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  • Hugo Lefeuvre's avatar
    fix: make download directory dialog modal · 7e100896
    Hugo Lefeuvre authored and Sébastien Blin's avatar Sébastien Blin committed
    The Download folder button (Settings/General) is implemented as a
    FileChooserButton, which makes the ChooseFolder dialog non-modal by
    default. While this can be meaningful in many cases, it is a very
    confusing feature for Ring users.
    In this patch, we:
    a) Stop using FileChooserButton (it is very difficult to have modal
       dialogs with this class)
    b) Instead opt for a classical button with dedicated callback handling
       dialog stuff
    In order to make the dialog modal, a reference to the main window is
    needed by the callback. Since the GeneralSettingsView inherits from
    GtkScrolledWindow, this reference is not stored by default into the
    class. In order to address this issue we implement a property system
    and store the main window reference into the private variables of the
    Change-Id: I8ea4fb7fa32d289abffc44ee80215f08c155cbd6
    Tuleap: #1852
    Reviewed-by: default avatarSébastien Blin <>