diff --git a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
index b63a44dab426f57d1837257355b684acc5d158dc..36b69330395b64b7d4946d7e8a811ee397f10710 100644
--- a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
+++ b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Item {
     property string endCall: qsTr("End call")
     property string incomingAudioCallFrom: qsTr("Incoming audio call from {}")
     property string incomingVideoCallFrom: qsTr("Incoming video call from {}")
-    property string contactSearchConversation: qsTr("Find a user or search for a conversation")
-    property string startASwarm: qsTr("Start a swarm")
-    property string createASwarm: qsTr("Create a swarm")
-    property string contactSearchInvitations: qsTr("Search your invitations")
+    property string contactSearchConversation: qsTr("Find users and conversations")
+    property string startSwarm: qsTr("Start swarm")
+    property string createSwarm: qsTr("Create swarm")
+    property string showInvitations: qsTr("Show invitations")
     property string invitations: qsTr("Invitations")
     property string description: qsTr("Jami is a universal communication platform, with privacy as its foundation, that relies on a free distributed network for everyone.")
     property string updateToSwarm: qsTr("Migrating to the Swarm technology will enable synchronizing this conversation across multiple devices and improve reliability. The legacy conversation history will be cleared in the process.")
@@ -291,13 +291,13 @@ Item {
     property string selectShareMethod: qsTr("Select sharing method")
     property string viewPlugin: qsTr("View plugin")
     property string noVideoDevice: qsTr("No video device")
-    property string notAvailable: qsTr("N/A")
+    property string notAvailable: qsTr("Unavailable")
     property string lowerHand: qsTr("Lower hand")
     property string raiseHand: qsTr("Raise hand")
     property string layoutSettings: qsTr("Layout settings")
     // Chatview header
-    property string hideChatView: qsTr("Hide chat view")
+    property string hideChat: qsTr("Hide chat")
     property string placeAudioCall: qsTr("Place audio call")
     property string placeVideoCall: qsTr("Place video call")
     property string showPlugins: qsTr("Show available plugins")
@@ -428,19 +428,18 @@ Item {
     property string selectFolder: qsTr("Select a folder")
     property string enableNotifications: qsTr("Enable notifications")
     property string applicationTheme: qsTr("Application theme")
-    property string enableDesktopNotifications: qsTr("Enable desktop notifications")
-    property string keepMinimized: qsTr("Keep minimized on close")
-    property string tipRunStartup: qsTr("Run application on system startup")
+    property string showNotifications: qsTr("Show notifications")
+    property string keepMinimized: qsTr("Minimize on close")
+    property string tipRunStartup: qsTr("Run at system startup")
     property string runStartup: qsTr("Launch at startup")
-    property string downloadFolder: qsTr("Downloads directory")
+    property string downloadFolder: qsTr("Download directory")
     property string tipChooseDownloadFolder: qsTr("Choose download directory")
     property string recordCall: qsTr("Record call")
     property string textZoom: qsTr("Text zoom")
     // ChatviewSettings
-    property string chatview: qsTr("Chatview")
-    property string enableTypingIndicator: qsTr("Enable typing indicators")
-    property string displayHyperlinkPreviews: qsTr("Display hyperlink previews in the chatview")
+    property string enableTypingIndicator: qsTr("Typing indicators")
+    property string displayHyperlinkPreviews: qsTr("Show link previews")
     property string layout: qsTr("Layout")
     property string language: qsTr("User interface language")
     property string verticalViewOpt: qsTr("Vertical view")
@@ -448,7 +447,7 @@ Item {
     // File transfer settings
     property string fileTransfer: qsTr("File transfer")
-    property string allowFromUntrusted: qsTr("Allow incoming files from unknown contacts")
+    property string allowFromUntrusted: qsTr("Accept files from unknown senders")
     property string autoAcceptFiles: qsTr("Automatically accept incoming files")
     property string acceptTransferBelow: qsTr("Accept transfer limit")
     property string acceptTransferTooltip: qsTr("in MB, 0 = unlimited")
@@ -534,15 +533,15 @@ Item {
     // ImportFromBackupPage
     property string archive: qsTr("Archive")
     property string openFile: qsTr("Open file")
-    property string importAccountArchive: qsTr("Create your account from a backup")
+    property string importAccountArchive: qsTr("Create account from backup")
     property string importAccountExplanation: qsTr("You can obtain an archive by clicking on \"Back up account\" " +
-                                                   "in the account settings. " +
+                                                   "in the Account Settings. " +
                                                    "This will create a .gz file on your device.")
-    property string connectFromBackup: qsTr("Restore an account from backup")
+    property string connectFromBackup: qsTr("Restore account from backup")
     property string generatingAccount: qsTr("Generating account…")
     property string importFromBackup: qsTr("Import from backup")
     property string importFromArchiveBackup: qsTr("Import from archive backup")
-    property string importFromArchiveBackupDescription: qsTr("Import a Jami account from an archive file on this device.")
+    property string importFromArchiveBackupDescription: qsTr("Import Jami account from local archive file.")
     property string selectArchiveFile: qsTr("Select archive file")
     // ImportFromDevicePage
@@ -762,7 +761,7 @@ Item {
     property string customize: qsTr("Customize")
-    property string tips: qsTr("Tips")
+    property string tip: qsTr("Tip")
     property string dismiss: qsTr("Dismiss")
     property string customizeText: qsTr("Add a profile picture and nickname to complete your profile")
     property string customizationDescription: qsTr("This profile is only shared with this account's contacts")
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
index 135b9d84541165e063ef6503d3963ee660106b2a..60cb8a109e203d169139eda5aa445a956bee58c9 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/ChatViewHeader.qml
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Rectangle {
             source: CurrentConversation.inCall ?
                         JamiResources.round_close_24dp_svg :
-            toolTipText: JamiStrings.hideChatView
+            toolTipText: JamiStrings.hideChat
             normalColor: JamiTheme.chatviewBgColor
             imageColor: JamiTheme.chatviewButtonColor
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/SidePanel.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/SidePanel.qml
index 1f66b4ad7d74431d6a0204a552c8df614f5cdd90..b685d61355df80dd22ebec91db4c8e2cbd5cc794 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/SidePanel.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/SidePanel.qml
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Rectangle {
             font.bold: true
             font.pointSize: JamiTheme.contactEventPointSize
-            text: JamiStrings.createASwarm
+            text: JamiStrings.createSwarm
         PushButton {
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Rectangle {
             visible: UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.EnableExperimentalSwarm) && !swarmMemberSearchList.visible
             source: smartListLayout.visible ? JamiResources.create_swarm_svg : JamiResources.round_close_24dp_svg
-            toolTipText: smartListLayout.visible ? JamiStrings.startASwarm : JamiStrings.cancel
+            toolTipText: smartListLayout.visible ? JamiStrings.startSwarm : JamiStrings.cancel
             onClicked: createSwarmClicked()
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
index 68026b3f9a427bcaa339746dc5be2452200be9eb..0d7afe53d29b1a2ef64dac8ed745979b89f852c1 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Item {
                 Label {
-                    text: root.isTip ? JamiStrings.tips : JamiStrings.customize
+                    text: root.isTip ? JamiStrings.tip : JamiStrings.customize
                     color: JamiTheme.textColor
                     font.weight: Font.Medium
                     Layout.topMargin: 5
diff --git a/src/app/settingsview/components/ChatviewSettings.qml b/src/app/settingsview/components/ChatviewSettings.qml
index da5c90926701f51c6df9b6de25509602910f4d0c..fa3a2e3212564c677f7f55734ca8bc493a3b32ec 100644
--- a/src/app/settingsview/components/ChatviewSettings.qml
+++ b/src/app/settingsview/components/ChatviewSettings.qml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
     Label {
         Layout.fillWidth: true
-        text: JamiStrings.chatview
+        text: JamiStrings.chat
         font.pointSize: JamiTheme.headerFontSize
         font.kerning: true
         color: JamiTheme.textColor
diff --git a/src/app/settingsview/components/SystemSettings.qml b/src/app/settingsview/components/SystemSettings.qml
index 80ffcc4926b2b47d69da257ad8162ee9e889e877..b8cf3f99d0fe1b85083c406e7a313b95f8f50a8d 100644
--- a/src/app/settingsview/components/SystemSettings.qml
+++ b/src/app/settingsview/components/SystemSettings.qml
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
         checked: UtilsAdapter.getAppValue(Settings.EnableNotifications)
-        labelText: JamiStrings.enableDesktopNotifications
+        labelText: JamiStrings.showNotifications
         fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
         tooltipText: JamiStrings.enableNotifications
diff --git a/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp b/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
index 4e50d4d771145c1cc6dd03f4db059d99830c5d8f..767e8f759b40b636e11b64a181c83ed4bce3456d 100644
--- a/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
@@ -35,22 +35,25 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
                    tr("A red dot means that your account is disconnected from the network; it "
                       "turns green when it's connected.")},
                   {"isTip", "true"}});
-    tips_.append({{"id", "3"},
-                  {"title", tr("Why should I back up my account?")},
-                  {"desc",
-                   tr("Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If "
-                      "you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to "
-                      "recover your account if you did not back it up earlier.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+    tips_.append(
+        {{"id", "3"},
+         {"title", tr("Why should I back up my account?")},
+         {"desc",
+          tr("Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If "
+             "you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to "
+             "recover your account if you did not back it up earlier.")},
+         {"isTip", "true"}});
         {{"id", "4"},
          {"title", tr("Can I make a conference call?")},
-         {"desc", tr("In a call, you can click on \"Add participants\" to add a contact to a call")},
+         {"desc",
+          tr("In a call, you can click on \"Add participants\" to add a contact to a call.")},
+         {"isTip", "true"}});
+    tips_.append(
+        {{"id", "5"},
+         {"title", tr("Does Jami have group chats?")},
+         {"desc", tr("In the settings, you can enabled support for groups (experimental).")},
          {"isTip", "true"}});
-    tips_.append({{"id", "5"},
-                  {"title", tr("Does Jami have group chats?")},
-                  {"desc", tr("In the settings, you can enabled support for groups (experimental)")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "6"},
                   {"title", tr("What is a Jami account?")},
@@ -63,13 +66,14 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
                    tr("When you create a new Jami account, you do not have to provide any private "
                       "information like an email, address, or phone number.")},
                   {"isTip", "true"}});
-    tips_.append({{"id", "8"},
-                  {"title", tr("Why don't I have to use a password?")},
-                  {"desc",
-                   tr("With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password "
-                      "is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone "
-                      "who has physical access to your device.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+    tips_.append(
+        {{"id", "8"},
+         {"title", tr("Why don't I have to use a password?")},
+         {"desc",
+          tr("With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password "
+             "is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone "
+             "who has physical access to your device.")},
+         {"isTip", "true"}});
         {{"id", "9"},
          {"title", tr("Why don't I have to register a username?")},
@@ -80,14 +84,15 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
         {{"id", "10"},
          {"title", tr("How can I back up my account?")},
-         {"desc", tr("In the account settings, a button is available to create a backup your account.")},
+         {"desc", tr("In Account Settings, a button is available to create a backup your account.")},
+         {"isTip", "true"}});
+    tips_.append(
+        {{"id", "11"},
+         {"title", tr("What happens when I delete my account?")},
+         {"desc",
+          tr("Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account "
+             "from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it.")},
          {"isTip", "true"}});
-    tips_.append({{"id", "11"},
-                  {"title", tr("What happens when I delete my account?")},
-                  {"desc",
-                   tr("Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account "
-                      "from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "12"},
                   {"title", tr("Can I use my account on multiple devices?")},