=True,
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE if use_subprocess_pipe else sys.stdout)
+    output, error = p.communicate()
+    if use_subprocess_pipe:
+        if output:
+            return output
+        return error
+    else:
+        if p.returncode != 0:
+            sys.exit()
+class globalVar:
+    # global var
+    system_name = platform.system()
+    client_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    mode = "Release"
+    qt_version = ""
+    qt_path = ""
+    daemon_path = client_dir + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'daemon'
+    lrc_path = client_dir + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'lrc'
+    output_path = ""
+    stamp = execute_cmd('git rev-parse HEAD', True)[0:8]
+    if system_name == "Windows":
+        stamp = stamp.decode("utf-8")
+    stampFile = client_dir + os.sep + ".deploy.stamp"
+def check_stamp():
+    if os.path.exists(globalVar.stampFile):
+        with open(globalVar.stampFile) as f:
+            contents = f.read()
+            if contents.strip() == globalVar.stamp:
+                print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "Deployment stamp up-to-date" + bcolors.ENDC)
+                sys.exit()
+def write_stamp():
+    with open(".deploy.stamp", "w") as file:
+        file.write(globalVar.stamp)
+def setup_parameters(parsed_args):
+    if globalVar.system_name == "Windows":
+        if parsed_args.mode:
+            if parsed_args.mode == "Beta":
+                globalVar.mode = "Beta"
+        if parsed_args.qtVersion:
+            globalVar.qt_version = parsed_args.qtVersion
+            qt_minor_ver = int(globalVar.qt_version.split('.')[1])
+            if qt_minor_ver < 14:
+                print(bcolors.WARNING + "Qt version not supported" + bcolors.ENDC)
+                sys.exit()
+            globalVar.qt_path = "C:\\Qt\\" + globalVar.qt_version + \
+                ("\\msvc2017_64" if qt_minor_ver < 15 else "\\msvc2019_64")
+        else:
+            globalVar.qt_path = "C:\\Qt\\5.15.0\\msvc2019_64"
+    else:
+        if parsed_args.qtPath:
+            globalVar.qt_path = parsed_args.qtPath
+        else:
+            globalVar.qt_version = execute_cmd('qmake -v', True)
+            globalVar.qt_version = globalVar.qt_version.split(
+                'Qt version')[1].split('in')[0].strip()
+            qt_minor_ver = int(globalVar.qt_version.split('.')[1])
+            if qt_minor_ver < 14:
+                print(bcolors.WARNING + "Qt version not supported" + bcolors.ENDC)
+                sys.exit()
+    if parsed_args.daemonPath:
+        globalVar.daemon_path = parsed_args.daemonPath
+    if parsed_args.lrcPath:
+        globalVar.lrc_path = parsed_args.lrcPath
+    if parsed_args.outputPath:
+        if not os.path.exists(parsed_args.outputPath):
+            os.makedirs(parsed_args.outputPath)
+        globalVar.output_path = parsed_args.outputPath
+    else:
+        if globalVar.system_name != "Windows":
+            globalVar.output_path = globalVar.client_dir + os.sep + 'build-local'
+        else:
+            globalVar.output_path = globalVar.client_dir + \
+                os.sep + "x64" + os.sep + globalVar.mode
+def copy_deployment_files():
+    # dependency bin files and misc
+    files_to_copy = [
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\avcodec-58.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\avutil-56.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path +
+        "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\avformat-58.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path +
+        "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\avdevice-58.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path +
+        "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\swresample-3.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\swscale-5.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\ffmpeg\\Build\\win32\\x64\\bin\\avfilter-7.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\openssl\\libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll",
+        globalVar.daemon_path + "\\contrib\\build\\openssl\\libssl-1_1-x64.dll",
+        globalVar.client_dir + "\\qt.conf",
+        globalVar.client_dir + "\\images\\jami.ico",
+        globalVar.client_dir + "\\License.rtf"
+    ]
+    for file in files_to_copy:
+        print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "Copying: " + file +
+              " -> " + globalVar.output_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+        if os.path.exists(file):
+            shutil.copy(file, globalVar.output_path)
+        else:
+            print(bcolors.FAIL + file + " does not exist" + bcolors.ENDC)
+            sys.exit()
+    # qt windeploy
+    win_deploy_qt = globalVar.qt_path + "\\bin\\windeployqt.exe --qmldir " + \
+        globalVar.client_dir + "\\src --release " + globalVar.output_path + "\\Jami.exe"
+    execute_cmd(win_deploy_qt)
+def copy_ringtones():
+    # ringtones
+    copy_to_path = globalVar.output_path + os.sep + "ringtones"
+    if not os.path.exists(copy_to_path):
+        os.makedirs(copy_to_path)
+    ringtone_path = globalVar.client_dir + "\\..\\daemon\\ringtones"
+    print(bcolors.OKCYAN + "Copying ringtones..." + bcolors.ENDC)
+    for _, _, files in os.walk(ringtone_path):
+        for file in files:
+            print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "Copying ringtone: " +
+                  file + " -> " + copy_to_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+            shutil.copy(ringtone_path + os.sep + file, copy_to_path)
+def release_and_copy_translations():
+    # translations
+    lrelease = 'lrelease'
+    if globalVar.qt_path:
+        lrelease = globalVar.qt_path + os.sep + 'bin' + os.sep + \
+            'lrelease' + ('.exe' if globalVar.system_name == "Windows" else '')
+    # lrc translations
+    lrc_ts_path = globalVar.lrc_path + os.sep + 'translations'
+    copy_to_path = globalVar.output_path + os.sep + 'share' + \
+        os.sep + 'libringclient' + os.sep + 'translations'
+    if not os.path.exists(copy_to_path):
+        os.makedirs(copy_to_path)
+    print(bcolors.OKCYAN + "Release lrc translations..." + bcolors.ENDC)
+    for _, _, files in os.walk(lrc_ts_path):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith(".ts"):
+                execute_cmd(lrelease + " " + lrc_ts_path + os.sep + file)
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith(".qm"):
+                print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "Copying translation file: " +
+                      file + " -> " + copy_to_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+                shutil.copy(lrc_ts_path + os.sep + file, copy_to_path)
+    # client translations
+    client_ts_path = globalVar.client_dir + os.sep + 'translations'
+    copy_to_path = globalVar.output_path + os.sep + \
+        'share' + os.sep + 'ring' + os.sep + 'translations'
+    if not os.path.exists(copy_to_path):
+        os.makedirs(copy_to_path)
+    print(bcolors.OKCYAN + "Release client translations..." + bcolors.ENDC)
+    for _, _, files in os.walk(client_ts_path):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith(".ts"):
+                execute_cmd(lrelease + " " +
+                            client_ts_path + os.sep + file)
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith(".qm"):
+                print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "Copying translation file: " +
+                      file + " -> " + copy_to_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+                shutil.copy(client_ts_path + os.sep + file, copy_to_path)
+def parse_args():
+    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Copy runtime files tool")
+    if globalVar.system_name != "Windows":
+        ap.add_argument(
+            '-q', '--qtPath', default='',
+            help='Qt path')
+    else:
+        ap.add_argument(
+            '-m', '--mode', default='',
+            help='Release or Beta mode')
+        ap.add_argument(
+            '-q', '--qtVersion', default='',
+            help='Qt version')
+    ap.add_argument(
+        '-d', '--daemonPath', default='',
+        help='Daemon path')
+    ap.add_argument(
+        '-l', '--lrcPath', default='',
+        help='Lrc path')
+    ap.add_argument(
+        '-o', '--outputPath', default='',
+        help='Output path')
+    parsed_args = ap.parse_args()
+    return parsed_args
+def main():
+    # check stamp
+    check_stamp()
+    # parse args
+    parsed_args = parse_args()
+    # set up global var
+    setup_parameters(parsed_args)
+    print(bcolors.OKCYAN + "****************************************" + bcolors.ENDC)
+    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "copying deployment files..." + bcolors.ENDC)
+    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "using daemonDir:    " +
+          globalVar.daemon_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "using lrcDir:       " +
+          globalVar.lrc_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+    if globalVar.qt_path:
+        print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "using QtDir:        " +
+              globalVar.qt_path + bcolors.ENDC)
+    else:
+        print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "using system Qt" + bcolors.ENDC)
+    if globalVar.system_name == "Windows":
+        print(bcolors.OKBLUE + globalVar.mode + " mode" + bcolors.ENDC)
+    print(bcolors.OKCYAN + "****************************************" + bcolors.ENDC)
+    # deployment
+    if globalVar.system_name == "Windows":
+        copy_deployment_files()
+        copy_ringtones()
+    # translations
+    release_and_copy_translations()
+    # write stamp
+    write_stamp()
+    print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "Copy completed" + bcolors.ENDC)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/jami-qt.pro b/jami-qt.pro
index 5fb17626e589110b8cbf9ca2d0abbcf488319c7c..57df532278f94b69c837ccc27824a8eba4f3cea2 100644
--- a/jami-qt.pro
+++ b/jami-qt.pro
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ win32-msvc {
     Release: RC_FILE = ico.rc
     # run the deployment script(run windeployqt)
-    QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File $$PWD/copy-runtime-files.ps1 -outDir $${DESTDIR})
+    QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(python .\copy-runtime-files.py -o $${DESTDIR})
 unix {
diff --git a/make-client.py b/make-client.py
index d27ee1d7e5cf327c7882225f65c36e9668c09611..d406351d50ee4049e3a32ae263be0e8e3eceed9b 100644
--- a/make-client.py
+++ b/make-client.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import platform
 import argparse
 import multiprocessing
 import fileinput
-import re
 from enum import Enum
 # vs help
@@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ def build(arch, toolset, sdk_version, config_str, project_path_under_current_pat
 def parse_args():
-    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Windows Jami-lrc build tool")
+    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Client qt build tool")
         '-b', '--build', action='store_true',
         help='Build Qt Client')