diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/de/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/de/translation.json
index 6adc84b25fe976790787c0c23b6a40fe8fe8f208..643e65a0f102589d844e0b9d46142048999a0bbb 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/de/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/de/translation.json
@@ -253,24 +253,24 @@
     "contact_management": "Kontaktverwaltung",
     "lookup_info": "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, kann der Benutzer keine neuen Kontakte suchen und hinzufügen",
     "local_lan": "Lokales LAN",
-    "customization": "Customization",
-    "is_customization_enabled": "Enable customization",
-    "welcome_has_title": "Title",
-    "welcome_title": "Welcome to Jami",
-    "welcome_has_description": "Description",
-    "welcome_Description": "Here is your Jami identifier, don't hesitate to share it in order to be contacted more easily!",
-    "welcome_has_Tips": "Enable Tips display",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
-    "instruction_description": "Use Jami description or personalize it (max 100 characters)",
-    "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Background",
-    "instruction_background": "Choose a background color or a background image",
-    "or": "or",
-    "upload_an_image": "UPLOAD AN IMAGE",
-    "welcome_has_Logo": "Logotype",
-    "instruction_logo": "Use Jami logotype or upload a logotype",
-    "upload_a_logotype": "UPLOAD A LOGOTYPE",
-    "call_parameters": "Call parameters",
-    "preview_tip1": "Add a picture and a nickname to complete your profile",
-    "preview_tip2": "Why should I save my account?",
-    "preview_tip3": "How to set shortcuts?"
+    "customization": "Anpassung",
+    "is_customization_enabled": "Anpassung aktivieren",
+    "welcome_has_title": "Titel",
+    "welcome_title": "Willkommen bei Jami",
+    "welcome_has_description": "Beschreibung",
+    "welcome_Description": "Hier ist Ihr Jami-Identifikator. Zögern Sie nicht, diesen weiterzugeben, um einfacher kontaktiert zu werden!",
+    "welcome_has_Tips": "Anzeige von Tipps aktivieren",
+    "instruction_title": "Jami-Titel verwenden oder diesen personalisieren (maximal 40 Zeichen).",
+    "instruction_description": "Jami-Beschreibung verwenden oder diese personalisieren (maximal 100 Zeichen).",
+    "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Hintergrund",
+    "instruction_background": "Hintergrundfarbe oder Hintergrundbild auswählen",
+    "or": "oder",
+    "upload_an_image": "Bild hochladen",
+    "welcome_has_Logo": "Logotyp",
+    "instruction_logo": "Jami-Logo verwenden oder Logo hochladen",
+    "upload_a_logotype": "Logo hochladen",
+    "call_parameters": "Anruf-Parameter",
+    "preview_tip1": "Bild und einen Spitznamen hinzufügen, um Ihr Profil zu vervollständigen",
+    "preview_tip2": "Warum sollte ich mein Konto speichern?",
+    "preview_tip3": "Wie setze ich Shortcuts?"
diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/hu/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/hu/translation.json
index 4bf9dcbf5b0e38a7489d2d1736ea54961f05b704..281ff8a3c78ae502e0b3a5472487e2e9efa1baa5 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/hu/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/hu/translation.json
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     "welcome_has_description": "Leírás",
     "welcome_Description": "Oszd meg ennek a fióknak a Jami-azonosítóját, hogy mások könnyebben kapcsolatba léphessenek Veled!",
     "welcome_has_Tips": "Tippek megjelenítésének engedélyezése",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
+    "instruction_title": "Jami címének használata vagy személyre szabása (legfeljebb 40 karakter)",
     "instruction_description": "Jami leírásának használata vagy személyre szabása (legfeljebb 100 karakter)",
     "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Háttér",
     "instruction_background": "Válasszon egy háttérszínt vagy egy háttérképet",
diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/it/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/it/translation.json
index 70b5cee3bfd7e9c8e1f3b947799c56e27cc53810..90b66dd6244a7f399491e5fcadf3a2aafe4babea 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/it/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/it/translation.json
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     "welcome_has_description": "Descrizione",
     "welcome_Description": "Ecco il tuo identificatore Jami, non esitare a condividerlo per essere contattato più facilmente!",
     "welcome_has_Tips": "Attiva la visualizzazione dei consigli",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
+    "instruction_title": "Usa il titolo Jami o personalizzalo (max 40 caratteri)",
     "instruction_description": "Usa la descrizione di Jami o personalizzala (max 100 caratteri)",
     "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Sfondo",
     "instruction_background": "Scegli un colore di sfondo o un'immagine di sfondo",
diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro/translation.json
index 42b804e6d6a2588a383fbb2eb569c7865183c2d9..0e3f8eb7a33657325cb46c2017c55fec1033f88c 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro/translation.json
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     "welcome_has_description": "Descriere",
     "welcome_Description": "Iată identificatorul tău Jami, nu ezita să-l distribui pentru a fi contactat mai ușor!",
     "welcome_has_Tips": "Activează afișarea sfaturilor",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
+    "instruction_title": "Folosește titlul Jami sau personalizează-l (max 40 de caractere)",
     "instruction_description": "Folosește descrierea Jami sau personalizeaz-o (max 100 de caractere)",
     "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Fundal",
     "instruction_background": "Alege o culoare de fundal sau o imagine de fundal",
diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro_RO/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro_RO/translation.json
index 71213231af4666e835d91df9a667cd6354a33c9c..4e50862164d4c498df0db2e78707dbf140dc2e8f 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro_RO/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/ro_RO/translation.json
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     "welcome_has_description": "Descriere",
     "welcome_Description": "Iată identificatorul tău Jami, nu ezita să-l distribui pentru a fi contactat mai ușor!",
     "welcome_has_Tips": "Activează afișarea sfaturilor",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
+    "instruction_title": "Folosește titlul Jami sau personalizează-l (max 40 de caractere)",
     "instruction_description": "Folosește descrierea Jami sau personalizeaz-o (max 100 de caractere)",
     "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Fundal",
     "instruction_background": "Alege o culoare de fundal sau o imagine de fundal",
diff --git a/jams-react-client/public/locales/sq_AL/translation.json b/jams-react-client/public/locales/sq_AL/translation.json
index f04fb3ff8b160351d4ef77ca88c708d6af7504c4..07497015d1f865956700c9cd7cd9e74c5839a000 100644
--- a/jams-react-client/public/locales/sq_AL/translation.json
+++ b/jams-react-client/public/locales/sq_AL/translation.json
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     "welcome_has_description": "Përshkrim",
     "welcome_Description": "Ja identifikuesi juaj Jami, mos ngurroni t’ua jepni të tjerëve, që të mund të lidhen me ju më lehtë!",
     "welcome_has_Tips": "Aktivizoni shfaqje Ndihmëzash",
-    "instruction_title": "Use Jami title or personalize it (max 40 characters)",
+    "instruction_title": "Përdorni titullin e Jami-t, ose përshtateni (e shumta 40 shenja)",
     "instruction_description": "Përdorni përshkrim Jami, ose ujdisni diçka tuajën (e shumta 20 shenja)",
     "welcome_has_BackgroundCustom": "Sfond",
     "instruction_background": "Zgjidhni një ngjyrë sfondi, ose një figurë sfondi",