From afde816b23f195d718416c6f496e0bce56228609 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jenkins <> Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 16:42:29 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] i18n: automatic bump Change-Id: I50b14a21c3c442f7dd4b805a018d9af11c2c8305 --- translations/jami_client_qt_es.ts | 8 +-- translations/jami_client_qt_es_419.ts | 8 +-- translations/jami_client_qt_es_AR.ts | 8 +-- translations/jami_client_qt_es_CO.ts | 8 +-- translations/jami_client_qt_es_MX.ts | 8 +-- translations/jami_client_qt_sr.ts | 95 ++++++++++++++------------- 6 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_es.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_es.ts index 434f1fcd1..7407701fd 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_es.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_es.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>(mensaje eliminado)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ Jami se cerrará.</translation> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/> <source>Push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/> <source>Enable push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Habilitar pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/> <source>Keyboard shortcut</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Teclado abreviado</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/> diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_419.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_419.ts index 4c6ca92e9..324bf6b95 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_419.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_419.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>(mensaje eliminado)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ Jami se cerrará.</translation> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/> <source>Push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/> <source>Enable push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Habilitar pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/> <source>Keyboard shortcut</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Teclado abreviado</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/> diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_AR.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_AR.ts index 188923d17..86f7f736b 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_AR.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_AR.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>(mensaje eliminado)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ Jami se cerrará.</translation> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/> <source>Push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/> <source>Enable push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Habilitar pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/> <source>Keyboard shortcut</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Teclado abreviado</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/> diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_CO.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_CO.ts index 24f1b94df..0f3a19748 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_CO.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_CO.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>(mensaje eliminado)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ Jami se cerrará.</translation> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/> <source>Push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/> <source>Enable push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Habilitar pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/> <source>Keyboard shortcut</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Teclado abreviado</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/> diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_MX.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_MX.ts index 18745ec7e..8858cbdb4 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_es_MX.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_es_MX.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>(mensaje eliminado)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ Jami se cerrará.</translation> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/> <source>Push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/> <source>Enable push-to-talk</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Habilitar pulsar para hablar</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/> <source>Keyboard shortcut</source> - <translation type="unfinished"/> + <translation>Teclado abreviado</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/> diff --git a/translations/jami_client_qt_sr.ts b/translations/jami_client_qt_sr.ts index 8a891e095..6ff6b3807 100644 --- a/translations/jami_client_qt_sr.ts +++ b/translations/jami_client_qt_sr.ts @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/conversationlistmodelbase.cpp" line="140"/> <source>(deleted message)</source> - <translation>(избриÑана порука)</translation> + <translation>(izbrisana poruka)</translation> </message> </context> <context> @@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="39"/> <source>Jami is a universal communication platform, with privacy as its foundation, that relies on a free distributed network for everyone.</source> - <translation>Ðами је универзална комуникацијÑка платформа, Ñа приватношћу као оÑновом, која Ñе оÑлања на Ñлободну диÑтрибуирују мрежу за Ñве.</translation> + <translation>Jami je univerzalna komunikaciona platforma, sa privatnoÅ¡cÌu kao osnovom, koja se oslanja na besplatnu distribuiranu mrežu za sve.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="40"/> <source>Migrating to the Swarm technology will enable synchronizing this conversation across multiple devices and improve reliability. The legacy conversation history will be cleared in the process.</source> - <translation>Миграција на технологију Сварм ће омогућити Ñинхронизацију овог разговора на више уређаја и побољшати поузданоÑÑ‚.</translation> + <translation>Prelazak na Swarm tehnologiju cÌe omogucÌiti sinhronizaciju ovog razgovora na viÅ¡e ureÄ‘aja i poboljÅ¡ati pouzdanost. Zastarela istorija razgovora cÌe biti oÄiÅ¡cÌena u tom procesu.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="44"/> @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="71"/> <source>Your session has expired or been revoked on this device. Please enter your password.</source> - <translation>Ваша ÑеÑија је иÑтекла или је отклана на овом уређају.</translation> + <translation>VaÅ¡a sesija je istekla ili je opozvana na ovom ureÄ‘aju. Molim vas unesite vaÅ¡u Å¡ifru.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="72"/> @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="74"/> <source>Delete account</source> - <translation>Убришајте рачун</translation> + <translation>Obrisati nalog</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="75"/> @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="85"/> <source>Enable custom ringtone</source> - <translation>Омогућити прилагођени зову</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi prilagoÄ‘enu melodiju zvona</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="86"/> @@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="101"/> <source>Enable read receipts</source> - <translation>Омогућивање потврда за читање</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi potvrde o Äitanju</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="102"/> <source>Send and receive receipts indicating that a message have been displayed</source> - <translation>Пошаљи и прими потврде да је порука приказана</translation> + <translation>Slanje i primanje potvrda koje pokazuju da je poruka prikazana</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="105"/> @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="110"/> <source>Enable SDES key exchange</source> - <translation>Омогућивање размене СДЕС кључева</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi razmenu SDES kljuÄeva</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="111"/> @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="117"/> <source>Verify server TLS certificates</source> - <translation>Проверите Ñертификате TLS Ñервера</translation> + <translation>Verifikujte TLS sertifikate servera</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="118"/> @@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="141"/> <source>Allow IP Auto Rewrite</source> - <translation>Дозволите аутоматÑку Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ IP-а</translation> + <translation>Dozvoli automatsko prepisivanje IP-a</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="142"/> @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="204"/> <source>Enable hardware acceleration</source> - <translation>Омогућити хардверÑко забрзање</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi hardversko ubrzanje</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="207"/> @@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ Jami will now quit.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="347"/> <source>deleted a message</source> - <translation>обриÑао поруку</translation> + <translation>obrisao poruku</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="348"/> @@ -793,7 +793,8 @@ If a username is not chosen, a randomly generated 40-character identifier will b <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="409"/> <source>This Jami account exists only on this device. The account will be lost if this device is lost or the application is uninstalled. It is recommended to make a backup of this account.</source> - <translation>Овај рачун Jami поÑтоји Ñамо на овом уређају. Рачун ће бити изгубљен ако Ñе овај уређај изгуби или апликација је деинÑталирана. Препоручује Ñе да направите резервни коментар овог рачун.</translation> + <translation>Ovaj Jami nalog postoji samo na ovom ureÄ‘aju. +Nalog cÌe biti izgubljen ako se ovaj ureÄ‘aj izgubi ili se aplikacija deinstalira. PreporuÄuje se da napravite rezervnu kopiju ovog naloga.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="424"/> @@ -819,7 +820,7 @@ The profile can be changed at all times from the account's settings.</sourc <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="435"/> <source>A Jami account is created and stored locally only on this device, as an archive containing your account keys. Access to this archive can optionally be protected by a password.</source> - <translation>Јами рачун Ñе Ñтвара и чува локално Ñамо на овом уређају, као архив који Ñадржи кључеве вашег рачун.</translation> + <translation>Jami nalog se kreira i Äuva lokalno samo na ovom ureÄ‘aju, kao arhiva koja sadrži kljuÄeve vaÅ¡eg naloga. Pristup ovoj arhivi može opciono biti zaÅ¡ticÌen lozinkom.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="436"/> @@ -829,7 +830,7 @@ The profile can be changed at all times from the account's settings.</sourc <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="462"/> <source>Would you really like to delete this account?</source> - <translation>Да ли заиÑта желите да избришете овај рачун?</translation> + <translation>Da li zaista želite da izbriÅ¡ete ovaj nalog?</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="463"/> @@ -864,12 +865,12 @@ The profile can be changed at all times from the account's settings.</sourc <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="488"/> <source>Enable typing indicators</source> - <translation>Омогућивање индикатора за вађење</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi indikatore kucanja</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="489"/> <source>Send and receive typing indicators showing that a message is being typed.</source> - <translation>Пошаљи и прими индикатори за ÑƒÐ¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ˜Ð¸ показују да Ñе порука упиÑва.</translation> + <translation>Å aljite i primajte indikatore kucanja koji pokazuju da se poruka kuca.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="490"/> @@ -879,7 +880,7 @@ The profile can be changed at all times from the account's settings.</sourc <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="512"/> <source>Delete file from device</source> - <translation>Избриши датотеку Ñа уређаја</translation> + <translation>IzbriÅ¡ite datoteku sa ureÄ‘aja</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="529"/> @@ -1485,7 +1486,7 @@ Would you like to update now?</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="212"/> <source>Your account only exists on this device. If you lose your device or uninstall the application, your account will be deleted and CANNOT be recovered. You can <a href='blank'> back up your account </a> now or later (in the Account Settings).</source> - <translation>Ваш налог поÑтоји Ñамо на овом уређају. Ðко изгубите уређај или деинÑталирате апликацију, ваш налог ће бити избриÑан и ÐЕ МОЖЕ СЕ опоравити. Можете <a href='blank'>направити резервну копију Ñвог налога</a> Ñада или каÑније (у подешавањима налога).</translation> + <translation>VaÅ¡ nalog postoji samo na ovom ureÄ‘aju. Ako izgubite ureÄ‘aj ili deinstalirate aplikaciju, vaÅ¡ nalog cÌe biti izbrisan i NE MOŽE SE oporaviti. Možete 1 napraviti rezervnu kopiju svog naloga 1 sada ili kasnije (u podeÅ¡avanjima naloga).</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="238"/> @@ -1500,12 +1501,12 @@ Would you like to update now?</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="240"/> <source>Participant is still muted on their device</source> - <translation>УчеÑник је још увек у тишину на Ñвом уређају</translation> + <translation>UÄesnik je i dalje iskljuÄen na svom ureÄ‘aju</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="241"/> <source>You are still muted on your device</source> - <translation>Још увек Ñи у тишину на Ñвом уређају</translation> + <translation>I dalje ste iskljuÄeni na svom ureÄ‘aju</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="242"/> @@ -1616,7 +1617,7 @@ Would you like to update now?</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="267"/> <source>Would you really like to block this conversation?</source> - <translation>Да ли би заиÑта желео да блокирамо овај разговор?</translation> + <translation>Da li zaista želite da blokirate ovaj razgovor?</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="268"/> @@ -1918,7 +1919,7 @@ Other participants' location can still be received.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="341"/> <source>Place video call</source> - <translation>ПоÑтави видео позив</translation> + <translation>Uputi video poziv</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="342"/> @@ -2119,7 +2120,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="407"/> <source>Your Jami account is registered only on this device as an archive containing the keys of your account. Access to this archive can be protected by a password.</source> - <translation>Ваш рачун Jami је региÑтровано Ñамо на овом уређају као архив који Ñадржи кључеве вашег рачун.</translation> + <translation>VaÅ¡ Jami nalog je registrovan samo na ovom ureÄ‘aju kao arhiva koja sadrži kljuÄeve vaÅ¡eg naloga. Pristup ovoj arhivi može biti zaÅ¡ticÌen lozinkom.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="408"/> @@ -2129,7 +2130,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="410"/> <source>Delete your account</source> - <translation>Убришите Ñвој рачун</translation> + <translation>IzbriÅ¡ite svoj nalog</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="411"/> @@ -2139,7 +2140,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="412"/> <source>List of the devices that are linked to this account:</source> - <translation>СпиÑок уређаја који Ñу повезани Ñа овим рачуном:</translation> + <translation>Lista ureÄ‘aja koji su povezani sa ovim nalogom:</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="413"/> @@ -2389,7 +2390,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="841"/> <source>Enabling your account allows you to be contacted on Jami</source> - <translation>Омогућивање вашег рачуна омогућава вам да будете контактирани на Ðамију.</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌavanje vaÅ¡eg naloga omogucÌava vam da budete kontaktirani na Jamiju</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="851"/> @@ -2424,7 +2425,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="425"/> <source>Set a password</source> - <translation>УÑтави лозинку</translation> + <translation>Postavite lozinku</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="426"/> @@ -2444,7 +2445,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="177"/> <source>Enable account</source> - <translation>Омогућивање рачуна</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi nalog</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="430"/> @@ -2459,7 +2460,7 @@ Your picture and your nickname can be changed at all time in the settings of you <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="443"/> <source>Set username</source> - <translation>УÑтави кориÑничко име</translation> + <translation>Podesite korisniÄko ime</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="444"/> @@ -2530,7 +2531,7 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="477"/> <source>Enable notifications</source> - <translation>Омогућивање обавештења</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi obaveÅ¡tenja</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="482"/> @@ -2617,12 +2618,12 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="515"/> <source>Install beta version</source> - <translation>ИнÑталирајте бета верзију</translation> + <translation>Instalirajte beta verziju</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="516"/> <source>Check for updates now</source> - <translation>Проверите да ли је Ñада нешто ново</translation> + <translation>Proverite ažuriranja sada</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="517"/> @@ -2687,12 +2688,12 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="538"/> <source>(Experimental) Enable call support for swarm</source> - <translation>(ЕкÑпериментални) Омогућивање позива за рогу</translation> + <translation>(Eksperimentalno) OmogucÌi podrÅ¡ku za pozive za roj</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="539"/> <source>This feature will enable call buttons in swarms with multiple participants.</source> - <translation>Ова функција ће омогућити дугме позива у родовима Ñа више учеÑника.</translation> + <translation>Ova funkcija cÌe omogucÌiti dugmad za pozivanje u rojevima sa viÅ¡e uÄesnika.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="542"/> @@ -2798,7 +2799,7 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="579"/> <source>A PIN is required to use an existing Jami account on this device.</source> - <translation>ПИРје потребан за коришћење поÑтојећег рачуна Ðами на овом уређају.</translation> + <translation>PIN je neophodan za koriÅ¡cÌenje postojecÌeg Jami naloga na ovom ureÄ‘aju.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="585"/> @@ -2828,7 +2829,7 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="831"/> <source>*(Deleted Message)*</source> - <translation>*(Избришено поруке) *</translation> + <translation>*(Izbrisana poruka)*</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="832"/> @@ -3155,7 +3156,7 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="692"/> <source>Use existing Jami account</source> - <translation>КориÑтите поÑтојећи рачун Ðами</translation> + <translation>Koristite postojecÌi Jami nalog</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="693"/> @@ -3262,7 +3263,7 @@ Please try again later.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="730"/> <source>Enable local moderators</source> - <translation>Омогућити локалне модератере</translation> + <translation>OmogucÌi lokalne moderatore</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/net/jami/Constants/JamiStrings.qml" line="731"/> @@ -3464,7 +3465,7 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="45"/> <source>Focus conversations list</source> - <translation>СпиÑок разговорних разговора</translation> + <translation>Fokusirajte listu razgovora</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="49"/> @@ -3549,7 +3550,7 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="117"/> <source>Cancel message edition</source> - <translation>Убриши издање поруке</translation> + <translation>Otkaži izdanje poruke</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="125"/> @@ -4143,7 +4144,7 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="343"/> <source>Sending</source> - <translation>Пошаљивање</translation> + <translation>Slanje</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="347"/> @@ -4318,7 +4319,7 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="103"/> <source>Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to recover your account if you did not back it up earlier.</source> - <translation>Ðами Ñе диÑтрибуира и ваш рачун Ñе чува Ñамо локално на вашем уређају. Ðко изгубите лозинку или локалне податке о рачун, ÐЕћете моћи да вратите рачун ако га раније не направите резервни коментар.</translation> + <translation>Jami se distribuira i vaÅ¡ nalog se Äuva samo lokalno na vaÅ¡em ureÄ‘aju. Ako izgubite lozinku ili podatke o lokalnom nalogu, NECÌETE mocÌi da vratite svoj nalog ako niste ranije napravili rezervnu kopiju.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="109"/> @@ -4348,12 +4349,12 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="129"/> <source>With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone who has physical access to your device.</source> - <translation>Са Ðамијем, ваш рачун Ñе чува у директорији на вашем уређају.</translation> + <translation>Sa Jami, vaÅ¡ nalog se Äuva u direktorijumu na vaÅ¡em ureÄ‘aju. Lozinka se koristi samo za Å¡ifrovanje vaÅ¡eg naloga kako bi vas zaÅ¡titila od nekoga ko ima fiziÄki pristup vaÅ¡em ureÄ‘aju.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="149"/> <source>Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it.</source> - <translation>Ðко избришете Ñвој рачун Ñа Ñвих уређаја, рачун је заувек неÑтао и ÐЕ можете га опоравити.</translation> + <translation>VaÅ¡ nalog se Äuva samo na vaÅ¡im ureÄ‘ajima. Ako izbriÅ¡ete svoj nalog sa svih svojih ureÄ‘aja, nalog cÌe zauvek nestati i NE MOŽETE da ga povratite.</translation> </message> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="153"/> @@ -4398,7 +4399,7 @@ connects to synchronize the conversation.</source> <message> <location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="147"/> <source>What happens when I delete my account?</source> - <translation>Шта Ñе дешава када бринем Ñвој рачун?</translation> + <translation>Å ta se deÅ¡ava kada izbriÅ¡em svoj nalog?</translation> </message> </context> <context> -- GitLab