Project 'savoirfairelinux/ring-project' was moved to 'savoirfairelinux/jami-project'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Protect application (and data) via password
Issue generated from Tuleap's migration script. Originally submitted by: Andreas Jahnke (ladon83)
Currently when the application (Ring-gnome) starts, you are automatically logged in.
This seems to be a security risk as anybody with access to the computer has also access to private messages.
Only workaround:
Unlink the account before closing.
However this is not usable in the real world.
It would be great to block the access via a password.
Whenever starting the application, a password should be needed (this can be optional of course).
This issue include:
- Encrypting histories on the device
- Encrypting the config