diff --git a/resources/icons/Preview_Black_24dp.svg b/resources/icons/Preview_Black_24dp.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f674ba26ca8a3884c8ded67041920e74280cfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/icons/Preview_Black_24dp.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+	 viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="enable-background:new 0 0 24 24;" xml:space="preserve">
+<g id="noun-overview-4287788" transform="translate(-112.49 -112.51)">
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+		c3.5,2.9,8.6,2.9,12.1,0l3.5,3.5L134.5,133.4z M123.8,131.6c-4.3,0-7.8-3.5-7.8-7.8s3.5-7.8,7.8-7.8c4.3,0,7.8,3.5,7.8,7.8l0,0
+		C131.6,128.2,128.1,131.6,123.8,131.6L123.8,131.6z"/>
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+		 M123.8,126.6c-2.6,0-4.8-1.3-4.8-2.8s2.2-2.8,4.8-2.8c2.6,0,4.8,1.3,4.8,2.8S126.5,126.6,123.8,126.6z"/>
+	<path id="Path_274" d="M126.1,123.9c0,1.3-1,2.3-2.3,2.3c-1.3,0-2.3-1-2.3-2.3c0-1.3,1-2.3,2.3-2.3
+		C125.1,121.6,126.1,122.6,126.1,123.9L126.1,123.9"/>
diff --git a/resources/icons/Shift-Enter_Black_24dp.svg b/resources/icons/Shift-Enter_Black_24dp.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c54a845d7e1cf71007f58489c42ae131a1f5b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/icons/Shift-Enter_Black_24dp.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 24.3.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
+<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
+	 viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="enable-background:new 0 0 24 24;" xml:space="preserve">
+<path d="M5.8,4.7h12.5c0.7,0,1.2,0.6,1.2,1.2v7.5c0,0.7-0.6,1.2-1.2,1.2h-12l2.9-2.9l-1.8-1.8l-5,5c-0.1,0.1-0.2,0.3-0.3,0.4
+	c-0.2,0.5-0.1,1,0.3,1.4l5,5L9.1,20l-2.9-2.9h12c2.1,0,3.7-1.7,3.7-3.7V5.9c0-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7H5.8V4.7z"/>
diff --git a/resources/icons/more_Menu_Black_24dp.svg b/resources/icons/more_Menu_Black_24dp.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02a4b156eadc18afd7a0c496c9c8f58643e7916f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/icons/more_Menu_Black_24dp.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 24.3.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
+<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
+	 viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="enable-background:new 0 0 24 24;" xml:space="preserve">
+<g id="noun-add-929469" transform="translate(-102.6 -102.6)">
+	<path id="Path_270" d="M107.5,107.5c-3.9,3.9-3.9,10.2,0,14.1c3.9,3.9,10.2,3.9,14.1,0c3.9-3.9,3.9-10.2,0-14.1
+		C117.8,103.6,111.4,103.6,107.5,107.5C107.5,107.5,107.5,107.5,107.5,107.5z M120.5,120.5c-3.3,3.3-8.5,3.3-11.8,0
+		c-3.3-3.3-3.3-8.5,0-11.8c3.3-3.3,8.5-3.3,11.8,0C123.7,112,123.7,117.2,120.5,120.5z"/>
+	<path id="Path_271" d="M114.6,109.8c-0.4,0-0.8,0.4-0.8,0.8c0,0,0,0,0,0v3.1h-3.1c-0.5,0-0.8,0.4-0.8,0.8c0,0.5,0.4,0.8,0.8,0.8
+		h3.1v3.1c0,0.4,0.4,0.8,0.8,0.8c0,0,0,0,0,0c0.5,0,0.8-0.4,0.8-0.8v-3.1h3.1c0.5,0,0.8-0.4,0.8-0.8c0-0.4-0.4-0.8-0.8-0.8
+		c0,0,0,0,0,0h-3.1v-3.1C115.4,110.2,115.1,109.8,114.6,109.8C114.6,109.8,114.6,109.8,114.6,109.8z"/>
diff --git a/src/app/appsettingsmanager.h b/src/app/appsettingsmanager.h
index eba192e38f3cbc9426647e3364019ccc876abc07..7397df79451f73495a7ffbdc7dfa4b89e11e9a47 100644
--- a/src/app/appsettingsmanager.h
+++ b/src/app/appsettingsmanager.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ extern const QString defaultDownloadPath;
     X(PositionShareLimit, true) \
     X(FlipSelf, true) \
     X(ShowMardownOption, false) \
+    X(ChatViewEnterIsNewLine, false) \
     X(ShowSendOption, false)
diff --git a/src/app/commoncomponents/MarkdownPopup.qml b/src/app/commoncomponents/MarkdownPopup.qml
index 67c7273717bb6bda55d1cc310d24f52fe88350b5..2411fc1b383f6ab24e6d01533ba1e71420911bbf 100644
--- a/src/app/commoncomponents/MarkdownPopup.qml
+++ b/src/app/commoncomponents/MarkdownPopup.qml
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Popup {
             focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus
             normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
+            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor
             hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
             pressedColor: hoveredColor
diff --git a/src/app/commoncomponents/SharePopup.qml b/src/app/commoncomponents/SharePopup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2dfe05f80531e6e37a89d0cd0666189bdb6ffca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/commoncomponents/SharePopup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import Qt.labs.platform
+import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
+import net.jami.Models 1.1
+import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
+import net.jami.Constants 1.1
+import "../mainview/components"
+Popup {
+    id: root
+    padding: 0
+    property list<Action> menuMoreButton
+    height: childrenRect.height
+    width: childrenRect.width
+    focus: true
+    closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
+    Rectangle {
+        id: rect
+        color: JamiTheme.primaryBackgroundColor
+        border.color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRectangleBorderColor
+        border.width: 2
+        radius: 5
+        height: listViewMoreButton.childrenRect.height + 16
+        width: listViewMoreButton.childrenRect.width + 16
+        ListView {
+            id: listViewMoreButton
+            anchors.centerIn: parent
+            orientation: ListView.Vertical
+            spacing: 5
+            width: contentItem.childrenRect.width
+            height: contentHeight
+            model: menuMoreButton
+            Rectangle {
+                z: -1
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                color: "transparent"
+            }
+            delegate: ItemDelegate {
+                width: control.width
+                height: control.height
+                AbstractButton {
+                    id: control
+                    anchors.centerIn: parent
+                    height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize + 10
+                    text: modelData.toolTip
+                    contentItem: RowLayout {
+                        Rectangle {
+                            id: image
+                            width: 26
+                            height: 26
+                            radius: 5
+                            color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                            ResponsiveImage {
+                                anchors.fill: parent
+                                source: modelData.iconSrc
+                                color: control.hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Text {
+                            text: control.text
+                            color: control.hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : "#7f7f7f"
+                        }
+                    }
+                    background: Rectangle {
+                        color: control.hovered ? JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                    }
+                    action: modelData
+                    onClicked: {
+                        root.close();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    background: Rectangle {
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+        radius: 5
+        z: -1
+    }
+    enter: Transition {
+        NumberAnimation {
+            properties: "opacity"
+            from: 0.0
+            to: 1.0
+            duration: JamiTheme.shortFadeDuration
+        }
+    }
+    exit: Transition {
+        NumberAnimation {
+            properties: "opacity"
+            from: 1.0
+            to: 0.0
+            duration: JamiTheme.shortFadeDuration
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
index 251adc7b02dfe806dcd940a5f0d80b5a7bacb18e..5ca12f223d6c761bfb61e48651f2c8c2eb7a39a7 100644
--- a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
+++ b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
@@ -790,8 +790,8 @@ Item {
     property string addEmoji: qsTr("Add emoji")
     property string moreEmojis: qsTr("more emojis")
     property string sendFile: qsTr("Send file")
-    property string leaveAudioMessage: qsTr("Leave audio message")
-    property string leaveVideoMessage: qsTr("Leave video message")
+    property string leaveAudioMessage: qsTr("Audio message")
+    property string leaveVideoMessage: qsTr("Video message")
     property string showMore: qsTr("Show more")
     property string showLess: qsTr("Show less")
@@ -806,7 +806,8 @@ Item {
     property string orderedList: qsTr("Ordered list")
     property string showFormating: qsTr("Show Formating")
     property string hideFormating: qsTr("Hide Formating")
+    property string shiftEnterNewLine: qsTr("Press Shift+Enter to insert a new line")
+    property string enterNewLine: qsTr("Press Enter to insert a new line")
     property string send: qsTr("Send")
     property string remove: qsTr("Remove")
     property string replyTo: qsTr("Reply to")
diff --git a/src/app/constant/JamiTheme.qml b/src/app/constant/JamiTheme.qml
index 2974c9918539fb295ecabd23411e2b85d4a2b566..d0b082eb2546f4d0241a6512c75d6a2a6d651386 100644
--- a/src/app/constant/JamiTheme.qml
+++ b/src/app/constant/JamiTheme.qml
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ Item {
     property color fileInTimestampColor: darkTheme ? "#999" : "#555"
     property color chatviewBgColor: darkTheme ? bgDarkMode_ : whiteColor
     property color bgInvitationRectColor: darkTheme ? "#222222" : whiteColor
+    property color messageBarPlaceholderTextColor: darkTheme ? "#909090" : "#7e7e7e"
     property color placeholderTextColor: darkTheme ? "#7a7a7a" : "black" //Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
     property color placeholderTextColorWhite: "#cccccc"
     property color inviteHoverColor: darkTheme ? blackColor : whiteColor
@@ -233,11 +234,14 @@ Item {
     // ChatView Footer
     property color chatViewFooterListColor: darkTheme ? blackColor : "#E5E5E5"
-    property color chatViewFooterImgColor: darkTheme ? whiteColor : blackColor
-    property color showMoreButtonOpenColor: darkTheme ? "#123F4A" : "#CCCCCC"
+    property color chatViewFooterImgHoverColor: darkTheme ? whiteColor : blackColor
+    property color chatViewFooterImgColor: darkTheme ? "#909090" : "#7e7e7e"
+    property color chatViewFooterImgDisableColor: darkTheme ? "#4d4d4d" : "#cbcbcb"
+    property color showMoreButtonOpenColor: darkTheme ? "#4d4d4d" : "#e5e5e5"
     property color chatViewFooterSeparateLineColor: darkTheme ? "#5c5c5c" : "#929292"
     property color chatViewFooterSendButtonColor: darkTheme ? "#03B9E9" : "#005699"
     property color chatViewFooterSendButtonImgColor: darkTheme ? blackColor : whiteColor
+    property color chatViewFooterRectangleBorderColor: darkTheme ? "#4d4d4d" : "#e5e5e5"
     // ChatView Header
     property real chatViewHeaderButtonRadius: 5
@@ -299,7 +303,7 @@ Item {
     // Sizes
     property real mainViewLeftPaneMinWidth: 300
-    property real mainViewPaneMinWidth: 430
+    property real mainViewPaneMinWidth: 490
     property real qrCodeImageSize: 256
     property real splitViewHandlePreferredWidth: 4
     property real indicatorFontSize: calcSize(6)
@@ -433,14 +437,14 @@ Item {
     property real chatViewHairLineSize: 1
     property real chatViewMaximumWidth: 900
     property real chatViewHeaderPreferredHeight: 64
-    property real chatViewFooterPreferredHeight: 50
-    property real chatViewFooterMaximumHeight: 280
+    property real chatViewFooterPreferredHeight: 35
+    property real chatViewFooterMaximumHeight: 315
     property real chatViewFooterRowSpacing: 4
     property real chatViewFooterButtonSize: 36
     property real chatViewFooterRealButtonSize: 26
     property real chatViewFooterButtonIconSize: 48
     property real chatViewFooterButtonRadius: 5
-    property real chatViewFooterTextAreaMaximumHeight: 130
+    property real chatViewFooterTextAreaMaximumHeight: 260
     property real chatViewScrollToBottomButtonBottomMargin: 8
     property real usernameBlockFontSize: calcSize(12)
@@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ Item {
     property int keyboardShortcutDelegateSize: 50
     // Main application spec
-    property real mainViewMinWidth: 430
+    property real mainViewMinWidth: 490
     property real mainViewMinHeight: 500
     property real wizardViewMinWidth: 500
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatView.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatView.qml
index 3005fca04d2206f388c38dcd9288905146947069..57422b0c345d3ab708518b66dca8f8d1a20b98b2 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatView.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatView.qml
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ Rectangle {
                     currentIndex: CurrentConversation.isRequest || CurrentConversation.needsSyncing
                     Loader {
+                        id: loader
                         active: CurrentConversation.id !== ""
                         sourceComponent: MessageListView {
                             DropArea {
@@ -302,6 +303,10 @@ Rectangle {
                         return CurrentConversation.isSwarm || CurrentConversation.isTemporary;
+                    onHeightChanged: {
+                        Qt.callLater(loader.item.scrollToBottom);
+                    }
                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
                     Layout.fillWidth: true
                     Layout.preferredHeight: implicitHeight
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewFooter.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewFooter.qml
index f388fd6fd0142bdb3cb039fdd4ac1b2a80be9ad0..8fe83bd33e20b6f7b5ba39e751ee93fc615b6368 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewFooter.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewFooter.qml
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ import "../../commoncomponents"
 Rectangle {
     id: root
     property alias textInput: messageBar.textAreaObj
     property string previousConvId
     property string previousAccountId
+    property bool showTypo: messageBar.showTypo
     function setFilePathsToSend(filePaths) {
         for (var index = 0; index < filePaths.length; ++index) {
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ Rectangle {
     ColumnLayout {
         id: footerColumnLayout
         anchors.centerIn: root
         width: root.width
@@ -130,6 +129,8 @@ Rectangle {
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
             Layout.preferredWidth: footerColumnLayout.width
+            Layout.preferredHeight: height
             property var emojiPicker
             Connections {
@@ -156,11 +157,7 @@ Rectangle {
             function setXposition() {
-                if (UtilsAdapter.isRTL) {
-                    return messageBar.width - JamiTheme.emojiPickerWidth;
-                } else {
-                    return 0;
-                }
+                return messageBar.width - JamiTheme.emojiPickerWidth;
             function setYposition() {
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
index 79b6bc7db87c48e704451acdcc419dd8ebd56c02..dbf46c8c09f8f745b6fb62525e935a0e059cef13 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
@@ -93,9 +93,6 @@ Rectangle {
             source: JamiResources.back_24dp_svg
             toolTipText: CurrentConversation.inCall ? JamiStrings.backCall : JamiStrings.hideChat
-            normalColor: JamiTheme.chatviewBgColor
-            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor
             onClicked: root.backClicked()
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/JamiPushButton.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/JamiPushButton.qml
index 9cb2929f6621b3fd32fe52ef3fa5409d5ee2b1d7..80e111310f303e49b5b9d5e82395140592236ac9 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/JamiPushButton.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/JamiPushButton.qml
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ PushButton {
     radius: JamiTheme.chatViewHeaderButtonRadius
     normalColor: JamiTheme.chatviewBgColor
-    imageColor: JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor
+    imageColor: hovered ? JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBar.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBar.qml
index 117f6552259c36c46783effecc3811620117d17c..5ca657a2ada42ccb2bbea9c1a9ab252a376b1f51 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBar.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBar.qml
@@ -25,9 +25,14 @@ import net.jami.Enums 1.1
 import net.jami.Constants 1.1
 import "../../commoncomponents"
-ColumnLayout {
+Rectangle {
     id: root
+    Layout.fillWidth: true
+    Layout.leftMargin: marginSize
+    Layout.rightMargin: marginSize
+    Layout.bottomMargin: marginSize
     property alias text: textArea.text
     property var textAreaObj: textArea
     property real marginSize: JamiTheme.messageBarMarginSize
@@ -35,10 +40,15 @@ ColumnLayout {
     property bool animate: false
     property bool showDefault: !UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowSendOption)
     property bool showTypo: UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowMardownOption)
+    property bool chatViewEnterIsNewLine: UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.Key.ChatViewEnterIsNewLine)
     property bool showTypoSecond: false
+    property bool showPreview: false
+    property bool multiLine: textArea.tooMuch
     property int messageBarLayoutMaximumWidth: 486
+    readonly property bool isFullScreen: visibility === Window.FullScreen
     signal sendMessageButtonClicked
     signal sendFileButtonClicked
     signal audioRecordMessageButtonClicked
@@ -46,509 +56,812 @@ ColumnLayout {
     signal showMapClicked
     signal emojiButtonClicked
-    spacing: 5
+    color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+    height: showTypo || multiLine ? textArea.height + 25 + 3 * marginSize : textArea.height + marginSize
-    Rectangle {
-        id: messageBarHairLine
+    ComboBox {
+        id: showMoreButton
+        width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignHCenter
-        Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.chatViewHairLineSize
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        color: JamiTheme.tabbarBorderColor
-    }
+        anchors.leftMargin: marginSize
+        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+        anchors.bottomMargin: marginSize / 2
-    MessageBarTextArea {
-        id: textArea
-        objectName: "messageBarTextArea"
-        // forward activeFocus to the actual text area object
-        onActiveFocusChanged: {
-            if (activeFocus)
-                textAreaObj.forceActiveFocus();
+        background: Rectangle {
+            implicitWidth: showMoreButton.width
+            implicitHeight: showMoreButton.height
+            radius: 5
+            color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
-        placeholderText: JamiStrings.writeTo.arg(CurrentConversation.title)
+        MaterialToolTip {
+            id: toolTipMoreButton
-        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        Layout.leftMargin: marginSize / 2
-        Layout.rightMargin: marginSize / 2
-        Layout.preferredHeight: {
-            return JamiTheme.chatViewFooterPreferredHeight > contentHeight ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterPreferredHeight : contentHeight;
-        }
-        Layout.maximumHeight: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterTextAreaMaximumHeight - marginSize / 2
-        onSendMessagesRequired: root.sendMessageButtonClicked()
-        onTextChanged: MessagesAdapter.userIsComposing(text ? true : false)
-        property var markdownShortCut: {
-            "Bold": function () {
-                listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(0).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Italic": function () {
-                listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(1).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Barre": function () {
-                listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(2).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Heading": function () {
-                listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(3).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Link": function () {
-                listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(0).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Code": function () {
-                listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(1).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Quote": function () {
-                listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(2).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Unordered list": function () {
-                listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(3).action.triggered();
-            },
-            "Ordered list": function () {
-                listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(4).action.triggered();
-            }
+            parent: showMoreButton
+            visible: showMoreButton.hovered && (text.length > 0)
+            delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
+            text: JamiStrings.showMore
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Ctrl+B"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Bold"]()
-        }
+        indicator: ResponsiveImage {
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Ctrl+I"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Italic"]()
-        }
+            width: 25
+            height: 25
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Shift+Alt+X"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Barre"]()
-        }
+            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+H"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Heading"]()
-        }
+            source: JamiResources.more_menu_black_24dp_svg
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+K"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Link"]()
+            color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+C"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Code"]()
+        onHoveredChanged: {
+            if (!sharePopup.opened) {
+                showMoreButton.indicator.color = hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor;
+                showMoreButton.background.color = hovered ? JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor;
+            }
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Shift+Alt+9"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Quote"]()
-        }
+        popup: SharePopup {
+            id: sharePopup
+            y: -150
+            x: -20
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Shift+Alt+8"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Unordered list"]()
+            menuMoreButton: listViewMoreButton.menuMoreButton
+    }
-        Shortcut {
-            sequence: "Shift+Alt+7"
-            context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
-            onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Ordered list"]()
+    Connections {
+        target: sharePopup
+        function onOpenedChanged() {
+            showMoreButton.indicator.color = (showMoreButton.parent && showMoreButton.parent.hovered) || (sharePopup != null && sharePopup.opened) ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor;
+            showMoreButton.background.color = (showMoreButton.parent && showMoreButton.parent.hovered) || sharePopup.opened ? JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor;
-    Item {
-        id: messageBar
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-        Layout.leftMargin: marginSize
-        Layout.bottomMargin: marginSize
+    Rectangle {
+        id: rectangle
+        anchors.top: parent.top
+        anchors.left: showMoreButton.right
+        anchors.right: sendButtonRow.left
+        anchors.rightMargin: marginSize
+        anchors.leftMargin: marginSize
+        radius: 5
+        color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+        border.color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRectangleBorderColor
+        border.width: 2
         onWidthChanged: {
-            if (width < messageBarRowLayout.width + sendButtonRow.width + 2 * JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize) {
+            height = Qt.binding(() => root.height);
+            if (width < 468) {
                 showTypoSecond = false;
             } else {
-                if (width > 2 * messageBarRowLayout.width) {
+                if (width >= 468) {
                     showTypoSecond = true;
-        RowLayout {
-            id: messageBarRowLayout
+        GridLayout {
+            id: rowLayout
-            spacing: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRowSpacing
-            anchors.left: parent.left
+            columns: 2
+            rows: 2
+            columnSpacing: 0
+            rowSpacing: 0
-            Row {
+            anchors.fill: parent
-                PushButton {
-                    id: typoButton
+            MessageBarTextArea {
+                id: textArea
-                    preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                    imageContainerWidth: 24
-                    imageContainerHeight: 24
+                objectName: "messageBarTextArea"
+                maxWidth: rectangle.width - messageBarRowLayout.width - 31
-                    radius: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonRadius
+                enabled: !showPreview
-                    toolTipText: showTypo ? JamiStrings.hideFormating : JamiStrings.showFormating
-                    source: JamiResources.text_edit_black_24dp_svg
+                Layout.row: showTypo || multiLine ? 0 : 1
+                Layout.column: showTypo || multiLine ? 0 : 0
+                Layout.columnSpan: showTypo || multiLine ? 2 : 1
-                    normalColor: !showTypo ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor : JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                    imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                    pressedColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                    hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
+                // forward activeFocus to the actual text area object
+                onActiveFocusChanged: {
+                    if (activeFocus)
+                        textAreaObj.forceActiveFocus();
+                }
-                    onClicked: {
-                        showTypo = !showTypo;
-                        if (messageBar.width < messageBarLayoutMaximumWidth + sendButtonRow.width + 2 * JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize)
-                            showTypoSecond = false;
-                        if (!showDefault)
-                            showDefault = true;
-                        UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowMardownOption, showTypo);
-                        UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowSendOption, !showDefault);
+                placeholderText: JamiStrings.writeTo.arg(CurrentConversation.title)
+                Layout.alignment: showTypo ? Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom : Qt.AlignBottom
+                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                Layout.leftMargin: marginSize / 2
+                Layout.topMargin: marginSize / 2
+                Layout.bottomMargin: marginSize / 2
+                Layout.rightMargin: marginSize / 2
+                Layout.preferredHeight: {
+                    JamiTheme.chatViewFooterPreferredHeight > contentHeight ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterPreferredHeight : contentHeight;
+                }
+                Layout.maximumHeight: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterTextAreaMaximumHeight - marginSize / 2
+                onSendMessagesRequired: sendMessageButtonClicked()
+                onTextChanged: MessagesAdapter.userIsComposing(text ? true : false)
+                property var markdownShortCut: {
+                    "Bold": function () {
+                        listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(0).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Italic": function () {
+                        listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(1).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Barre": function () {
+                        listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(2).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Heading": function () {
+                        listViewTypoFirst.itemAtIndex(3).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Link": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(0).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Code": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(1).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Quote": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(2).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Unordered list": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(3).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Ordered list": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(4).action.triggered();
+                    },
+                    "Enter is new line": function () {
+                        listViewTypoSecond.itemAtIndex(5).action.triggered();
+                }
-                    Rectangle {
-                        visible: showTypo
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Ctrl+B"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Bold"]()
+                }
-                        anchors.fill: parent
-                        anchors.leftMargin: 3
-                        anchors.rightMargin: -5
-                        color: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                        z: -2
-                    }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Ctrl+I"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Italic"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Shift+Alt+X"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Barre"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+H"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Heading"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+K"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Link"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+C"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Code"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Shift+Alt+9"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Quote"]()
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Shift+Alt+8"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Unordered list"]()
+                }
+                Shortcut {
+                    sequence: "Shift+Alt+7"
+                    context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
+                    onActivated: textArea.markdownShortCut["Ordered list"]()
+                }
+            }
+            Row {
+                id: messageBarRowLayout
+                Layout.row: showTypo || multiLine ? 1 : 1
+                Layout.column: showTypo || multiLine ? 0 : 1
+                Layout.alignment: showTypo || multiLine ? Qt.AlignRight : Qt.AlignBottom
+                Layout.columnSpan: showTypo || multiLine ? 2 : 1
+                Layout.topMargin: marginSize / 2
+                Layout.rightMargin: marginSize / 2
                 Row {
-                    id: listViewTypo
-                    height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                    function addStyle(text, start, end, char1, char2) {
-                        // get the selected text with markdown effect
-                        var selectedText = text.substring(start - char1.length, end + char2.length);
-                        if (selectedText.startsWith(char1) && selectedText.endsWith(char2)) {
-                            // If the selected text is already formatted with the given characters, remove them
-                            selectedText = text.substring(start, end);
-                            root.text = text.substring(0, start - char1.length) + selectedText + text.substring(end + char2.length);
-                            textArea.selectText(start - char1.length, end - char1.length);
-                        } else {
-                            // Otherwise, add the formatting characters to the selected text
-                            root.text = text.substring(0, start) + char1 + text.substring(start, end) + char2 + text.substring(end);
-                            textArea.selectText(start + char1.length, end + char1.length);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    function addPrefixStyle(message, selectionStart, selectionEnd, delimiter, isOrderedList) {
+                    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                    anchors.bottomMargin: marginSize / 2
-                        //represents all the selected lines
-                        var multilineSelection;
-                        var newPrefix;
-                        var newSuffix;
-                        var newStartPos;
-                        var newEndPos;
-                        function nextIndexOf(text, char1, startPos) {
-                            return text.indexOf(char1, startPos + 1);
-                        }
+                    Row {
+                        id: listViewTypo
+                        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        //get the previous index of the multilineSelection text
-                        if (message[selectionStart] === "\n")
-                            newStartPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1);
-                        else
-                            newStartPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart);
-                        //get the next index of the multilineSelection text
-                        if (message[selectionEnd] === "\n" || message[selectionEnd] === undefined)
-                            newEndPos = selectionEnd;
-                        else
-                            newEndPos = nextIndexOf(message, "\n", selectionEnd);
-                        //if the text is empty
-                        if (newStartPos === -1)
-                            newStartPos = 0;
-                        newPrefix = message.slice(0, newStartPos);
-                        multilineSelection = message.slice(newStartPos, newEndPos);
-                        newSuffix = message.slice(newEndPos);
-                        var isFirstLineSelected = !multilineSelection.startsWith('\n') || newPrefix === "";
-                        var getDelimiter_counter = 1;
-                        function getDelimiter() {
-                            return `${getDelimiter_counter++}. `;
-                        }
-                        function getHasCurrentMarkdown() {
-                            const linesQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
-                            const newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(new RegExp(`\n${delimiter}`, 'g')) || []).length;
-                            if (newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity === linesQuantity && !isFirstLineSelected)
-                                return true;
-                            return linesQuantity === newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity && multilineSelection.startsWith(delimiter);
-                        }
-                        function getHasCurrentMarkdownBullet() {
-                            const linesQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
-                            const newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n\d+\. /g) || []).length;
-                            if (newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity === linesQuantity && !isFirstLineSelected)
-                                return true;
-                            return linesQuantity === newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity && (/^\d\. /).test(multilineSelection);
-                        }
-                        var newValue;
-                        var newStart;
-                        var newEnd;
-                        var count;
-                        var startPos;
-                        var multilineSelectionLength;
-                        if (!isOrderedList) {
-                            if (getHasCurrentMarkdown()) {
-                                // clear first line from delimiter
-                                if (isFirstLineSelected)
-                                    multilineSelection = multilineSelection.slice(delimiter.length);
-                                newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection.replace(new RegExp(`\n${delimiter}`, 'g'), '\n') + newSuffix;
-                                count = 0;
-                                if (isFirstLineSelected)
-                                    count++;
-                                count += (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
-                                newStart = Math.max(selectionStart - delimiter.length, 0);
-                                newEnd = Math.max(selectionEnd - (delimiter.length * count), 0);
+                        function addStyle(text, start, end, char1, char2) {
+                            // get the selected text with markdown effect
+                            var selectedText = text.substring(start - char1.length, end + char2.length);
+                            if (selectedText.startsWith(char1) && selectedText.endsWith(char2)) {
+                                // If the selected text is already formatted with the given characters, remove them
+                                selectedText = text.substring(start, end);
+                                root.text = text.substring(0, start - char1.length) + selectedText + text.substring(end + char2.length);
+                                textArea.selectText(start - char1.length, end - char1.length);
                             } else {
-                                newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection.replace(/\n/g, `\n${delimiter}`) + newSuffix;
-                                count = 0;
-                                if (isFirstLineSelected) {
-                                    newValue = delimiter + newValue;
-                                    count++;
-                                }
-                                count += (multilineSelection.match(new RegExp('\\n', 'g')) || []).length;
-                                newStart = selectionStart + delimiter.length;
-                                newEnd = selectionEnd + (delimiter.length * count);
+                                // Otherwise, add the formatting characters to the selected text
+                                root.text = text.substring(0, start) + char1 + text.substring(start, end) + char2 + text.substring(end);
+                                textArea.selectText(start + char1.length, end + char1.length);
-                        } else if (getHasCurrentMarkdownBullet()) {
+                        }
+                        function addPrefixStyle(message, selectionStart, selectionEnd, delimiter, isOrderedList) {
+                            //represents all the selected lines
+                            var multilineSelection;
+                            var newPrefix;
+                            var newSuffix;
+                            var newStartPos;
+                            var newEndPos;
+                            function nextIndexOf(text, char1, startPos) {
+                                return text.indexOf(char1, startPos + 1);
+                            }
+                            //get the previous index of the multilineSelection text
                             if (message[selectionStart] === "\n")
-                                startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1) + 1;
+                                newStartPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1);
-                                startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart) + 1;
-                            newStart = startPos;
-                            multilineSelection = multilineSelection.replace(/^\d+\.\s/gm, '');
-                            newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection + newSuffix;
-                            multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length;
-                            //if the first line is not selected, we need to remove the first "\n" of multilineSelection
-                            if (newStart)
-                                multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length - 1;
-                            newEnd = Math.max(newStart + multilineSelectionLength, 0);
-                        } else {
-                            if (message[selectionStart] === "\n")
-                                startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1) + 1;
+                                newStartPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart);
+                            //get the next index of the multilineSelection text
+                            if (message[selectionEnd] === "\n" || message[selectionEnd] === undefined)
+                                newEndPos = selectionEnd;
-                                startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart) + 1;
-                            newStart = startPos;
-                            // if no text is selected
-                            if (selectionStart === selectionEnd)
-                                newStart = newStart + 3;
-                            if (isFirstLineSelected)
-                                multilineSelection = getDelimiter() + multilineSelection;
-                            const selectionArr = Array.from(multilineSelection);
-                            for (var i = 0; i < selectionArr.length; i++) {
-                                if (selectionArr[i] === '\n')
-                                    selectionArr[i] = `\n${getDelimiter()}`;
+                                newEndPos = nextIndexOf(message, "\n", selectionEnd);
+                            //if the text is empty
+                            if (newStartPos === -1)
+                                newStartPos = 0;
+                            newPrefix = message.slice(0, newStartPos);
+                            multilineSelection = message.slice(newStartPos, newEndPos);
+                            newSuffix = message.slice(newEndPos);
+                            var isFirstLineSelected = !multilineSelection.startsWith('\n') || newPrefix === "";
+                            var getDelimiter_counter = 1;
+                            function getDelimiter() {
+                                return `${getDelimiter_counter++}. `;
-                            multilineSelection = selectionArr.join('');
-                            newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection + newSuffix;
-                            multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length;
-                            //if the first line is not selected, we meed to remove the first "\n" of multilineSelection
-                            if (startPos)
-                                multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length - 1;
-                            newEnd = Math.max(startPos + multilineSelectionLength, 0);
+                            function getHasCurrentMarkdown() {
+                                const linesQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
+                                const newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(new RegExp(`\n${delimiter}`, 'g')) || []).length;
+                                if (newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity === linesQuantity && !isFirstLineSelected)
+                                    return true;
+                                return linesQuantity === newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity && multilineSelection.startsWith(delimiter);
+                            }
+                            function getHasCurrentMarkdownBullet() {
+                                const linesQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
+                                const newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity = (multilineSelection.match(/\n\d+\. /g) || []).length;
+                                if (newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity === linesQuantity && !isFirstLineSelected)
+                                    return true;
+                                return linesQuantity === newLinesWithDelimitersQuantity && (/^\d\. /).test(multilineSelection);
+                            }
+                            var newValue;
+                            var newStart;
+                            var newEnd;
+                            var count;
+                            var startPos;
+                            var multilineSelectionLength;
+                            if (!isOrderedList) {
+                                if (getHasCurrentMarkdown()) {
+                                    // clear first line from delimiter
+                                    if (isFirstLineSelected)
+                                        multilineSelection = multilineSelection.slice(delimiter.length);
+                                    newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection.replace(new RegExp(`\n${delimiter}`, 'g'), '\n') + newSuffix;
+                                    count = 0;
+                                    if (isFirstLineSelected)
+                                        count++;
+                                    count += (multilineSelection.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
+                                    newStart = Math.max(selectionStart - delimiter.length, 0);
+                                    newEnd = Math.max(selectionEnd - (delimiter.length * count), 0);
+                                } else {
+                                    newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection.replace(/\n/g, `\n${delimiter}`) + newSuffix;
+                                    count = 0;
+                                    if (isFirstLineSelected) {
+                                        newValue = delimiter + newValue;
+                                        count++;
+                                    }
+                                    count += (multilineSelection.match(new RegExp('\\n', 'g')) || []).length;
+                                    newStart = selectionStart + delimiter.length;
+                                    newEnd = selectionEnd + (delimiter.length * count);
+                                }
+                            } else if (getHasCurrentMarkdownBullet()) {
+                                if (message[selectionStart] === "\n")
+                                    startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1) + 1;
+                                else
+                                    startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart) + 1;
+                                newStart = startPos;
+                                multilineSelection = multilineSelection.replace(/^\d+\.\s/gm, '');
+                                newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection + newSuffix;
+                                multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length;
+                                //if the first line is not selected, we need to remove the first "\n" of multilineSelection
+                                if (newStart)
+                                    multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length - 1;
+                                newEnd = Math.max(newStart + multilineSelectionLength, 0);
+                            } else {
+                                if (message[selectionStart] === "\n")
+                                    startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart - 1) + 1;
+                                else
+                                    startPos = message.lastIndexOf('\n', selectionStart) + 1;
+                                newStart = startPos;
+                                // if no text is selected
+                                if (selectionStart === selectionEnd)
+                                    newStart = newStart + 3;
+                                if (isFirstLineSelected)
+                                    multilineSelection = getDelimiter() + multilineSelection;
+                                const selectionArr = Array.from(multilineSelection);
+                                for (var i = 0; i < selectionArr.length; i++) {
+                                    if (selectionArr[i] === '\n')
+                                        selectionArr[i] = `\n${getDelimiter()}`;
+                                }
+                                multilineSelection = selectionArr.join('');
+                                newValue = newPrefix + multilineSelection + newSuffix;
+                                multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length;
+                                //if the first line is not selected, we meed to remove the first "\n" of multilineSelection
+                                if (startPos)
+                                    multilineSelectionLength = multilineSelection.length - 1;
+                                newEnd = Math.max(startPos + multilineSelectionLength, 0);
+                            }
+                            root.text = newValue;
+                            textArea.selectText(newStart, newEnd);
-                        root.text = newValue;
-                        textArea.selectText(newStart, newEnd);
-                    }
-                    ListView {
-                        id: listViewTypoFirst
+                        ListView {
+                            id: listViewTypoFirst
-                        objectName: "listViewTypoFirst"
+                            objectName: "listViewTypoFirst"
-                        visible: width > 0
-                        width: showTypo ? contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin : 0
+                            visible: width > 0
+                            width: showTypo ? contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin : 0
-                        Behavior on width {
-                            NumberAnimation {
-                                duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
+                            Behavior on width  {
+                                NumberAnimation {
+                                    duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
+                                }
+                            }
+                            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            orientation: ListView.Horizontal
+                            interactive: false
+                            leftMargin: 5
+                            rightMargin: 5
+                            spacing: 5
+                            property list<Action> menuTypoActionsFirst: [
+                                Action {
+                                    id: boldAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bold_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.bold
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+B"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "**", "**");
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: italicAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.italic_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.italic
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+I"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "*", "*");
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: strikethroughAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.s_barre_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.strikethrough
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+X"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "~~", "~~");
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: titleAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.title_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.title
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+H"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "### ", false);
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: linkAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.link_web_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.link
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+K"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "[", "](url)");
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: codeAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.code_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.code
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+C"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "```", "```");
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            ]
+                            model: menuTypoActionsFirst
+                            delegate: PushButton {
+                                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                                preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
+                                imageContainerWidth: 15
+                                imageContainerHeight: 15
+                                radius: 5
+                                hoverEnabled: !showPreview
+                                enabled: !showPreview
+                                toolTipText: modelData.shortcutText
+                                shortcutKey: modelData.shortcutKey
+                                hasShortcut: true
+                                source: modelData.iconSrc
+                                focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus
+                                normalColor: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                                imageColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : (hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor)
+                                hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
+                                pressedColor: hoveredColor
+                                action: modelData
-                        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        orientation: ListView.Horizontal
-                        interactive: false
-                        leftMargin: 10
-                        rightMargin: 10
-                        spacing: 10
+                        Rectangle {
+                            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                            visible: width > 0
+                            width: showTypo && showTypoSecond ? 2 : 0
+                            /*Behavior on width  {
+                                NumberAnimation {
+                                    duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
+                                }
+                            }*/
+                            Rectangle {
+                                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                                width: 2
+                                height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize / 2
+                                color: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSeparateLineColor
+                            }
+                        }
                         Rectangle {
-                            anchors.fill: parent
-                            color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
                             z: -1
-                        }
+                            radius: 0
+                            color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                            width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        property list<Action> menuTypoActionsFirst: [
-                            Action {
-                                id: boldAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bold_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.bold
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+B"
+                            visible: showTypo && !showTypoSecond
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "**", "**");
+                            ComboBox {
+                                id: showMoreTypoButton
+                                width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
+                                height: width
+                                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                                enabled: !showPreview
+                                hoverEnabled: !showPreview
+                                MaterialToolTip {
+                                    id: toolTip
+                                    parent: showMoreTypoButton
+                                    visible: showMoreTypoButton.hovered && (text.length > 0)
+                                    delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
+                                    text: JamiStrings.showMore
-                            },
-                            Action {
-                                id: italicAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.italic_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.italic
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+I"
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "*", "*");
+                                background: Rectangle {
+                                    implicitWidth: showMoreTypoButton.width
+                                    implicitHeight: showMoreTypoButton.height
+                                    radius: 5
+                                    color: showPreview ? JamiTheme.transparentColor : (parent && parent.hovered ? JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor)
-                            },
-                            Action {
-                                id: strikethroughAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.s_barre_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.strikethrough
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+X"
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "~~", "~~");
+                                indicator: ResponsiveImage {
+                                    containerHeight: 20
+                                    containerWidth: 20
+                                    width: 18
+                                    height: 18
+                                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+                                    source: JamiResources.more_vert_24dp_svg
+                                    color: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : (parent && parent.hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor)
-                            },
-                            Action {
-                                id: titleAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.title_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.title
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+H"
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "### ", false);
+                                popup: MarkdownPopup {
+                                    y: 1.5 * parent.height
+                                    x: -parent.width * 2
+                                    width: 155
+                                    height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                                    menuTypoActionsSecond: listViewTypoSecond.menuTypoActionsSecond
-                        ]
+                        }
-                        model: menuTypoActionsFirst
+                        ListView {
+                            id: listViewTypoSecond
+                            visible: width > 0
+                            width: showTypo && showTypoSecond ? contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin : 0
+                            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            orientation: ListView.Horizontal
+                            interactive: false
+                            leftMargin: 10
+                            rightMargin: 10
+                            spacing: 10
+                            Rectangle {
+                                anchors.fill: parent
+                                color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                                z: -1
+                            }
-                        delegate: PushButton {
-                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                            property list<Action> menuTypoActionsSecond: [
+                                Action {
+                                    id: quoteAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.quote_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.quote
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+9"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "> ", false);
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: unorderedListAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bullet_point_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.unorderedList
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+8"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "- ", false);
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: orderedListAction
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bullet_number_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.orderedList
+                                    property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+7"
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "", true);
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                Action {
+                                    id: shiftEnterActiom
+                                    property var iconSrc: JamiResources.shift_enter_black_24dp_svg
+                                    property var shortcutText: chatViewEnterIsNewLine ? JamiStrings.enterNewLine : JamiStrings.shiftEnterNewLine
+                                    property var imageColor: chatViewEnterIsNewLine ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : "#7f7f7f"
+                                    property var normalColor: chatViewEnterIsNewLine ? JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                                    property var hasShortcut: false
+                                    property var shortcutKey: null
+                                    onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                        root.chatViewEnterIsNewLine = !root.chatViewEnterIsNewLine;
+                                        UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ChatViewEnterIsNewLine, chatViewEnterIsNewLine);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            ]
-                            preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
-                            imageContainerWidth: 15
-                            imageContainerHeight: 15
-                            radius: 5
+                            model: menuTypoActionsSecond
-                            toolTipText: modelData.shortcutText
-                            shortcutKey: modelData.shortcutKey
-                            hasShortcut: true
+                            delegate: PushButton {
+                                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                            source: modelData.iconSrc
-                            focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus
+                                preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
+                                imageContainerWidth: 20
+                                imageContainerHeight: 20
+                                radius: 5
-                            normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                            pressedColor: hoveredColor
+                                hoverEnabled: !showPreview
+                                enabled: !showPreview
-                            action: modelData
+                                toolTipText: modelData.shortcutText
+                                shortcutKey: modelData.shortcutKey
+                                hasShortcut: modelData.hasShortcut != null ? modelData.hasShortcut : true
+                                source: modelData.iconSrc
+                                focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus
+                                normalColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.transparentColor : (modelData.normalColor != null ? modelData.normalColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor)
+                                imageColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : (hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : (modelData.imageColor != null ? modelData.imageColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor))
+                                hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
+                                pressedColor: hoveredColor
+                                action: modelData
+                            }
-                    Rectangle {
+                    PushButton {
+                        id: typoButton
-                        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                        visible: width > 0
-                        width: showTypo && showTypoSecond ? 2 : 0
+                        preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                        imageContainerWidth: 24
+                        imageContainerHeight: 24
-                        Behavior on width {
-                            NumberAnimation {
-                                duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
-                            }
-                        }
+                        radius: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonRadius
-                        Rectangle {
-                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                            width: 2
-                            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize / 2
-                            color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSeparateLineColor
+                        hoverEnabled: !showPreview
+                        enabled: !showPreview
+                        toolTipText: showTypo ? JamiStrings.hideFormating : JamiStrings.showFormating
+                        source: JamiResources.text_edit_black_24dp_svg
+                        normalColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.transparentColor : (showTypo ? JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor)
+                        imageColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : (hovered || showTypo ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor)
+                        hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
+                        pressedColor: hoveredColor
+                        onClicked: {
+                            showTypo = !showTypo;
+                            if (messageBar.width < messageBarLayoutMaximumWidth + sendButtonRow.width + 2 * JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize)
+                                showTypoSecond = false;
+                            if (!showDefault)
+                                showDefault = true;
+                            if (showTypo) {
+                                root.chatViewEnterIsNewLine = true;
+                                UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ChatViewEnterIsNewLine, true);
+                            } else {
+                                root.chatViewEnterIsNewLine = false;
+                                UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ChatViewEnterIsNewLine, false);
+                            }
+                            UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowMardownOption, showTypo);
+                            UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowSendOption, !showDefault);
+                }
-                    Rectangle {
-                        z: -1
-                        radius: 0
-                        color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                        width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                Row {
-                        visible: showTypo && !showTypoSecond
+                    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                    anchors.bottomMargin: marginSize / 2
-                        ComboBox {
-                            id: showMoreTypoButton
-                            width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
-                            height: width
-                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                    ListView {
+                        id: listViewAction
-                            MaterialToolTip {
-                                id: toolTip
+                        width: contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin
-                                parent: showMoreTypoButton
-                                visible: showMoreTypoButton.hovered && (text.length > 0)
-                                delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
-                                text: JamiStrings.showMore
+                        Behavior on width  {
+                            NumberAnimation {
+                                duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
+                        }
-                            background: Rectangle {
-                                implicitWidth: showMoreTypoButton.width
-                                implicitHeight: showMoreTypoButton.height
-                                radius: 5
-                                color: showMoreTypoButton.popup.opened || showMoreTypoButton.hovered ? JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
+                        height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                        orientation: ListView.Horizontal
+                        interactive: false
+                        leftMargin: 5
+                        rightMargin: 5
+                        spacing: 5
+                        property list<Action> menuActions: [
+                            Action {
+                                id: sendFile
+                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.link_black_24dp_svg
+                                property var toolTip: JamiStrings.sendFile
+                                property bool show: true
+                                property bool needWebEngine: false
+                                property bool needVideoDevice: false
+                                property bool noSip: false
+                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                    sendFileButtonClicked();
+                                }
+                            },
+                            Action {
+                                id: addEmoji
+                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.emoji_black_24dp_svg
+                                property var toolTip: JamiStrings.addEmoji
+                                property bool show: true
+                                property bool needWebEngine: true
+                                property bool needVideoDevice: false
+                                property bool noSip: true
+                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
+                                    emojiButtonClicked();
+                                }
+                        ]
-                            indicator: ResponsiveImage {
-                                containerHeight: 20
-                                containerWidth: 20
-                                width: 18
-                                height: 18
+                        ListModel {
+                            id: listActions
+                            Component.onCompleted: {
+                                for (var i = 0; i < listViewAction.menuActions.length; i++) {
+                                    append({
+                                            "menuAction": listViewAction.menuActions[i]
+                                        });
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
-                                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+                        model: SortFilterProxyModel {
+                            sourceModel: listActions
+                            filters: [
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.show === true
+                                    enabled: root.showDefault
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.needWebEngine === false
+                                    enabled: !WITH_WEBENGINE
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.noSip === true
+                                    enabled: CurrentConversation.isSip
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.needVideoDevice === false
+                                    enabled: VideoDevices.listSize === 0
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
-                                source: JamiResources.more_vert_24dp_svg
+                        delegate: PushButton {
+                            id: buttonDelegate
+                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
+                            preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            imageContainerWidth: 25
+                            imageContainerHeight: 25
+                            radius: 5
-                                color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                            }
+                            hoverEnabled: !showPreview
+                            enabled: !showPreview
-                            popup: MarkdownPopup {
-                                y: 1.5 * parent.height
-                                x: -parent.width * 3
-                                width: 190
-                                height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                            toolTipText: modelData.toolTip
+                            source: modelData.iconSrc
-                                menuTypoActionsSecond: listViewTypoSecond.menuTypoActionsSecond
-                            }
+                            normalColor: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                            imageColor: showPreview ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgDisableColor : (hovered ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor)
+                            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
+                            pressedColor: hoveredColor
+                            action: modelData
                     ListView {
-                        id: listViewTypoSecond
-                        visible: width > 0
-                        width: showTypo && showTypoSecond ? contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin : 0
+                        id: listViewMoreButton
-                        Behavior on width {
+                        width: 0
+                        Behavior on width  {
                             NumberAnimation {
                                 duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
@@ -557,83 +870,97 @@ ColumnLayout {
                         height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
                         orientation: ListView.Horizontal
                         interactive: false
                         leftMargin: 10
                         rightMargin: 10
                         spacing: 10
-                        Rectangle {
-                            anchors.fill: parent
-                            color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                            z: -1
-                        }
-                        property list<Action> menuTypoActionsSecond: [
-                            Action {
-                                id: linkAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.link_web_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.link
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+K"
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "[", "](url)");
-                                }
-                            },
+                        property list<Action> menuMoreButton: [
                             Action {
-                                id: codeAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.code_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.code
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Ctrl+Alt+C"
+                                id: leaveAudioMessage
+                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.message_audio_black_24dp_svg
+                                property var toolTip: JamiStrings.leaveAudioMessage
+                                property bool show: false
+                                property bool needWebEngine: false
+                                property bool needVideoDevice: false
+                                property bool noSip: false
                                 onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "```", "```");
+                                    audioRecordMessageButtonClicked();
                             Action {
-                                id: quoteAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.quote_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.quote
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+9"
+                                id: leaveVideoMessage
+                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.message_video_black_24dp_svg
+                                property var toolTip: JamiStrings.leaveVideoMessage
+                                property bool show: false
+                                property bool needWebEngine: false
+                                property bool needVideoDevice: true
+                                property bool noSip: false
                                 onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "> ", false);
+                                    videoRecordMessageButtonClicked();
                             Action {
-                                id: unorderedListAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bullet_point_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.unorderedList
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+8"
+                                id: shareLocation
+                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.localisation_sharing_send_pin_svg
+                                property var toolTip: JamiStrings.shareLocation
+                                property bool show: false
+                                property bool needWebEngine: true
+                                property bool needVideoDevice: false
+                                property bool noSip: false
                                 onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "- ", false);
-                                }
-                            },
-                            Action {
-                                id: orderedListAction
-                                property var iconSrc: JamiResources.bullet_number_black_24dp_svg
-                                property var shortcutText: JamiStrings.orderedList
-                                property string shortcutKey: "Shift+Alt+7"
-                                onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                    listViewTypo.addPrefixStyle(root.text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, "", true);
+                                    showMapClicked();
-                        model: menuTypoActionsSecond
+                        ListModel {
+                            id: listMoreButton
+                            Component.onCompleted: {
+                                for (var i = 0; i < listViewMoreButton.menuMoreButton.length; i++) {
+                                    append({
+                                            "menuAction": listViewMoreButton.menuMoreButton[i]
+                                        });
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
-                        delegate: PushButton {
-                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                        model: SortFilterProxyModel {
+                            sourceModel: listMoreButton
+                            filters: [
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.show === true
+                                    enabled: showDefault
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.needWebEngine === false
+                                    enabled: !WITH_WEBENGINE
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.noSip === true
+                                    enabled: CurrentConversation.isSip
+                                },
+                                ExpressionFilter {
+                                    expression: menuAction.needVideoDevice === false
+                                    enabled: VideoDevices.listSize === 0
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
+                        delegate: PushButton {
+                            id: buttonDelegateMoreButton
+                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
                             preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
                             imageContainerWidth: 20
                             imageContainerHeight: 20
                             radius: 5
-                            toolTipText: modelData.shortcutText
-                            shortcutKey: modelData.shortcutKey
-                            hasShortcut: true
+                            toolTipText: modelData.toolTip
                             source: modelData.iconSrc
-                            focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus
                             normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
+                            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor
+                            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
                             pressedColor: hoveredColor
                             action: modelData
@@ -642,231 +969,84 @@ ColumnLayout {
-            Row {
-                ListView {
-                    id: listViewAction
-                    width: contentWidth + 2 * leftMargin
-                    Behavior on width {
-                        NumberAnimation {
-                            duration: JamiTheme.longFadeDuration / 2
-                        }
-                    }
-                    height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                    orientation: ListView.Horizontal
-                    interactive: false
-                    leftMargin: 10
-                    rightMargin: 10
-                    spacing: 10
+            Rectangle {
+                color: JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                visible: false //showTypo
+                height: 50
+                width: previewButton.width + marginSize
+                Layout.row: showTypo ? 0 : 0
+                Layout.column: showTypo ? 1 : 1
-                    Rectangle {
-                        anchors.fill: parent
-                        color: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                        z: -1
-                    }
-                    property list<Action> menuActions: [
-                        Action {
-                            id: sendFile
-                            property var iconSrc: JamiResources.link_black_24dp_svg
-                            property var toolTip: JamiStrings.sendFile
-                            property bool show: true
-                            property bool needWebEngine: false
-                            property bool needVideoDevice: false
-                            property bool noSip: false
-                            onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                sendFileButtonClicked();
-                            }
-                        },
-                        Action {
-                            id: addEmoji
-                            property var iconSrc: JamiResources.emoji_black_24dp_svg
-                            property var toolTip: JamiStrings.addEmoji
-                            property bool show: true
-                            property bool needWebEngine: true
-                            property bool needVideoDevice: false
-                            property bool noSip: true
-                            onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                emojiButtonClicked();
-                            }
-                        },
-                        Action {
-                            id: leaveAudioMessage
-                            property var iconSrc: JamiResources.message_audio_black_24dp_svg
-                            property var toolTip: JamiStrings.leaveAudioMessage
-                            property bool show: false
-                            property bool needWebEngine: false
-                            property bool needVideoDevice: false
-                            property bool noSip: false
-                            onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                audioRecordMessageButtonClicked();
-                            }
-                        },
-                        Action {
-                            id: leaveVideoMessage
-                            property var iconSrc: JamiResources.message_video_black_24dp_svg
-                            property var toolTip: JamiStrings.leaveVideoMessage
-                            property bool show: false
-                            property bool needWebEngine: false
-                            property bool needVideoDevice: true
-                            property bool noSip: false
-                            onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                videoRecordMessageButtonClicked();
-                            }
-                        },
-                        Action {
-                            id: shareLocation
-                            property var iconSrc: JamiResources.localisation_sharing_send_pin_svg
-                            property var toolTip: JamiStrings.shareLocation
-                            property bool show: false
-                            property bool needWebEngine: true
-                            property bool needVideoDevice: false
-                            property bool noSip: false
-                            onTriggered: function clickAction() {
-                                showMapClicked();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    ]
-                    ListModel {
-                        id: listActions
-                        Component.onCompleted: {
-                            for (var i = 0; i < listViewAction.menuActions.length; i++) {
-                                append({
-                                        "menuAction": listViewAction.menuActions[i]
-                                    });
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    model: SortFilterProxyModel {
-                        sourceModel: listActions
-                        filters: [
-                            ExpressionFilter {
-                                expression: menuAction.show === true
-                                enabled: root.showDefault
-                            },
-                            ExpressionFilter {
-                                expression: menuAction.needWebEngine === false
-                                enabled: !WITH_WEBENGINE
-                            },
-                            ExpressionFilter {
-                                expression: menuAction.noSip === true
-                                enabled: CurrentConversation.isSip
-                            },
-                            ExpressionFilter {
-                                expression: menuAction.needVideoDevice === false
-                                enabled: VideoDevices.listSize === 0
-                            }
-                        ]
-                    }
-                    delegate: PushButton {
-                        id: buttonDelegate
-                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
-                        preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRealButtonSize
-                        imageContainerWidth: 20
-                        imageContainerHeight: 20
-                        radius: 5
-                        toolTipText: modelData.toolTip
-                        source: modelData.iconSrc
-                        normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor
-                        imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                        hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                        pressedColor: hoveredColor
-                        action: modelData
-                    }
-                }
-                Rectangle {
-                    z: -1
-                    radius: 0
-                    color: showMoreButton.normalColor
-                    width: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize / 2
-                    height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                    PushButton {
-                        id: showMoreButton
-                        anchors.left: parent.left
-                        preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                        imageContainerWidth: 20
-                        imageContainerHeight: 20
-                        radius: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonRadius
-                        toolTipText: showDefault ? JamiStrings.showMore : JamiStrings.showLess
-                        source: JamiResources.more_vert_24dp_svg
-                        normalColor: showDefault ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterListColor : JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                        imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
-                        pressedColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
-                        hoveredColor: JamiTheme.showMoreButtonOpenColor
+                PushButton {
+                    id: previewButton
+                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+                    anchors.right: parent.right
+                    anchors.rightMargin: marginSize
+                    preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+                    imageContainerWidth: 25
+                    imageContainerHeight: 25
+                    radius: 5
+                    source: JamiResources.preview_black_24dp_svg
+                    normalColor: showPreview ? hoveredColor : JamiTheme.transparentColor
+                    imageColor: (hovered || showPreview) ? JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgHoverColor : JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor
+                    hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
+                    pressedColor: hoveredColor
-                        onClicked: {
-                            showDefault = !showDefault;
-                            if (showTypo)
-                                showTypo = false;
-                            UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowMardownOption, showTypo);
-                            UtilsAdapter.setAppValue(Settings.Key.ShowSendOption, !showDefault);
-                        }
+                    onClicked: {
+                        showPreview = !showPreview;
+    }
-        Row {
-            id: sendButtonRow
-            spacing: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRowSpacing
-            anchors.right: parent.right
-            anchors.rightMargin: sendMessageButton.visible ? marginSize : 0
+    Row {
+        id: sendButtonRow
-            PushButton {
-                id: sendMessageButton
+        spacing: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterRowSpacing
-                objectName: "sendMessageButton"
+        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        anchors.rightMargin: sendMessageButton.visible ? marginSize : 0
+        anchors.bottomMargin: marginSize / 2
-                width: scale * JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+        PushButton {
+            id: sendMessageButton
-                radius: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonRadius
-                preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonIconSize - 6
-                imageContainerWidth: 25
-                imageContainerHeight: 25
+            objectName: "sendMessageButton"
-                toolTipText: JamiStrings.send
+            width: scale * JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
+            height: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonSize
-                mirror: UtilsAdapter.isRTL
+            radius: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonRadius
+            preferredSize: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterButtonIconSize - 6
+            imageContainerWidth: 25
+            imageContainerHeight: 25
-                source: JamiResources.send_black_24dp_svg
+            toolTipText: JamiStrings.send
-                normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSendButtonColor
-                imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSendButtonImgColor
-                hoveredColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedBlueHovered
-                pressedColor: hoveredColor
+            mirror: UtilsAdapter.isRTL
-                opacity: sendButtonVisibility ? 1 : 0
-                visible: opacity
-                scale: opacity
+            source: JamiResources.send_black_24dp_svg
-                Behavior on opacity  {
-                    enabled: animate
-                    NumberAnimation {
-                        duration: JamiTheme.shortFadeDuration
-                        easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
-                    }
-                }
+            normalColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSendButtonColor
+            imageColor: JamiTheme.chatViewFooterSendButtonImgColor
+            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedBlueHovered
+            pressedColor: hoveredColor
+            opacity: sendButtonVisibility ? 1 : 0
+            visible: opacity
+            scale: opacity
-                onClicked: root.sendMessageButtonClicked()
+            Behavior on opacity  {
+                enabled: animate
+                NumberAnimation {
+                    duration: JamiTheme.shortFadeDuration
+                    easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
+                }
+            onClicked: sendMessageButtonClicked()
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBarTextArea.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBarTextArea.qml
index 75702f969f063ea41f0b76090cc85ffa4b4833c8..46e290f8da393b21b1a4eae3e36d7e327125ef12 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBarTextArea.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageBarTextArea.qml
@@ -19,11 +19,17 @@ import QtQuick
 import QtQuick.Controls
 import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
 import net.jami.Constants 1.1
+import net.jami.Enums 1.1
+import net.jami.Models 1.1
 import "../../commoncomponents"
 JamiFlickable {
     id: root
+    property int maxWidth: 330
+    property bool tooMuch: {
+        return textArea.contentWidth > maxWidth;
+    }
     property alias text: textArea.text
     property var textAreaObj: textArea
     property alias placeholderText: textArea.placeholderText
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ JamiFlickable {
         wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
         selectByMouse: true
         textFormat: TextEdit.PlainText
-        placeholderTextColor: JamiTheme.placeholderTextColor
+        placeholderTextColor: JamiTheme.messageBarPlaceholderTextColor
         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
         background: Rectangle {
@@ -121,7 +127,9 @@ JamiFlickable {
                 MessagesAdapter.editId = CurrentConversation.lastSelfMessageId;
                 keyEvent.accepted = true;
             } else if (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Enter || keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Return) {
-                if (!(keyEvent.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier)) {
+                const isEnterNewLine = UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.Key.ChatViewEnterIsNewLine);
+                const isShiftPressed = (keyEvent.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier);
+                if ((isEnterNewLine && isShiftPressed) || (!isEnterNewLine && !isShiftPressed)) {
                     keyEvent.accepted = true;
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
index 8da113236cf146f812d9ba21d8d8ee35177fc17f..442685cd7c9611609b221772b0c5aa98600ea3e1 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ JamiListView {
         return false
+    function scrollToBottom() {
+        verticalScrollBar.position = 1 - verticalScrollBar.size;
+    }
     function computeChatview(item, itemIndex) {
         if (!root) return
         var rootItem = root.itemAtIndex(0)
@@ -277,7 +281,7 @@ JamiListView {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: root.horizontalCenter
         visible:  1 - verticalScrollBar.position >= verticalScrollBar.size * 2
-        onClicked: verticalScrollBar.position = 1 - verticalScrollBar.size
+        onClicked: scrollToBottom()
     header: Control {
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/Searchbar.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/Searchbar.qml
index 7f575a3330883474ee7daac8c3dc9db0f036f867..5f68fad6e4f0f85bc63f547d05e35cf4ea06b147 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/Searchbar.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/Searchbar.qml
@@ -76,7 +76,17 @@ Rectangle {
         hoveredColor: JamiTheme.hoveredButtonColor
         source: JamiResources.ic_baseline_search_24dp_svg
         normalColor: "transparent"
-        imageColor: JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor
+        imageColor: {
+            if (reductionEnabled) {
+                if (hovered) {
+                    JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor;
+                } else {
+                    JamiTheme.chatViewFooterImgColor;
+                }
+            } else {
+                JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor;
+            }
+        }
         onClicked: root.searchClicked()
@@ -99,7 +109,7 @@ Rectangle {
         width: isOpen ? JamiTheme.searchbarSize : 0
-        Behavior on width {
+        Behavior on width  {
             NumberAnimation {
                 duration: 150
diff --git a/src/app/messagesadapter.h b/src/app/messagesadapter.h
index 4a1fc7e1a3f14afcfa3d36d282f0584a7703a2f8..a70c66d6765db6c28dd0f9e1319f64c12c0393a8 100644
--- a/src/app/messagesadapter.h
+++ b/src/app/messagesadapter.h
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
     void moreMessagesLoaded(qint32 loadingRequestId);
     void timestampUpdated();
     void fileCopied(const QString& dest);
+    void messageParsed(const QString& msgId, const QString& msg);
     Q_INVOKABLE bool isDocument(const interaction::Type& type);