diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
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+# Ring Nameservice
+Ring Nameservice is used to resolve easily memorable usernames to Ring IDs. Ring clients communicate with the Nameservice using HTTP.
+To run, make sure you have Solidity compiler `solc` installed.
+Instructions for Ubuntu:
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install solc
+Then do a `make` in the project root directory.
+You'll need to use Python 3.5+ to run the nameservice. If you already don't have tmux installed, do `pip install tmux`, and then:
+python start_eth_cluster.py
+Finally, make sure you have nodejs and npm install, do:
+npm install
+sudo nodejs index.js
+(we need sudo for Express server to listen on port 80)
+This will launch the HTTP server used to interface with the nameservice.
+Send a GET request to `name/<username>` to get its Ring ID. Send a POST request to `name/<username>` to register new username-RingID pair.
+Optionally, you can dump all username-RingID pairs to file using:
+nodejs read_names.js
+This will dump all the username-RingID pairs to `names.json` file.
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