diff --git a/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-all.postinst b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-all.postinst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71cb922ae1ba25db2f3756d571020b388c988710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-all.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# JAMI PACKAGE POSTINST                                                       #
+#                                                                             #
+# Install Jami's package repository to the trusted sources and add Jami's     #
+# release key to trusted keyring.                                             #
+#                                                                             #
+# [1] Configuration                                                           #
+# All package repo urls are expected to start with this string, regardless
+# of the distribution or version. The end tag is automatically appended,
+# depending on the system the postinst script is run on.
+# To update the appended end tags, modify the switch in [2].
+# FIXME As soon as the repo get renamed to /nightly fix this url
+# Jami release key.
+Version: GnuPG v2
+# System paths and generated variables
+# In general: you will not need to modify these variables.
+# WARNING: When modifying the paths, keep in mind that the corresponding
+# postrm paths should be modified as well
+# [2] Set package repo url depending on distribution and version              #
+# Detect currently running system using /etc/os-release
+# Redhat-based systems are supposed to provide /etc/os-release so if it's not
+# the case then we simply don't want to provide automatic updates
+if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
+    . /etc/os-release
+name='"${NAME}"' $releasever - $basearch - Jami
+    # Set-up Jami repository end tag
+    if [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:el8" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID%.*}" = "rhel_8" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="rhel_8"
+    elif [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:f27" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID}" = "fedora_27" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="fedora_27"
+    elif [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:f28" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID}" = "fedora_28" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="fedora_28"
+    elif [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:f29" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID}" = "fedora_29" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="fedora_29"
+    elif [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:f30" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID}" = "fedora_30" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="fedora_30"
+    elif [ "${PLATFORM_ID}" = "platform:f31" ] || [ "${ID}_${VERSION_ID}" = "fedora_31" ]; then
+        ENDTAG="fedora_31"
+    else
+        # Distribution is not supported. Don't provide automatic updates.
+        CAN_ADD_YUM_SOURCE=false
+    fi
+# [3] Maintainer script main switch                                           #
+ if [ "`command -v rpm`" = "" ]; then
+        # we can only add key if rpm is present
+        CAN_ADD_YUM_SOURCE=false
+ fi
+ if [ "${CAN_ADD_YUM_SOURCE}" = "true" ]; then
+#       # We first add the key to the trusted keyring.
+        cat > $GPG_FILE <<EOF
+        /usr/bin/rm -f /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock > /dev/null 2>&1
+        /usr/bin/rpm --import $GPG_FILE  > /dev/null 2>&1
+        # Add an entry for the package repository to the trusted package
+        # FIXME As soon as we rename the repo use ring instead of jami
+        cat > $YUM_FILE <<EOF
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-one-click.spec b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-one-click.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c29286b01f64958809f64864d9e98cc6037f09bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami-one-click.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+%define name        jami-all
+%define version     RELEASE_VERSION
+%define release     0
+%define postinst    jami-all.postinst
+Name:          %{name}
+Version:       %{version}
+Release:       %{release}%{?dist}
+Summary:       Free software for distributed and secured communication.
+Group:         Applications/Internet
+License:       GPLv3+
+URL:           https://jami.net/
+Source:        jami_%{version}.tar.gz
+#Requires:      jami-daemon = %{version}
+Obsoletes:     ring ring-daemon
+Provides:      ring
+Conflicts:     ring ring-daemon
+BuildRequires: make
+BuildRequires: autoconf
+BuildRequires: automake
+BuildRequires: cmake
+BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
+BuildRequires: libcanberra-devel
+BuildRequires: libtool
+BuildRequires: dbus-devel
+BuildRequires: expat-devel
+BuildRequires: pcre-devel
+BuildRequires: yaml-cpp-devel
+BuildRequires: boost-devel
+BuildRequires: dbus-c++-devel
+BuildRequires: dbus-devel
+BuildRequires: libXext-devel
+BuildRequires: yasm
+BuildRequires: speex-devel
+BuildRequires: chrpath
+BuildRequires: check
+BuildRequires: astyle
+BuildRequires: uuid-c++-devel
+BuildRequires: gettext-devel
+BuildRequires: gcc-c++
+BuildRequires: which
+BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
+BuildRequires: systemd-devel
+BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
+BuildRequires: libXfixes-devel
+BuildRequires: uuid-devel
+BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
+BuildRequires: nettle-devel
+BuildRequires: opus-devel
+BuildRequires: jsoncpp-devel
+BuildRequires: libnatpmp-devel
+BuildRequires: gsm-devel
+BuildRequires: libupnp-devel
+BuildRequires: gcc-c++
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel
+BuildRequires: gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
+BuildRequires: clutter-gtk-devel
+BuildRequires: clutter-devel
+BuildRequires: glib2-devel
+BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
+BuildRequires: libnotify-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qttools-devel
+BuildRequires: qrencode-devel
+BuildRequires: libappindicator-gtk3-devel
+BuildRequires: NetworkManager-libnm-devel
+BuildRequires: libva-devel
+BuildRequires: webkitgtk4-devel
+BuildRequires: cryptopp-devel
+Jami is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms
+and privacy of its users.
+This package contains the desktop client: jami-gnome.
+%setup -n ring-project
+## Ring Daemon configure ##
+mkdir -p daemon/contrib/native
+cd %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/native && \
+    ../bootstrap \
+        --no-checksums \
+        --disable-ogg \
+        --disable-flac \
+        --disable-vorbis \
+        --disable-vorbisenc \
+        --disable-speex \
+        --disable-sndfile \
+        --disable-gsm \
+        --disable-speexdsp \
+        --disable-natpmp && \
+    make list && \
+    make fetch && \
+    make -j4 V=1 && \
+    make -j4 V=1 .ffmpeg
+cd %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon && \
+    ./autogen.sh && \
+    ./configure \
+        --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+        --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+        --disable-shared
+## libringclient configure ##
+cd %{_builddir}/ring-project/lrc && \
+    mkdir build && \
+    cd build && \
+    cmake \
+        -DRING_BUILD_DIR=%{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon/src \
+        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
+        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=%{_libdir} \
+        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
+        ..
+## gnome client configure ##
+cd %{_builddir}/ring-project/client-gnome && \
+    mkdir build && \
+    cd build && \
+    cmake \
+        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
+        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=%{_libdir} \
+        -DLibRingClient_PROJECT_DIR=%{_builddir}/ring-project/lrc \
+        ..
+## Ring Daemon build ##
+make -C %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon -j4 V=1
+pod2man %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon/man/dring.pod > %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon/dring.1
+## libringclient build ##
+make -C %{_builddir}/ring-project/lrc/build -j4 V=1
+## gnome client build ##
+make -C %{_builddir}/ring-project/client-gnome/build LDFLAGS="-lpthread" -j4 V=1
+## Ring Daemon install ##
+DESTDIR=%{buildroot} make -C daemon install
+cp %{_builddir}/ring-project/daemon/dring.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/dring.1
+rm -rfv %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/include
+rm -rfv %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/*.a
+rm -rfv %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/*.la
+## libringclient install ##
+DESTDIR=%{buildroot} make -C lrc/build install
+rm -rfv %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/include
+# This is a symlink, should be in -dev package
+rm -v %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/libringclient.so
+# cmake files
+rm -rfv %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/cmake
+## gnome client install ##
+DESTDIR=%{buildroot} make -C client-gnome/build install
+ln -sf %{_bindir}/jami %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ring.cx
+## post install script  ##
+#mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/repo-package/
+cp %{_builddir}/ring-project/packaging/rules/fedora/%{postinst} %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}
+chmod a+x %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{postinst}
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/dring*
+/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+if [ $1 == 1 ];then
+   %{_bindir}/%{postinst}
+if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
+    /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
+    /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
diff --git a/packaging/rules/fedora/jami.spec b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami.spec
index 0de9130c6ce5ebc761fa361f9257d11ca600b1e9..2a35dcf9e10a0e3b4d72b72ac33465ae51a7bdb1 100644
--- a/packaging/rules/fedora/jami.spec
+++ b/packaging/rules/fedora/jami.spec
@@ -83,6 +83,15 @@ and privacy of its users.
 This package contains the Jami daemon: dring.
+%package all
+Summary: Free software for distributed and secured communication - daemon
+%description all
+Jami is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms
+and privacy of its users.
 %setup -n ring-project
@@ -209,31 +218,63 @@ ln -sf %{_bindir}/jami %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ring.cx
+%files all
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/dring*
 /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+%post all
+/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-#for < f24 we have to update the schema explicitly
-%if 0%{?fedora} < 24
-    if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
-        /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
-    fi
+if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
+    /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
+    /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+%postun all
 if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
     /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
     /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-#for < f24 we have to update the schema explicitly
-%if 0%{?fedora} < 24
-    /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
 /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+%posttrans all
+/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
diff --git a/scripts/build-package-fedora.sh b/scripts/build-package-fedora.sh
index 0784f5c92f323355f85d677fb9c61e7fb9ff89a5..64581083ee50187ee7df6a99e567977ef9b396f5 100755
--- a/scripts/build-package-fedora.sh
+++ b/scripts/build-package-fedora.sh
@@ -26,19 +26,25 @@ set -e
 # import the spec file
 mkdir -p /opt/ring-project
 cd /opt/ring-project
-cp /opt/ring-project-ro/packaging/rules/fedora/jami.spec .
+cp /opt/ring-project-ro/packaging/rules/fedora/* .
+#create tree for build
+# place the source
+cp /opt/ring-project-ro/jami_*.tar.gz /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES
 # Set the version
-sed -i "s/RELEASE_VERSION/${RELEASE_VERSION}/g" jami.spec
+#sed -i "s/RELEASE_VERSION/${RELEASE_VERSION}/g" jami.spec
 rpmdev-bumpspec --comment="Automatic nightly release" --userstring="Jenkins <ring@lists.savoirfairelinux.net>" jami.spec
+rpmdev-bumpspec --comment="Automatic nightly release" --userstring="Jenkins <ring@lists.savoirfairelinux.net>" jami-one-click.spec
 # install build deps
 dnf builddep -y jami.spec || echo "ignoring dnf builddep failure"
-# place the source
-mkdir -p /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES
-cp /opt/ring-project-ro/jami_*.tar.gz /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES
 # build the package
 rpmbuild -ba jami.spec
@@ -46,3 +52,19 @@ rpmbuild -ba jami.spec
 mv /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/* /opt/output
 touch /opt/output/.packages-built
 chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_UID} /opt/output
+#copy script jami-all.postinst which add repo
+mkdir -p /root/rpmbuild/BUILD/ring-project/packaging/rules/one-click-install/
+cp jami-all.postinst  /root/rpmbuild/BUILD/ring-project/packaging/rules/one-click-install/
+# build the package
+rpmbuild -ba jami-one-click.spec
+# move to output
+mkdir -p /opt/output/one-click-install
+mv /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/* /opt/output/one-click-install
+touch /opt/output/one-click-install/.packages-built
+chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_UID} /opt/output/one-click-install