// Packaging validation for supported GNU/Linux systems.
// Note: To work on this script without having to push a commit each
// time, use the jenkins-cli command (see:
// https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Usage_CLI_de_Jenkins).
// Requirements:
// 1. gerrit-trigger plugin
// 2. ws-cleanup plugin

// Configuration globals.
def SUBMODULES = ['daemon', 'lrc', 'client-gnome', 'client-qt']
def TARGETS = [:]
def SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = '/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/gplpriv'
def REMOTE_BASE_DIR = '/srv/repository/ring'
def RING_PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT = 'A295D773307D25A33AE72F2F64CD5FA175348F84'
def SNAPCRAFT_KEY = '/var/lib/jenkins/.snap/key'

            $class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',
            strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '30']
                    $class: 'GerritTrigger',
                    gerritProjects: [
                            $class: "GerritProject",
                            pattern: "ring-project",
                            branches: [
                                [$class: "Branch", pattern: "master"]
                    triggerOnEvents: [
                            $class: "PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent",
                            excludeDrafts: true,
                            excludeTrivialRebase: true,
                            excludeNoCodeChange: true
                            $class: "PluginCommentAddedContainsEvent",
                            commentAddedCommentContains: '!build'

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'guix'

    parameters {
        string(name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC',
               defaultValue: 'refs/heads/master',
               description: 'The Gerrit refspec to fetch.')
        booleanParam(name: 'WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES',
                     defaultValue: false,
                     description: 'Checkout the ' + SUBMODULES.join(', ') +
                     ' submodules at their Git-recorded commit.  When left ' +
                     'unticked (the default), checkout the submodules at ' +
                     'their latest commit from their main remote branch.')
        booleanParam(name: 'BUILD_ARM',
                     defaultValue: false,
                     description: 'Whether to build ARM packages.')
        booleanParam(name: 'DEPLOY',
                     defaultValue: false,
                     description: 'Whether and where to deploy packages.')
        choice(name: 'CHANNEL',
               choices: 'internal\nnightly\nstable',
               description: 'The repository channel to deploy to. ' +
               'Defaults to "internal".')
        string(name: 'PACKAGING_TARGETS',
               defaultValue: '',
               description: 'A whitespace-separated list of packaging ' +
               'targets, e.g. "package-debian_10 package-snap". ' +
               'When left unspecified, all the packaging targets are built.')

    environment {
        TARBALLS = '/opt/ring-contrib' // set the cache directory

    options {

    stages {
        stage('Check configuration') {
            when { not { expression { fileExists TARBALLS } } }
            steps {
                error "The ${TARBALLS} directory does not exist. \
See https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Configuration"

        stage('Fetch submodules') {
            steps {
                echo 'Initializing submodules ' + SUBMODULES.join(', ') +
                    (params.WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES ? '.' : ' to their latest commit.')
                sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive' +
                    (params.WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES ? ' ' : ' --remote ') +
                    SUBMODULES.join(' ')

        stage('Generate release tarball') {
            steps {
                // Note: sourcing .bashrc is necessary to setup the
                // environment variables used by Guix.
                sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
                   test -f $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
                   make portable-release-tarball .tarball-version
                stash(includes: '*.tar.gz, .tarball-version',
                      name: 'release-tarball')

        stage('Build packages') {
            environment {
                // The following password is used to register with the
                // RHEL subscription-manager tool, required to build on RHEL.
                PASS = credentials('developers-redhat-com')
            steps {
                script {
                    def targetsText = params.PACKAGING_TARGETS.trim()
                    if (!targetsText) {
                        targetsText = sh(script: 'make -s list-package-targets',
                                         returnStdout: true).trim()

                    TARGETS = targetsText.split(/\s/)
                    if (!params.BUILD_ARM) {
                        TARGETS = TARGETS.findAll { !(it =~ /_(armhf|arm64)$/) }

                    def stages = [:]

                    TARGETS.each { target ->
                        // Note: The stage calls are wrapped in closures, to
                        // delay their execution.
                        stages[target] =  {
                            stage(target) {
                                // Offload builds to different agents.
                                node('linux-builder') {
                                    unstash 'release-tarball'
                                    catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS',
                                               stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
                                        sh """
                                           tar xf *.tar.gz --strip-components=1
                                           make ${target}
                                        stash(includes: 'packages/**',
                                              name: target)
                    parallel stages
        stage('Sign & deploy packages') {
            agent {
                label 'ring-buildmachine-02.mtl.sfl'

            when {
                expression {

            steps {
                script {
                    TARGETS.each { target ->
                        try {
                            unstash target
                        } catch (err) {
                            echo "Failed to unstash ${target}, skipping..."
                        def distribution = target - ~/^package-/
                        echo "Deploying packages for ${distribution}..."
                        sh """scripts/deploy-packages.sh \
  --distribution=${distribution} \
  --snapcraft-login="${SNAPCRAFT_KEY}" \
  --remote-ssh-identity-file="${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" \
  --remote-repository-location="${REMOTE_HOST}:${REMOTE_BASE_DIR}/${params.CHANNEL}" \