diff --git a/src/sip/sipcall.cpp b/src/sip/sipcall.cpp
index 44f638e44b0922badbd09a76af7ca4b42229a996..b83186727ef177174f1da3448cc142fc7b75f88e 100644
--- a/src/sip/sipcall.cpp
+++ b/src/sip/sipcall.cpp
@@ -1091,22 +1091,21 @@ void
     JAMI_WARN("[call:%s] medias changed", getCallId().c_str());
-    // If ICE is not used, start medias now
-    auto rem_ice_attrs = sdp_->getIceAttributes();
-    if (rem_ice_attrs.ufrag.empty() or rem_ice_attrs.pwd.empty()) {
-        JAMI_WARN("[call:%s] no remote ICE for medias", getCallId().c_str());
-        stopAllMedia();
-        startAllMedia();
-        return;
-    }
     // Main call (no subcalls) must wait for ICE now, the rest of code needs to access
     // to a negotiated transport.
     runOnMainThread([w = weak()] {
-        if (auto this_ = w.lock())
+        if (auto this_ = w.lock()) {
+            // If ICE is not used, start medias now
+            auto rem_ice_attrs = this_->sdp_->getIceAttributes();
+            if (rem_ice_attrs.ufrag.empty() or rem_ice_attrs.pwd.empty()) {
+                JAMI_WARN("[call:%s] no remote ICE for medias", this_->getCallId().c_str());
+                this_->stopAllMedia();
+                this_->startAllMedia();
+                return;
+            }
             if (not this_->isSubcall())
+        }