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  • Nicolas Jager's avatar
    api changes · 5cae7630
    Nicolas Jager authored and Sébastien Blin's avatar Sébastien Blin committed
    - change lrc::api::message for lrc::api::interaction
      Rationale: message is only a part of different interactions possibly
      present in the history.
    - add lrc::api::profile namespace.
      Rationale: information stored by daemon or database
      about accounts or contacts accessible through profile. Other
      informations will be considered volatile.
    - lrc::api::account::Info changes:
      * accountModel a non-owned pointer rather than a unique_ptr
      * add members: registeredName, enabled, status and profileInfo
    - lrc::api::call::Info changes:
      * add members: peer, audioMuted and videoMuted
    - lrc::api::contact::Info changes:
      * remove members: uri, avatar, alias, type
      * add member: profileInfo
    - lrc::api::conversation::Info changes:
      * messages -> interactions
      * remove isUsed
    - all ::Info: add functions to convert Type and Status to string and vice versa.
    - minor file header fixes.
    [GR: ci-msg refactor]
    Change-Id: Iba46194eb29ff394481663bef4ca07dc4bd899f6
    Reviewed-by: default avatarGuillaume Roguez <>