#!/bin/bash # # cqfd - a tool to wrap commands in controlled Docker containers # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Savoir-faire Linux, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. set -e PROGNAME=`basename $0` VERSION=5.2.2-alpha cqfddir=".cqfd" cqfdrc=".cqfdrc" cqfd_user='builder' cqfd_user_home='/home/builder' cqfd_user_cwd="$cqfd_user_home/src" ## usage() - print usage on stdout usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $PROGNAME [OPTION ARGUMENT] [COMMAND] [ARGUMENTS] Options: -f <file> Use file as config file (default .cqfdrc). -d <directory> Use directory as cqfd directory (default .cqfd). -C <directory> Use the specified working directory. -b <flavor_name> Target a specific build flavor. -q Turn on quiet mode -v or --version Show version. -h or --help Show this help text. Commands: init Initialize project build container flavors List flavors from config file to stdout run Run argument(s) inside build container release Run argument(s) and release software help Show this help text By default, run is assumed, and the run command is the one configured in .cqfdrc. cqfd is Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Savoir-faire Linux, Inc. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license; see the LICENSE for more informations. EOF } # parse_ini_config_file() # Ref: http://theoldschooldevops.com/2008/02/09/bash-ini-parser/ # arg$1: path to ini file parse_ini_config_file() { # bash 4.3 and later break compatibility local is_compatibility_mode=false if [ $BASH_VERSINFO -ge 4 -a ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 2 ]; then is_compatibility_mode=true shopt -s compat42 fi if ! ini="$(<$1)"; then # read the file die "$1: No such file!" fi ini="${ini//[/\\[}" # escape [ ini="${ini//]/\\]}" # escape ] IFS=$'\n' && ini=( ${ini} ) # convert to line-array ini=( ${ini[*]//;*/} ) # remove comments with ; ini=( ${ini[*]/\ =/=} ) # remove tabs before = ini=( ${ini[*]/=\ /=} ) # remove tabs be = ini=( ${ini[*]/\ =\ /=} ) # remove anything with a space around = ini=( ${ini[*]/#\\[/\}$'\n'cfg.section.} ) # set section prefix ini=( ${ini[*]/%\\]/ \(} ) # convert text2function (1) ini=( ${ini[*]/%\(/ \( \)} ) # close array parenthesis ini=( ${ini[*]/%\\ \)/ \\} ) # the multiline trick ini=( ${ini[*]/%\( \)/\(\) \{} ) # convert text2function (2) ini=( ${ini[*]/%\} \)/\}} ) # remove extra parenthesis ini[0]="" # remove first element ini[${#ini[*]} + 1]='}' # add the last brace if ! eval "$(echo "${ini[*]}")" 2>/dev/null; then # eval the result die "$1: Invalid ini-file!" fi # restore previous bash behaviour if $is_compatibility_mode; then shopt -u compat42 fi } ## die() - exit when an error occured # $@ messages and variables shown in the error message die() { echo "cqfd: fatal: $@" 1>&2 exit 1 } # docker_build() - Initialize build container docker_build() { local dockerfile="${cqfddir}/${distro:-docker}/Dockerfile" if [ ! -f $dockerfile ]; then die "no Dockerfile found at location $dockerfile" fi if [ -z "$project_build_context" ]; then docker build ${quiet:+-q} $CQFD_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS -t "$docker_img_name" "$(dirname "$dockerfile")" else docker build ${quiet:+-q} $CQFD_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS -t "$docker_img_name" "${project_build_context}" -f "$dockerfile" fi } # docker_run() - run command in configured container # A few implementation details: # # - The user executing the build commands inside the container is # named after $cqfd_user, with the same uid/gid as your user to keep # filesystem permissions in sync. # # - Your project's source directory is always mapped to $cqfd_user_cwd # # - Your ~/.ssh directory is mapped to ~${cqfd_user}/.ssh to provide # access to the ssh keys (your build may pull authenticated git # repos for example). # # arg$1: the command string to execute as $cqfd_user # docker_run() { local interactive_options if tty -s; then interactive_options="-ti" fi # If possible, map cqfd_user from the calling user's if [ -n "$USER" ]; then cqfd_user="$USER" fi if [ -n "$HOME" ]; then cqfd_user_home="$(cd $HOME; pwd)" cqfd_user_cwd="$(pwd)" fi # Display a warning message if using no more supported options if [ -n "$CQFD_EXTRA_VOLUMES" ]; then die 'Warning: CQFD_EXTRA_VOLUMES is no more supported, use CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS="-v <local_dir>:<container_dir>"' fi if [ -n "$CQFD_EXTRA_HOSTS" ]; then die 'Warning: CQFD_EXTRA_HOSTS is no more supported, use CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS="--add-host <hostname>:<IP_address>"' fi if [ -n "$CQFD_EXTRA_ENV" ]; then die 'Warning: CQFD_EXTRA_ENV is no more supported, use CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS="-e <var_name>=<value>"' fi if [ -n "$CQFD_EXTRA_PORTS" ]; then die 'Warning: CQFD_EXTRA_PORTS is no more supported, use CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS="-p <host_port>:<docker_port>"' fi # The user may set the user_extra_groups in the .cqfdrc # file to add groups to the user in the container. local group if [ -n "$cqfd_extra_groups" ]; then for group in $cqfd_extra_groups; do # optional groupd id specified ("name:123") if echo "$group" | grep -qE ":[0-9]+$"; then CQFD_GROUPS+="${group} " else id=$(awk -F: "\$1 == \"$group\" { print \$3 }" /etc/group) CQFD_GROUPS+="${group}:${id} " fi done fi # The user may set the CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS environment variables # to pass custom run arguments to his development container. # Set HOME variable for the $cqfd_user, except if it was # explicitely set via CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS local home_env_var="HOME=$cqfd_user_home" if echo "$CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS" | egrep -q "(-e[[:blank:]]*|--env[[:blank:]]+)HOME="; then home_env_var="" fi tmp_launcher=$(make_launcher) trap "rm -f $tmp_launcher" EXIT docker run --privileged \ $CQFD_EXTRA_RUN_ARGS \ --rm \ --log-driver=none \ -v "$tmp_launcher":/bin/cqfd_launch \ -v ~/.ssh:"$cqfd_user_home"/.ssh \ -v "$PWD":"$cqfd_user_cwd" \ ${home_env_var:+ -e "$home_env_var"} \ $interactive_options \ ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK:+ -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:"$cqfd_user_home"/.sockets/ssh} \ ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK:+ -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$cqfd_user_home"/.sockets/ssh} \ $docker_img_name cqfd_launch "$@" 2>&1 } # make_archive(): Create a release package. # Note: the --transform option passed to tar allows to move all the # specified files at the root of the archive. Therefore, you shouldn't # include two files with the same name in the list of files to # archive. make_archive() { local tar_opts if [ -z "$release_files" ]; then die "No files to archive, check files in $cqfdrc" fi for file in $release_files; do if [ ! -e $file ]; then die "Cannot release: can't find $file" fi done # template the generated archive's filename local git_short=`git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null` local git_long=`git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null` local date_rfc3339=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"` # default name for the archive if not set if [ -z "$release_archive" ]; then release_archive="%Po-%Pn.tar.xz" fi release_archive=`echo $release_archive | sed -e 's!%%!%!g; s!%Gh!'$git_short'!g; s!%GH!'$git_long'!g; s!%D3!'$date_rfc3339'!g; s!%Po!'$project_org'!g; s!%Pn!'$project_name'!g; s!%Cf!'$flavor'!g;'` # also replace variable names - beware with eval eval release_archive=`echo $release_archive` # setting tar_transform=yes will move files to the root of a tar archive if [ "$release_transform" = "yes" ]; then tar_opts='--transform s/.*\///g' fi # setting tar_options will add the following options to the tar # command if [ -n "$tar_options" ]; then tar_opts="$tar_opts $tar_options" fi # support the following archive formats case "$release_archive" in *.tar.xz) XZ_OPT=-9 tar $tar_opts -cJf \ "$release_archive" $release_files ;; *.tar.gz) tar $tar_opts -czf \ "$release_archive" $release_files ;; *.zip) zip -q -9 -r "$release_archive" $release_files ;; *) ;; esac } # make_launcher - generate in-container launcher script # return: the path to the launcher script on stdout make_launcher() { local tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX) chmod 0755 $tmpfile cat >$tmpfile <<EOF #!/bin/sh # create container user to match expected environment die () { echo "error: \$*" exit 1 } test_cmd () { command -v "\$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } debug () { test -n "\$CQFD_DEBUG" && echo "debug: \$*" } # Check container requirements test -x /bin/bash || { failed=1 && echo "error: /bin/bash does not exist or is not executable"; } test_cmd groupadd || { failed=1 && echo "error: Missing command: groupadd"; } test_cmd useradd || { failed=1 && echo "error: Missing command: useradd"; } test_cmd usermod || { failed=1 && echo "error: Missing command: usermod"; } test_cmd chown || { failed=1 && echo "error: Missing command: chown"; } test_cmd sudo && has_sudo=1 || test_cmd su || { failed=1 && echo "error: Missing command: su or sudo"; } test -n "\$failed" && die "Some dependencies are missing from the container, see above messages." # Add the host's user and group to the container, and adjust ownership. groupadd -og $GROUPS -f builders || die "groupadd command failed." useradd -s /bin/bash -ou $UID -g $GROUPS -d "$cqfd_user_home" $cqfd_user \ || die "useradd command failed." chown $UID:$GROUPS "$cqfd_user_home" || die "chown command failed." # Add specified groups to cqfd_user for g in ${CQFD_GROUPS}; do group=\$(echo "\$g" | cut -d: -f1) gid=\$(echo "\$g" | cut -d: -f2) if [ -n "\$gid" ]; then # create group with provided id ("name:123") groupadd -og "\$gid" -f "\$group" || die "groupadd failed for \$group." fi usermod -a -G \$group $cqfd_user || die "usermod command failed while adding group \${group}." done # run the provided command in the working directory cd "$cqfd_user_cwd" || die "Changing directory to \"$cqfd_user_cwd\" failed." if [ -n "\$has_sudo" ]; then # Use sudo to provide a controlling TTY for the executed command debug "Using \"sudo\" to execute command \"\$@\" as user \"$cqfd_user\"" sudo -E -u $cqfd_user sh -c "\$@" else debug "Using \"su\" to execute command \"\$@\" as user \"$cqfd_user\"" su $cqfd_user -p -c "\$@" fi EOF echo $tmpfile } # config_load() - load build settings from cqfdrc # $1: optional "flavor" of the build, is a suffix of command. config_load() { IFS="$IFS" parse_ini_config_file "$cqfdrc" cfg.section.project # load the [project] section project_org="$org" project_name="$name" project_build_context="$build_context" cfg.section.build # load the [build] section # build parameters may be overriden by a flavor defined in the # build section's 'flavors' parameter. local flavor="$1" if [ -n "$flavor" ]; then if grep -qw "$flavor" <<< "$flavors"; then cfg.section."$flavor" # load the [$flavor] section else die "flavor \"$flavor\" not found in flavors list" fi fi build_cmd="$command" cqfd_extra_groups="$user_extra_groups" release_files="`eval echo $files`" release_archive="$archive" release_transform="$tar_transform" tar_options="$tar_options" # This will look like fooinc_reponame if [ -n "$project_org" -a -n "$project_name" ]; then docker_img_name="cqfd${USER:+_${USER}}_${project_org}_${project_name}" else die "project.org and project.name not configured" fi # Adapt things for a specific container if [ -n "$distro" ]; then docker_img_name+="_$distro" fi } has_to_release=false while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in help|-h|"--help") usage exit 0 ;; version|-v|"--version") echo $VERSION exit 0 ;; init) config_load $flavor docker_build exit $? ;; flavors) config_load echo $flavors exit 0 ;; -b) shift flavor="$1" ;; -d) shift cqfddir="$1" ;; -f) shift cqfdrc="$1" ;; -C) shift cd "$1" ;; -q) quiet=true ;; run|release) if [ "$1" = "release" ]; then has_to_release=true fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then shift build_cmd_alt="$@" fi break ;; ?*) echo "Unknown command: $1" usage exit 1 ;; *) # empty or no argument case ;; esac shift done config_load $flavor if [ -n "$build_cmd_alt" ]; then build_cmd=$build_cmd_alt elif [ -z "$build_cmd" ]; then die "No build.command defined in $cqfdrc !" fi docker_run "$build_cmd" if $has_to_release; then make_archive fi