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  • Sébastien Blin's avatar
    manager: make manager owns sipvoiplink · 5e086184
    Sébastien Blin authored and Adrien Béraud's avatar Adrien Béraud committed
    The current design describes SIPVoIPLink as a Singleton. This cause
    some behaviors where the link is destroyed then immediately created
    or vice-versa and its creation/destruction can't really be planned.
    This design was made to allow multiple Managers to exist. However,
    we never do that, so let's keep it simple, there is only one
    Manager and all accounts needs that SIPVoIPLink
    This patch change this behavior and the voip link is now owned
    by the manager.
    Change-Id: I248e41742d342cf452a5503f532fe5ab862166e6