diff --git a/qml.qrc b/qml.qrc
index 1d6af2c7d9905e71ac26262461604675faa547cb..db29de3b8b1abe9a38e05d3960851ee564a5efbe 100644
--- a/qml.qrc
+++ b/qml.qrc
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
-        <file>src/app/wizardview/components/BackupKeyPage.qml</file>
@@ -201,5 +200,8 @@
+        <file>src/app/mainview/components/CustomizeTipBox.qml</file>
+        <file>src/app/mainview/components/BackupTipBox.qml</file>
+        <file>src/app/mainview/components/InformativeTipBox.qml</file>
diff --git a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
index d9bd827be400dc1a03943b12397654064d307cd5..b204361531e68e04fb07fe71a71ee142b405ca72 100644
--- a/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
+++ b/src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ Item {
     property string noVideo: qsTr("no video")
     // BackupKeyPage
+    property string whyBackupAccount: qsTr("Why should I back-up this account?")
     property string  backupAccountInfos: qsTr("Your account only exists on this device. " +
                                               "If you lose your device or uninstall the application, " +
                                               "your account will be deleted and CANNOT be recovered. " +
-                                              "You can back up your account now or later.")
+                                              "You can back up your account now or later (in the Account Settings).")
     property string backupAccountHere: qsTr("Back up account here")
-    property string backupAccount: qsTr("Back up your account!")
     property string backupAccountBtn: qsTr("Back up account")
     property string skip: qsTr("Skip")
     property string success: qsTr("Success")
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/BackupTipBox.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/BackupTipBox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99dfb5a70d0570d059187f5b5963f2b5b43ed68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/BackupTipBox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import Qt.labs.platform
+import net.jami.Models 1.1
+import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
+import net.jami.Constants 1.1
+import "../../commoncomponents"
+Item {
+    id: root
+    width: parent.width
+    height: backupLayout.height
+    signal ignore
+    PasswordDialog {
+        id: passwordDialog
+        visible: false
+        purpose: PasswordDialog.ExportAccount
+        onDoneSignal: function (success) {
+            root.ignore()
+        }
+    }
+    // JamiFileDialog for exporting account
+    JamiFileDialog {
+        id: exportDialog
+        mode: JamiFileDialog.SaveFile
+        title: JamiStrings.backupAccountHere
+        folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.HomeLocation) + "/Desktop"
+        nameFilters: [JamiStrings.jamiArchiveFiles, JamiStrings.allFiles]
+        onAccepted: {
+            // Is there password? If so, go to password dialog, else, go to following directly
+            if (AccountAdapter.hasPassword()) {
+                passwordDialog.path = UtilsAdapter.getAbsPath(file)
+                passwordDialog.open()
+            } else {
+                if (file.toString().length > 0)
+                    root.ignore()
+            }
+        }
+        onVisibleChanged: {
+            if (!visible) {
+                rejected()
+            }
+        }
+        onRejected: {
+            backupBtn.forceActiveFocus()
+        }
+    }
+    ColumnLayout {
+        id: backupLayout
+        anchors.top: parent.top
+        width: parent.width
+        RowLayout {
+            Layout.leftMargin: 15
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+            ResponsiveImage {
+                id: icon
+                visible: !opened
+                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+                Layout.topMargin: 5
+                Layout.preferredWidth: 26
+                Layout.preferredHeight: 26
+                containerHeight: Layout.preferredHeight
+                containerWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
+                source: JamiResources.noun_paint_svg
+                color: "#005699"
+            }
+            Label {
+                text: JamiStrings.backupAccountBtn
+                color: JamiTheme.textColor
+                font.weight: Font.Medium
+                Layout.topMargin: 5
+                visible: !opened
+                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+                Layout.leftMargin: 5
+                font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxTitleFontSize
+            }
+        }
+        Text {
+            Layout.preferredWidth: 170
+            Layout.leftMargin: 20
+            Layout.topMargin: 8
+            Layout.bottomMargin: 15
+            font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+            visible: !opened
+            wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+            font.weight: Font.Normal
+            text: JamiStrings.whyBackupAccount
+            color: JamiTheme.textColor
+        }
+        Text {
+            Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
+            Layout.leftMargin: 20
+            Layout.topMargin: 20
+            font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+            visible: opened
+            wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+            text: JamiStrings.backupAccountInfos
+            color: JamiTheme.textColor
+        }
+        MaterialButton {
+            id: backupBtn
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+            preferredWidth: parent.width
+            visible: opened
+            text: JamiStrings.backupAccountBtn
+            autoAccelerator: true
+            color: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGrey
+            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyHovered
+            pressedColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyPressed
+            onClicked: exportDialog.open()
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/CustomizeTipBox.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/CustomizeTipBox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aaa3165fed2d16d186f11cc54e3ab43824edcaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/CustomizeTipBox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import net.jami.Models 1.1
+import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
+import net.jami.Constants 1.1
+import "../../commoncomponents"
+ColumnLayout {
+    width: parent.width
+    RowLayout {
+        Layout.leftMargin: 15
+        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+        ResponsiveImage {
+            id: icon
+            visible: !opened
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+            Layout.topMargin: 5
+            Layout.preferredWidth: 26
+            Layout.preferredHeight: 26
+            containerHeight: Layout.preferredHeight
+            containerWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
+            source: JamiResources.noun_paint_svg
+            color: "#005699"
+        }
+        Label {
+            text: JamiStrings.customize
+            color: JamiTheme.textColor
+            font.weight: Font.Medium
+            Layout.topMargin: 5
+            visible: !opened
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+            Layout.leftMargin: 5
+            font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxTitleFontSize
+        }
+    }
+    Text {
+        Layout.preferredWidth: 170
+        Layout.leftMargin: 20
+        Layout.topMargin: 8
+        Layout.bottomMargin: 15
+        font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+        visible: !opened
+        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+        font.weight: Font.Normal
+        text: JamiStrings.customizeText
+        color: JamiTheme.textColor
+    }
+    PhotoboothView {
+        id: setAvatarWidget
+        Layout.preferredWidth: JamiTheme.accountListAvatarSize
+        Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.accountListAvatarSize
+        Layout.topMargin: 10
+        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+        darkTheme: UtilsAdapter.luma(JamiTheme.primaryBackgroundColor)
+        visible: opened
+        enabled: true
+        buttonSize: 35
+        imageId: CurrentAccount.id
+        avatarSize: 53
+        cancelButton: false
+    }
+    EditableLineEdit {
+        id: displayNameLineEdit
+        visible: opened
+        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+        Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
+        text: CurrentAccount.alias
+        placeholderText: JamiStrings.enterNickname
+        color: JamiTheme.textColor
+        fontSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+        onEditingFinished: {
+            AccountAdapter.setCurrAccDisplayName(text)
+        }
+    }
+    Text {
+        Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
+        Layout.leftMargin: 20
+        Layout.topMargin: 6
+        font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+        visible: opened
+        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+        text: JamiStrings.customizationDescription2
+        color: JamiTheme.textColor
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/InformativeTipBox.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/InformativeTipBox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f323dba458aef8c27006c3668c222e446a725db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/InformativeTipBox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import net.jami.Models 1.1
+import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
+import net.jami.Constants 1.1
+import "../../commoncomponents"
+ColumnLayout {
+    width: parent.width
+    RowLayout {
+        Layout.leftMargin: 15
+        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+        ResponsiveImage {
+            id: icon
+            visible: !opened
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+            Layout.topMargin: 5
+            Layout.preferredWidth: 26
+            Layout.preferredHeight: 26
+            containerHeight: Layout.preferredHeight
+            containerWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
+            source: JamiResources.glasses_tips_svg
+            color: "#005699"
+        }
+        Label {
+            text: JamiStrings.tip
+            color: JamiTheme.textColor
+            font.weight: Font.Medium
+            Layout.topMargin: 5
+            visible: !opened
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+            Layout.leftMargin: 8
+            font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxTitleFontSize
+        }
+    }
+    Text {
+        Layout.preferredWidth: opened ? 140 : 150
+        Layout.leftMargin: 20
+        Layout.topMargin: opened ? 0 : 8
+        Layout.bottomMargin: 15
+        font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+        font.weight: opened ?  Font.Medium : Font.Normal
+        text: root.title
+        color: JamiTheme.textColor
+    }
+    Text {
+        Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
+        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
+        font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
+        visible: opened
+        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+        text: root.description
+        color: JamiTheme.textColor
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
index 0d7afe53d29b1a2ef64dac8ed745979b89f852c1..86691dcac543ae1f39f58a5eea8adb94fc526983 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/TipBox.qml
@@ -34,11 +34,20 @@ Item {
     property var title: ""
     property var description: ""
     property int tipId: 0
-    property bool isTip : true
+    property string type : ""
     property bool hovered: false
     property bool clicked : false
-    property bool opened : false
-    property string alias: ""
+    property bool opened: false
+    property string customizeTip:"CustomizeTipBox {}"
+    property string backupTip: "BackupTipBox {
+            onIgnore: {
+                root.ignoreClicked()
+            }
+        }"
+    property string infoTip: "InformativeTipBox {}"
     width: 200
     height: tipColumnLayout.implicitHeight + 2 * JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
@@ -54,122 +63,22 @@ Item {
         border.color: opened || hovered ? "transparent" : Qt.rgba(0, 0.34,0.6,0.16)
         radius: 20
-        ColumnLayout {
+        Column {
             id: tipColumnLayout
             anchors.top: parent.top
             width: parent.width
             anchors.topMargin: 10
-            RowLayout {
-                Layout.leftMargin: 15
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
-                ResponsiveImage {
-                    id: icon
-                    visible: !opened
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
-                    Layout.topMargin: 5
-                    Layout.preferredWidth: 26
-                    Layout.preferredHeight: 26
-                    containerHeight: Layout.preferredHeight
-                    containerWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
-                    source: !isTip ?  JamiResources.noun_paint_svg : JamiResources.glasses_tips_svg
-                    color: "#005699"
-                }
-                Label {
-                    text: root.isTip ? JamiStrings.tip : JamiStrings.customize
-                    color: JamiTheme.textColor
-                    font.weight: Font.Medium
-                    Layout.topMargin: 5
-                    visible: !opened
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
-                    Layout.leftMargin: isTip ? 8 : 5
-                    font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxTitleFontSize
+            Component.onCompleted: {
+                if (type === "customize") {
+                    Qt.createQmlObject(customizeTip, this, 'tip')
+                } else if (type === "backup") {
+                    Qt.createQmlObject(backupTip, this, 'tip')
+                } else {
+                    Qt.createQmlObject(infoTip, this, 'tip')
-            Text {
-                Layout.preferredWidth: root.isTip ? opened ? 140 : 150 : 170
-                Layout.leftMargin: 20
-                Layout.topMargin: root.isTip && opened ? 0 : 8
-                Layout.bottomMargin: 15
-                font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
-                visible: !opened || root.isTip
-                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
-                font.weight: root.isTip && opened ?  Font.Medium : Font.Normal
-                text: !isTip ? JamiStrings.customizeText : root.title
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-            }
-            PhotoboothView {
-                id: setAvatarWidget
-                Layout.preferredWidth: JamiTheme.accountListAvatarSize
-                Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.accountListAvatarSize
-                Layout.topMargin: 10
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
-                darkTheme: UtilsAdapter.luma(JamiTheme.primaryBackgroundColor)
-                visible: opened &&! isTip
-                enabled: true
-                buttonSize: 35
-                imageId: CurrentAccount.id
-                avatarSize: 53
-                cancelButton: false
-            }
-            EditableLineEdit {
-                id: displayNameLineEdit
-                visible: !isTip && opened
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-                Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
-                text: CurrentAccount.alias
-                placeholderText: JamiStrings.enterNickname
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-                fontSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
-                onEditingFinished: root.alias = text
-            }
-            Text {
-                Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
-                Layout.leftMargin: 20
-                Layout.topMargin: 6
-                font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
-                visible: opened && !isTip
-                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
-                text: JamiStrings.customizationDescription2
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-            }
-            Text {
-                Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 32
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
-                font.pixelSize: JamiTheme.tipBoxContentFontSize
-                visible: opened && isTip
-                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
-                text: root.description
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-            }
     HoverHandler {
diff --git a/src/app/mainview/components/WelcomePage.qml b/src/app/mainview/components/WelcomePage.qml
index ca381fb607123b520b385964c6549e69d107fc53..3b41c3496c4158a7db0ba9278f50a31c27f6fd51 100644
--- a/src/app/mainview/components/WelcomePage.qml
+++ b/src/app/mainview/components/WelcomePage.qml
@@ -186,8 +186,17 @@ Rectangle {
                                 tipId: TipId
                                 title: Title
                                 description: Description
-                                isTip: IsTip
-                                visible: index < 3
+                                type: Type
+                                visible: {
+                                    if (type === "backup") {
+                                        return LRCInstance.currentAccountType !== Profile.Type.SIP
+                                               && CurrentAccount.managerUri.length === 0
+                                    } else if (type === "customize") {
+                                        return CurrentAccount.alias.length === 0
+                                    }
+                                    return true
+                                }
                                 onIgnoreClicked: TipsModel.remove(TipId)
diff --git a/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp b/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
index 767e8f759b40b636e11b64a181c83ed4bce3456d..05849d0618e2db1fdec651d553a9fadfebda5178 100644
--- a/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/app/tipsmodel.cpp
@@ -22,19 +22,20 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
     : QAbstractListModel(parent)
     , settingsManager_(settingsManager)
-    tips_.append({{"id", "0"}, {"title", tr("Customize")}, {"desc", ""}, {"isTip", "false"}});
+    tips_.append({{"id", "0"}, {"title", tr("Customize")}, {"desc", ""}, {"type", "customize"}});
+    tips_.append({{"id", "13"}, {"title", tr("Backup account")}, {"desc", ""}, {"type", "backup"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "1"},
                   {"title", tr("What does Jami mean?")},
                    tr("The choice of the name Jami was inspired by the Swahili word 'jamii', which "
                       "means 'community' as a noun and 'together' as an adverb.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "2"},
                   {"title", tr("What is the green dot next to my account?")},
                    tr("A red dot means that your account is disconnected from the network; it "
                       "turns green when it's connected.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "3"},
          {"title", tr("Why should I back up my account?")},
@@ -42,30 +43,29 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
           tr("Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If "
              "you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to "
              "recover your account if you did not back it up earlier.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "4"},
          {"title", tr("Can I make a conference call?")},
           tr("In a call, you can click on \"Add participants\" to add a contact to a call.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
-    tips_.append(
-        {{"id", "5"},
-         {"title", tr("Does Jami have group chats?")},
-         {"desc", tr("In the settings, you can enabled support for groups (experimental).")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
+    tips_.append({{"id", "5"},
+                  {"title", tr("Does Jami have group chats?")},
+                  {"desc", tr("In the settings, you can enabled support for groups (experimental)")},
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "6"},
                   {"title", tr("What is a Jami account?")},
                    tr("A Jami account is an asymmetric encryption key. Your account is identified "
                       "by a Jami ID, which is a fingerprint of your public key.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "7"},
                   {"title", tr("What information do I need to provide to create a Jami account?")},
                    tr("When you create a new Jami account, you do not have to provide any private "
                       "information like an email, address, or phone number.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "8"},
          {"title", tr("Why don't I have to use a password?")},
@@ -73,32 +73,32 @@ TipsModel::TipsModel(AppSettingsManager* settingsManager, QObject* parent)
           tr("With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password "
              "is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone "
              "who has physical access to your device.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "9"},
          {"title", tr("Why don't I have to register a username?")},
           tr("The most permanent, secure identifier is your Jami ID, but since these are difficult "
              "to use for some people, you also have the option of registering a username.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "10"},
          {"title", tr("How can I back up my account?")},
          {"desc", tr("In Account Settings, a button is available to create a backup your account.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
         {{"id", "11"},
          {"title", tr("What happens when I delete my account?")},
           tr("Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account "
              "from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it.")},
-         {"isTip", "true"}});
+         {"type", "tip"}});
     tips_.append({{"id", "12"},
                   {"title", tr("Can I use my account on multiple devices?")},
                    tr("Yes, you can link your account from the settings, or you can import your "
                       "backup on another device.")},
-                  {"isTip", "true"}});
+                  {"type", "tip"}});
     QStringList hiddenIds = settingsManager_->getValue(Settings::Key::HiddenTips).toStringList();
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ TipsModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
         return QVariant::fromValue(tip["title"]);
     case Tips::Role::Description:
         return QVariant::fromValue(tip["desc"]);
-    case Tips::Role::IsTip:
-        return QVariant::fromValue(tip["isTip"] == "true");
+    case Tips::Role::Type:
+        return QVariant::fromValue(tip["type"]);
     return QVariant();
diff --git a/src/app/tipsmodel.h b/src/app/tipsmodel.h
index 2620bb493bf29f7bc38bac1afe3621ee8b5b7fcb..52a424e8fba00209b410a6c01e0d777f7f4b5173 100644
--- a/src/app/tipsmodel.h
+++ b/src/app/tipsmodel.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     X(TipId) \
     X(Title) \
     X(Description) \
-    X(IsTip)
+    X(Type)
 namespace Tips {
diff --git a/src/app/wizardview/WizardView.qml b/src/app/wizardview/WizardView.qml
index c1d8fbbf7381ceec9cba3f3f8b9d4975312aff2e..b5fa9059ab677e0732ab22f6ca1617a3c319db8c 100644
--- a/src/app/wizardview/WizardView.qml
+++ b/src/app/wizardview/WizardView.qml
@@ -114,14 +114,6 @@ Rectangle {
                 onShowThisPage: controlPanelStackView.setPage(this)
-            BackupKeyPage {
-                id: backupKeysPage
-                objectName: "backupKeysPage"
-                onShowThisPage: controlPanelStackView.setPage(this)
-            }
             ImportFromDevicePage {
                 id: importFromDevicePage
diff --git a/src/app/wizardview/components/BackupKeyPage.qml b/src/app/wizardview/components/BackupKeyPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b62bcd89a704e6520b232c4d6b1851596912f6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/app/wizardview/components/BackupKeyPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
- * Author: Yang Wang <yang.wang@savoirfairelinux.com>
- * Author: Mingrui Zhang <mingrui.zhang@savoirfairelinux.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-import QtQuick
-import QtQuick.Layouts
-import QtQuick.Controls
-import Qt.labs.platform
-import net.jami.Models 1.1
-import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
-import net.jami.Constants 1.1
-import net.jami.Enums 1.1
-import "../../commoncomponents"
-import "../../settingsview/components"
-Rectangle {
-    id: root
-    property int preferredHeight: backupKeysPageColumnLayout.implicitHeight
-    signal showThisPage
-    function showBackupStatusDialog(success) {
-        var title = success ? JamiStrings.success : JamiStrings.error
-        var info = success ? JamiStrings.backupSuccessful : JamiStrings.backupFailed
-        msgDialog.openWithParameters(title, info)
-    }
-    Connections {
-        target: WizardViewStepModel
-        function onMainStepChanged() {
-            if (WizardViewStepModel.mainStep === WizardViewStepModel.MainSteps.BackupKeys)
-                root.showThisPage()
-        }
-    }
-    SimpleMessageDialog {
-        id: msgDialog
-        buttonTitles: [JamiStrings.optionOk]
-        buttonStyles: [SimpleMessageDialog.ButtonStyle.TintedBlue]
-        onClosed: {
-            if (title === JamiStrings.success)
-                WizardViewStepModel.nextStep()
-        }
-    }
-    PasswordDialog {
-        id: passwordDialog
-        visible: false
-        purpose: PasswordDialog.ExportAccount
-        onDoneSignal: function (success) {
-            showBackupStatusDialog(success)
-        }
-    }
-    // JamiFileDialog for exporting account
-    JamiFileDialog {
-        id: exportDialog
-        mode: JamiFileDialog.SaveFile
-        title: JamiStrings.backupAccountHere
-        folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.HomeLocation) + "/Desktop"
-        nameFilters: [JamiStrings.jamiArchiveFiles, JamiStrings.allFiles]
-        onAccepted: {
-            // Is there password? If so, go to password dialog, else, go to following directly
-            if (AccountAdapter.hasPassword()) {
-                passwordDialog.path = UtilsAdapter.getAbsPath(file)
-                passwordDialog.open()
-            } else {
-                if (file.toString().length > 0)
-                    showBackupStatusDialog(AccountAdapter.exportToFile(
-                                               LRCInstance.currentAccountId,
-                                               UtilsAdapter.getAbsPath(file)))
-            }
-        }
-        onVisibleChanged: {
-            if (!visible) {
-                rejected()
-            }
-        }
-        onRejected: {
-            backupBtn.forceActiveFocus()
-        }
-    }
-    color: JamiTheme.backgroundColor
-    ColumnLayout {
-        id: backupKeysPageColumnLayout
-        spacing: JamiTheme.wizardViewPageLayoutSpacing
-        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-        RowLayout {
-            spacing: JamiTheme.wizardViewPageLayoutSpacing
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-            Layout.topMargin: JamiTheme.wizardViewPageBackButtonMargins
-            Layout.preferredWidth: backupBtn.width
-            Label {
-                text: JamiStrings.backupAccount
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-                font.pointSize: JamiTheme.textFontSize + 3
-            }
-            BubbleLabel {
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
-                text: JamiStrings.recommended
-            }
-        }
-        Label {
-            property int preferredHeight: 0
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-            Layout.preferredWidth: backupBtn.width
-            Layout.preferredHeight: preferredHeight
-            text: JamiStrings.backupAccountInfos
-            color: JamiTheme.textColor
-            wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
-            font.pointSize: JamiTheme.textFontSize
-            onFontChanged: {
-                var boundingRect = JamiQmlUtils.getTextBoundingRect(font, text)
-                preferredHeight = (boundingRect.width / backupBtn.preferredWidth)
-                        * boundingRect.height
-            }
-        }
-        RowLayout {
-            spacing: JamiTheme.wizardViewPageLayoutSpacing
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-            Label {
-                text: JamiStrings.neverShowAgain
-                color: JamiTheme.textColor
-                font.pointSize: JamiTheme.textFontSize
-            }
-            JamiSwitch {
-                id: neverShowMeAgainSwitch
-                objectName: "neverShowMeAgainSwitch"
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
-                focus: visible
-                KeyNavigation.tab: backupBtn
-                KeyNavigation.up: skipBackupBtn
-                KeyNavigation.down: KeyNavigation.tab
-                onToggled: AppSettingsManager.setValue(Settings.NeverShowMeAgain, checked)
-            }
-        }
-        MaterialButton {
-            id: backupBtn
-            objectName: "backupKeyPageBackupBtn"
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-            preferredWidth: JamiTheme.wizardButtonWidth
-            text: JamiStrings.backupAccountBtn
-            autoAccelerator: true
-            color: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGrey
-            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyHovered
-            pressedColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyPressed
-            KeyNavigation.tab: skipBackupBtn
-            KeyNavigation.up: neverShowMeAgainSwitch
-            KeyNavigation.down: KeyNavigation.tab
-            onClicked: exportDialog.open()
-        }
-        MaterialButton {
-            id: skipBackupBtn
-            objectName: "backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn"
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
-            Layout.bottomMargin: JamiTheme.wizardViewPageBackButtonMargins
-            preferredWidth: JamiTheme.wizardButtonWidth
-            text: JamiStrings.skip
-            autoAccelerator: true
-            color: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGrey
-            hoveredColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyHovered
-            pressedColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedGreyPressed
-            secondary: true
-            KeyNavigation.tab: neverShowMeAgainSwitch
-            KeyNavigation.up: backupBtn
-            KeyNavigation.down: KeyNavigation.tab
-            onClicked: WizardViewStepModel.nextStep()
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.cpp b/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.cpp
index e903b2abf41c54f8777c20571aabdb2f2d522f65..e92aa9914a99b64d3ce441cbe4928090558f6e56 100644
--- a/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.cpp
@@ -41,16 +41,8 @@ WizardViewStepModel::WizardViewStepModel(LRCInstance* lrcInstance,
             Q_EMIT closeWizardView();
         } else if (accountCreationOption != AccountCreationOption::None) {
-            auto showBackup = (accountCreationOption == AccountCreationOption::CreateJamiAccount
-                               || accountCreationOption == AccountCreationOption::CreateRendezVous)
-                              && !appSettingsManager_->getValue(Settings::Key::NeverShowMeAgain)
-                                      .toBool();
-            if (showBackup)
-                set_mainStep(MainSteps::BackupKeys);
-            else {
-                Q_EMIT closeWizardView();
-                reset();
-            }
+            Q_EMIT closeWizardView();
+            reset();
         Q_EMIT accountIsReady(accountId);
@@ -99,12 +91,9 @@ WizardViewStepModel::nextStep()
-    case MainSteps::BackupKeys: {
-        Q_EMIT closeWizardView();
-        reset();
+    default:
-    }
diff --git a/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.h b/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.h
index 72da7fe9fc0f17ac369bfec6c9be78dbc87e6617..edb7585757e3244c521233ccd96acac3ea30187b 100644
--- a/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.h
+++ b/src/app/wizardviewstepmodel.h
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ public:
         Initial,          // Initial welcome step.
         AccountCreation,  // General account creation step.
         NameRegistration, // Name registration step : CreateJamiAccount, CreateRendezVous
-        BackupKeys        // Backup set up.
diff --git a/tests/qml/src/tst_WizardView.qml b/tests/qml/src/tst_WizardView.qml
index ea31ccd749c9504d898abb25e40f601cd8ecc7b9..08698b7a132c01434072b80961a164093c2cc4cb 100644
--- a/tests/qml/src/tst_WizardView.qml
+++ b/tests/qml/src/tst_WizardView.qml
@@ -1552,10 +1552,6 @@ WizardView {
             var createAccountButton = findChild(createAccountPage, "createAccountButton")
             var skipProfileSavingButton = findChild(profilePage, "skipProfileSavingButton")
-            var neverShowMeAgainSwitch = findChild(backupKeysPage, "neverShowMeAgainSwitch")
-            var backupKeyPageBackupBtn = findChild(backupKeysPage, "backupKeyPageBackupBtn")
-            var backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn = findChild(backupKeysPage, "backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn")
             // WelcomePage initially
@@ -1580,48 +1576,6 @@ WizardView {
-            var showBackup = (WizardViewStepModel.accountCreationOption ===
-                              WizardViewStepModel.AccountCreationOption.CreateJamiAccount
-                              || WizardViewStepModel.accountCreationOption ===
-                              WizardViewStepModel.AccountCreationOption.CreateRendezVous)
-                              && !AppSettingsManager.getValue(Settings.NeverShowMeAgain)
-            if (showBackup) {
-                compare(controlPanelStackView.children[controlPanelStackView.currentIndex],
-                        backupKeysPage)
-                // Navigation test
-                compare(neverShowMeAgainSwitch.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab)
-                compare(backupKeyPageBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab)
-                compare(backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab)
-                compare(neverShowMeAgainSwitch.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
-                compare(backupKeyPageBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
-                compare(backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
-                compare(neverShowMeAgainSwitch.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
-                compare(backupKeyPageSkipBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
-                compare(backupKeyPageBackupBtn.focus, true)
-                keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
-                compare(neverShowMeAgainSwitch.focus, true)
-                WizardViewStepModel.nextStep()
-            }
             compare(spyCloseWizardView.count, 1)