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AccountService.kt 68.63 KiB
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
 *  Author: Thibault Wittemberg <>
 *  Author: Adrien Béraud <>
 *  Author: Raphaël Brulé <>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import ezvcard.Ezvcard
import ezvcard.VCard
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Completable
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.BehaviorSubject
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.PublishSubject
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.SingleSubject
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.Subject
import net.jami.daemon.*
import net.jami.model.*
import net.jami.model.Interaction.InteractionStatus
import net.jami.utils.Log
import net.jami.utils.SwigNativeConverter
import net.jami.utils.VCardUtils
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.min

 * This service handles the accounts
 * - Load and manage the accounts stored in the daemon
 * - Keep a local cache of the accounts
 * - handle the callbacks that are send by the daemon
class AccountService(
    private val mExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService,
    private val mHistoryService: HistoryService,
    private val mDeviceRuntimeService: DeviceRuntimeService,
    private val mVCardService: VCardService
) {
     * @return the current Account from the local cache
    var currentAccount: Account?
        get() = mAccountList.getOrNull(0)
        set(account) {
            // the account order is changed
            // the current Account is now on the top of the list
            val accounts: List<Account> = mAccountList
            if (account == null || accounts.isEmpty() || accounts[0] === account)
            val orderedAccountIdList: MutableList<String> = ArrayList(accounts.size)
            val selectedID = account.accountId
            for (a in accounts) {
                if (a.accountId == selectedID)

    private var mAccountList: List<Account> = ArrayList()
    private var mHasSipAccount = false
    private var mHasRingAccount = false
    private var mStartingTransfer: DataTransfer? = null
    private val accountsSubject = BehaviorSubject.create<List<Account>>()
    val observableAccounts: Subject<Account> = PublishSubject.create()
    val currentAccountSubject: Observable<Account> = accountsSubject
        .filter { l -> l.isNotEmpty() }
        .map { l -> l[0] }

    data class Message(
        val accountId: String,
        val messageId: String?,
        val callId: String?,
        val author: String,
        val messages: Map<String, String>

    class Location(
        val account: String,
        val callId: String?,
        val peer: Uri,
        var date: Long) {
        enum class Type {
            Position, Stop

        lateinit var type: Type
        var latitude = 0.0
        var longitude = 0.0

    private val incomingMessageSubject: Subject<Message> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val incomingSwarmMessageSubject: Subject<Interaction> = PublishSubject.create()
    val incomingMessages: Observable<TextMessage> = incomingMessageSubject
        .flatMapMaybe { msg: Message ->
            val message = msg.messages[CallService.MIME_TEXT_PLAIN]
            if (message != null) {
                return@flatMapMaybe mHistoryService
                    .incomingMessage(msg.accountId, msg.messageId,, message)
    val locationUpdates: Observable<Location> = incomingMessageSubject
        .flatMapMaybe { msg: Message ->
            try {
                val loc = msg.messages[CallService.MIME_GEOLOCATION] ?: return@flatMapMaybe Maybe.empty<Location>()
                val obj = JsonParser.parseString(loc).asJsonObject
                if (obj.size() < 2) return@flatMapMaybe Maybe.empty<Location>()
                return@flatMapMaybe Maybe.just(Location(msg.accountId, msg.callId, Uri.fromId(, obj["time"].asLong).apply {
                    val t = obj["type"]
                    if (t == null || t.asString.lowercase() == Location.Type.Position.toString().lowercase()) {
                        type = Location.Type.Position
                        latitude = obj["lat"].asDouble
                        longitude = obj["long"].asDouble
                    } else if (t.asString.lowercase() == Location.Type.Stop.toString().lowercase()) {
                        type = Location.Type.Stop
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Failed to receive geolocation", e)
                return@flatMapMaybe Maybe.empty<Location>()
    private val messageSubject: Subject<Interaction> = PublishSubject.create()
    val dataTransfers: Subject<DataTransfer> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val incomingRequestsSubject: Subject<TrustRequest> = PublishSubject.create()

    data class RegisteredName(
        val accountId: String,
        val name: String,
        val address: String? = null,
        val state: Int = 0

    data class ConversationSearchResult(val results: List<Interaction>)
    private val conversationSearches: MutableMap<Long, Subject<ConversationSearchResult>> = ConcurrentHashMap()
    private val loadingTasks: MutableMap<Long, SingleSubject<List<Interaction>>> = ConcurrentHashMap()

    class UserSearchResult(val accountId: String, val query: String, var state: Int = 0) {
        var results: List<Contact>? = null

    private val registeredNameSubject: Subject<RegisteredName> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val searchResultSubject: Subject<UserSearchResult> = PublishSubject.create()

    private data class ExportOnRingResult (
        val accountId: String,
        val code: Int,
        val pin: String?

    private data class DeviceRevocationResult (
        val accountId: String,
        val deviceId: String,
        val code: Int

    private data class MigrationResult (
        val accountId: String,
        val state: String

    private val mExportSubject: Subject<ExportOnRingResult> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val mDeviceRevocationSubject: Subject<DeviceRevocationResult> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val mMigrationSubject: Subject<MigrationResult> = PublishSubject.create()
    private val registeredNames: Observable<RegisteredName>
        get() = registeredNameSubject
    private val searchResults: Observable<UserSearchResult>
        get() = searchResultSubject
    val incomingSwarmMessages: Observable<TextMessage>
        get() = incomingSwarmMessageSubject
            .filter { i: Interaction -> i is TextMessage }
            .map { i: Interaction -> i as TextMessage }
    val messageStateChanges: Observable<Interaction>
        get() = messageSubject
    val incomingRequests: Observable<TrustRequest>
        get() = incomingRequestsSubject

     * @return true if at least one of the loaded accounts is a SIP one
    fun hasSipAccount(): Boolean = mHasSipAccount

     * @return true if at least one of the loaded accounts is a Jami one
    fun hasJamiAccount(): Boolean = mHasRingAccount

     * Loads the accounts from the daemon and then builds the local cache (also sends ACCOUNTS_CHANGED event)
     * @param isConnected sets the initial connection state of the accounts
    fun loadAccountsFromDaemon(isConnected: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute {

    private fun refreshAccountsCacheFromDaemon() {
        val curList: List<Account> = mAccountList

        val newAccounts: List<Account> = JamiService.getAccountList().map { id ->
            val details: Map<String, String> = JamiService.getAccountDetails(id)
            val credentials: List<Map<String, String>> = JamiService.getCredentials(id)
            val volatileAccountDetails: Map<String, String> = JamiService.getVolatileAccountDetails(id)
            for (account in curList) if (account.accountId == id) {
                return@map account
            Account(id, details, credentials, volatileAccountDetails)

        // Cleanup removed accounts
        for (acc in curList) if (!newAccounts.contains(acc)) acc.cleanup()

        mAccountList = newAccounts
        var hasSip = false
        var hasJami = false
        for (account in newAccounts) {
            val accountId = account.accountId
            if (account.isSip) {
                hasSip = true
            } else if (account.isJami) {
                hasJami = true
                account.devices = JamiService.getKnownRingDevices(accountId).toNative()
                Log.w(TAG, "$accountId loading contacts")
                val conversations: List<String> = JamiService.getConversations(account.accountId)
                Log.w(TAG, "$accountId loading ${conversations.size} conversations: ")
                for (conversationId in conversations) {
                    try {
                        val info: Map<String, String> = JamiService.conversationInfos(accountId, conversationId).toNativeFromUtf8()
                        /*for (Map.Entry<String, String> i : info.entrySet()) {
                            Log.w(TAG, "conversation info: " + i.getKey() + " " + i.getValue());
                        val mode = if ("true" == info["syncing"]) Conversation.Mode.Syncing else Conversation.Mode.values()[info["mode"]!!.toInt()]
                        val conversation = account.newSwarm(conversationId, mode)
                        conversation.setLastMessageNotified(mHistoryService.getLastMessageNotified(accountId, conversation.uri))
                        for (member in JamiService.getConversationMembers(accountId, conversationId)) {
                            /*for (Map.Entry<String, String> i : member.entrySet()) {
                                Log.w(TAG, "conversation member: " + i.getKey() + " " + i.getValue());
                            val uri = Uri.fromId(member["uri"]!!)
                            //String role = member.get("role");
                            val lastDisplayed = member["lastDisplayed"]
                            var contact = conversation.findContact(uri)
                            if (contact == null) {
                                contact = account.getContactFromCache(uri)
                            if (!lastDisplayed.isNullOrEmpty()) {
                                if (contact.isUser) {
                                } else {
                                    conversation.setLastMessageDisplayed(, lastDisplayed)
                        conversation.lastElementLoaded = Completable.defer { loadMore(conversation, 2).ignoreElement() }.cache()
                    } catch (e: Exception) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "Error loading conversation", e)
                Log.w(TAG, "$accountId loading conversation requests")
                for (requestData in JamiService.getConversationRequests(account.accountId).map { it.toNativeFromUtf8() }) {
                    try {
                        /* for ((key, value) in requestData.entries)
                        Log.e(TAG, "Request: $key $value") */
                        val from = Uri.fromString(requestData["from"]!!)
                        val conversationId = requestData["id"]
                        val conversationUri =
                            if (conversationId.isNullOrEmpty()) null
                            else Uri(Uri.SWARM_SCHEME, conversationId)
                        val request = account.getRequest(conversationUri ?: from)
                        if (request == null || conversationUri != request.from) {
                                requestData["received"]!!.toLong() * 1000L,
                                requestData["mode"]?.let { m -> Conversation.Mode.values()[m.toInt()] } ?: Conversation.Mode.OneToOne))
                    } catch (e: Exception) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "Error loading request", e)
        mHasSipAccount = hasSip
        mHasRingAccount = hasJami

    fun getNewAccountName(prefix: String): String {
        val accountList = mAccountList
        var name = String.format(prefix, "").trim { it <= ' ' }
        if (accountList.firstOrNull { it.alias == name } == null) {
            return name
        var num = 1
        do {
            name = String.format(prefix, num).trim { it <= ' ' }
        } while (accountList.firstOrNull { it.alias == name } != null)
        return name

     * Adds a new Account in the Daemon (also sends an ACCOUNT_ADDED event)
     * Sets the new account as the current one
     * @param map the account details
     * @return the created Account
    fun addAccount(map: Map<String, String>): Observable<Account> =
        Single.fromCallable {
            JamiService.addAccount(StringMap.toSwig(map)).apply {
            if (isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("Can't create account.") }
        .flatMapObservable { accountId ->
            Observable.merge(observableAccountList.mapOptional { Optional.ofNullable(it.firstOrNull { a -> a.accountId == accountId }) },
                observableAccounts.filter { account: Account -> account.accountId == accountId })

     * @return the Account from the local cache that matches the accountId
    fun getAccount(accountId: String?): Account? =
        if (!accountId.isNullOrEmpty()) mAccountList.find { accountId == it.accountId } else null

    fun getAccountSingle(accountId: String): Single<Account> = accountsSubject
        .map { accounts -> accounts.first { it.accountId == accountId } }

    val observableAccountList: Observable<List<Account>>
        get() = accountsSubject

    fun getObservableAccountUpdates(accountId: String): Observable<Account> =
        observableAccounts.filter { acc -> acc.accountId == accountId }

    fun getObservableAccountProfile(accountId: String): Observable<Pair<Account, Profile>> =
        getObservableAccount(accountId).flatMap { a: Account ->
            mVCardService.loadProfile(a).map { profile -> Pair(a, profile) }

    fun getObservableAccount(accountId: String): Observable<Account> =
        Observable.fromCallable<Account> { getAccount(accountId)!! }

    fun getObservableAccount(account: Account): Observable<Account> =
            .concatWith(observableAccounts.filter { acc -> acc === account })

    val currentProfileAccountSubject: Observable<Pair<Account, Profile>>
        get() = currentAccountSubject.flatMap { a: Account ->
            mVCardService.loadProfile(a).map { profile -> Pair(a, profile) }

    fun subscribeBuddy(accountID: String, uri: String, flag: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.subscribeBuddy(accountID, uri, flag) }

     * Send profile through SIP
    fun sendProfile(callId: String, accountId: String) {
        mVCardService.loadSmallVCard(accountId, VCardService.MAX_SIZE_SIP)
            .subscribe({ vcard: VCard ->
                var stringVCard = VCardUtils.vcardToString(vcard)!!
                val nbTotal = stringVCard.length / VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE + if (stringVCard.length % VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE != 0) 1 else 0
                var i = 1
                val r = Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
                val key = r.nextInt().absoluteValue
                Log.d(TAG, "sendProfile, vcard $callId")
                while (i <= nbTotal) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "length vcard ${stringVCard.length} id $key part $i nbTotal $nbTotal")
                    val chunk = HashMap<String, String>()
                    val keyHashMap = "${VCardUtils.MIME_PROFILE_VCARD}; id=$key,part=$i,of=$nbTotal"
                    chunk[keyHashMap] = stringVCard.substring(0, min(VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE, stringVCard.length))
                    JamiService.sendTextMessage(accountId, callId, StringMap.toSwig(chunk), "Me", false)
                    if (stringVCard.length > VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE) {
                        stringVCard = stringVCard.substring(VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE)
            }) { e: Throwable -> Log.w(TAG, "Not sending empty profile", e) }

    fun setMessageDisplayed(accountId: String?, conversationUri: Uri, messageId: String) {
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setMessageDisplayed(accountId, conversationUri.uri, messageId, 3) }

    fun startConversation(accountId: String, initialMembers: Collection<String>): Single<Conversation> =
        getAccountSingle(accountId).map { account ->
            Log.w(TAG, "startConversation")
            val id = JamiService.startConversation(accountId)
            val conversation = account.getSwarm(id)!!
            for (member in initialMembers) {
                Log.w(TAG, "addConversationMember $member")
                JamiService.addConversationMember(accountId, id, member)
            Log.w(TAG, "loadConversationMessages")

    fun removeConversation(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri): Completable =
        Completable.fromAction { JamiService.removeConversation(accountId, conversationUri.rawRingId) }

    private fun loadConversationHistory(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, root: String, n: Long) =
        JamiService.loadConversationMessages(accountId, conversationUri.rawRingId, root, n)

    fun loadMore(conversation: Conversation, n: Int = 32): Single<Conversation> {
        synchronized(conversation) {
            if (conversation.isLoaded()) {
                Log.w(TAG, "loadMore: conversation already fully loaded")
                return Single.just(conversation)
            val mode = conversation.mode.blockingFirst()
            if (mode == Conversation.Mode.Syncing || mode == Conversation.Mode.Request) {
                Log.w(TAG, "loadMore: conversation is syncing")
                return Single.just(conversation)
            conversation.loading?.let { return it }
            val ret = SingleSubject.create<Conversation>()
            val roots = conversation.swarmRoot
            //Log.w(TAG, "loadMore " + conversation.uri + " " + roots)
            conversation.loading = ret
            if (roots.isEmpty())
                loadConversationHistory(conversation.accountId, conversation.uri, "", n.toLong())
                for (root in roots)
                    loadConversationHistory(conversation.accountId, conversation.uri, root, n.toLong())
            return ret

    fun loadUntil(conversation: Conversation, from: String = "", until: String = ""): Single<List<Interaction>> {
        val mode = conversation.mode.blockingFirst()
        if (mode == Conversation.Mode.Syncing || mode == Conversation.Mode.Request) {
            Log.w(TAG, "loadUntil: conversation is syncing")
            return Single.just(emptyList())
        return SingleSubject.create<List<Interaction>>().apply {
            loadingTasks[JamiService.loadConversationUntil(conversation.accountId, conversation.uri.rawRingId, from, until)] = this

    fun searchConversation(
        accountId: String,
        conversationUri: Uri,
        query: String = "",
        author: String = "",
        type: String = "",
        lastId: String = "",
        after: Long = 0,
        before: Long = 0,
        maxResult: Long = 0
    ): Observable<ConversationSearchResult> = PublishSubject.create<ConversationSearchResult>().apply {
            accountId, conversationUri.rawRingId, author, lastId, query, type, after, before, maxResult, 0)] = this

    fun messagesFound(id: Long, accountId: String, conversationId: String, messages: List<Map<String, String>>) {
        if (conversationId.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (messages.isNotEmpty()) {
            val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
            val conversation = account.getSwarm(conversationId) ?: return
            conversationSearches[id]?.onNext(ConversationSearchResult( { getInteraction(account, conversation, it) }))

    fun sendConversationMessage(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, txt: String, replyTo: String?, flag: Int = 0) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            Log.w(TAG, "sendConversationMessage ${conversationUri.rawRingId} $txt $replyTo $flag")
            JamiService.sendMessage(accountId, conversationUri.rawRingId, txt, replyTo ?: "", flag)

    fun deleteConversationMessage(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, messageId: String) {
        sendConversationMessage(accountId, conversationUri, "", messageId, 1)
    fun editConversationMessage(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, txt: String, messageId: String) {
        sendConversationMessage(accountId, conversationUri, txt, messageId, 1)
    fun sendConversationReaction(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, txt: String, replyTo: String) {
        sendConversationMessage(accountId, conversationUri, txt, replyTo, 2)

     * Sets the order of the accounts in the Daemon
     * @param accountOrder The ordered list of account ids
    private fun setAccountOrder(accountOrder: List<String>) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            val order = StringBuilder()
            for (accountId in accountOrder) {

     * Sets the account details in the Daemon
    fun setAccountDetails(accountId: String, map: Map<String, String>) {
        Log.i(TAG, "setAccountDetails() $accountId")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setAccountDetails(accountId, StringMap.toSwig(map)) }
    fun migrateAccount(accountId: String, password: String): Single<String> {
        return mMigrationSubject
            .filter { r: MigrationResult -> r.accountId == accountId }
            .map { r: MigrationResult -> r.state }
            .doOnSubscribe {
                val details = getAccount(accountId)!!.details
                details[ConfigKey.ARCHIVE_PASSWORD.key] = password
                mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setAccountDetails(accountId, StringMap.toSwig(details)) }

    fun setAccountEnabled(accountId: String, active: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.sendRegister(accountId, active) }

     * Sets the activation state of the account in the Daemon
    fun setAccountActive(accountId: String, active: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setAccountActive(accountId, active) }

     * Sets the activation state of all the accounts in the Daemon
    fun setAccountsActive(active: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            Log.i(TAG, "setAccountsActive() running... $active")
            for (a in mAccountList) {
                // If the proxy is enabled we can considered the account
                // as always active
                if (a.isDhtProxyEnabled) {
                    JamiService.setAccountActive(a.accountId, true)
                } else {
                    JamiService.setAccountActive(a.accountId, active)

     * Sets the video activation state of all the accounts in the local cache
    fun setAccountsVideoEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean) {
        for (account in mAccountList) {
            account.setDetail(ConfigKey.VIDEO_ENABLED, isEnabled)

     * @return the default template (account details) for a type of account
    fun getAccountTemplate(accountType: String): Single<HashMap<String, String>> {
        Log.i(TAG, "getAccountTemplate() $accountType")
        return Single.fromCallable { JamiService.getAccountTemplate(accountType).toNative() }

     * Removes the account in the Daemon as well as local history
    fun removeAccount(accountId: String) {
        Log.i(TAG, "removeAccount() $accountId")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.removeAccount(accountId) }

     * Exports the account on the DHT (used for multi-devices feature)
    fun exportOnRing(accountId: String, password: String): Single<String> =
            .filter { r: ExportOnRingResult -> r.accountId == accountId }
            .map { result: ExportOnRingResult ->
                when (result.code) {
                    PIN_GENERATION_SUCCESS -> return@map!!
                    PIN_GENERATION_WRONG_PASSWORD -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
                    PIN_GENERATION_NETWORK_ERROR -> throw SocketException()
                    else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException()
            .doOnSubscribe {
                Log.i(TAG, "exportOnRing() $accountId")
                mExecutor.execute { JamiService.exportOnRing(accountId, password) }

     * @return the list of the account's devices from the Daemon
    fun getKnownRingDevices(accountId: String): Map<String, String> {
        Log.i(TAG, "getKnownRingDevices() $accountId")
        return try {
             mExecutor.submit<HashMap<String, String>> {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running getKnownRingDevices()", e)
            return HashMap()

     * @param accountId id of the account used with the device
     * @param deviceId  id of the device to revoke
     * @param password  password of the account
    fun revokeDevice(accountId: String, password: String, deviceId: String): Single<Int> =
            .filter { r: DeviceRevocationResult -> r.accountId == accountId && r.deviceId == deviceId }
            .map { r: DeviceRevocationResult -> r.code }
            .doOnSubscribe { mExecutor.execute {
                JamiService.revokeDevice(accountId, password, deviceId)

     * @param accountId id of the account used with the device
     * @param newName   new device name
    fun renameDevice(accountId: String, newName: String) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId)
        mExecutor.execute {
            Log.i(TAG, "renameDevice() thread running... $newName")
            val details = JamiService.getAccountDetails(accountId)
            details[ConfigKey.ACCOUNT_DEVICE_NAME.key] = newName
            JamiService.setAccountDetails(accountId, details)
            account?.setDetail(ConfigKey.ACCOUNT_DEVICE_NAME, newName)
            account?.devices = JamiService.getKnownRingDevices(accountId).toNative()

    fun exportToFile(accountId: String, absolutePath: String, password: String): Completable =
        Completable.fromAction {
            require(JamiService.exportToFile(accountId, absolutePath, password)) { "Can't export archive" }

     * @param accountId   id of the account
     * @param oldPassword old account password
    fun setAccountPassword(accountId: String, oldPassword: String, newPassword: String): Completable =
        Completable.fromAction {
            require(JamiService.changeAccountPassword(accountId, oldPassword, newPassword)) { "Can't change password" }

     * Sets the active codecs list of the account in the Daemon
    fun setActiveCodecList(accountId: String, codecs: List<Long>) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            val list = UintVect()
            JamiService.setActiveCodecList(accountId, list)
            observableAccounts.onNext(getAccount(accountId) ?: return@execute)

     * @return The account's codecs list from the Daemon
    fun getCodecList(accountId: String): Single<List<Codec>> = Single.fromCallable {
        val activePayloads = JamiService.getActiveCodecList(accountId)
            .map { Codec(it, JamiService.getCodecDetails(accountId, it), activePayloads.contains(it)) }

    fun validateCertificatePath(
        accountID: String,
        certificatePath: String,
        privateKeyPath: String,
        privateKeyPass: String
    ): Map<String, String>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<HashMap<String, String>> {
                Log.i(TAG, "validateCertificatePath() running...")
                JamiService.validateCertificatePath(accountID, certificatePath, privateKeyPath, privateKeyPass, "").toNative()
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running validateCertificatePath()", e)
        return null

    fun validateCertificate(accountId: String, certificate: String): Map<String, String>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<HashMap<String, String>> {
                Log.i(TAG, "validateCertificate() running...")
                JamiService.validateCertificate(accountId, certificate).toNative()
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running validateCertificate()", e)
        return null

    fun getCertificateDetailsPath(certificatePath: String): Map<String, String>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<HashMap<String, String>> {
                Log.i(TAG, "getCertificateDetailsPath() running...")
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running getCertificateDetailsPath()", e)
        return null

    fun getCertificateDetails(certificateRaw: String): Map<String, String>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<HashMap<String, String>> {
                Log.i(TAG, "getCertificateDetails() running...")
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running getCertificateDetails()", e)
        return null

     * @return the supported TLS methods from the Daemon
    val tlsSupportedMethods: List<String>
        get() {
            Log.i(TAG, "getTlsSupportedMethods()")
            return SwigNativeConverter.toJava(JamiService.getSupportedTlsMethod())

     * @return the account's credentials from the Daemon
    fun getCredentials(accountId: String): List<Map<String, String>>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<ArrayList<Map<String, String>>> {
                Log.i(TAG, "getCredentials() running...")
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running getCredentials()", e)
        return null

     * Sets the account's credentials in the Daemon
    fun setCredentials(accountId: String, credentials: List<Map<String, String>>) {
        Log.i(TAG, "setCredentials() $accountId")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setCredentials(accountId, SwigNativeConverter.toSwig(credentials)) }

     * Sets the registration state to true for all the accounts in the Daemon
    fun registerAllAccounts() {
        Log.i(TAG, "registerAllAccounts()")
        mExecutor.execute { registerAllAccounts() }

     * Registers a new name on the blockchain for the account
    fun registerName(account: Account, password: String?, name: String) {
        if (account.registeringUsername) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Already trying to register username")
        account.registeringUsername = true
        registerName(account.accountId, password ?: "", name)

     * Register a new name on the blockchain for the account Id
    fun registerName(account: String, password: String, name: String) {
        Log.i(TAG, "registerName()")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.registerName(account, password, name) }
    /* contact requests */
     * @return all trust requests from the daemon for the account Id
    fun getTrustRequests(accountId: String): List<Map<String, String>>? {
        try {
            return mExecutor.submit<ArrayList<Map<String, String>>> {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error running getTrustRequests()", e)
        return null

     * Accepts a pending trust request
    fun acceptTrustRequest(accountId: String, from: Uri) {
        Log.i(TAG, "acceptRequest() $accountId $from")
        mExecutor.execute {
            if (from.isSwarm)
                JamiService.acceptConversationRequest(accountId, from.rawRingId)
            else {
                JamiService.acceptTrustRequest(accountId, from.rawRingId)
                /*getAccount(accountId)?.let { account -> account.getRequest(from)?.vCard?.let{ vcard ->
                    VCardUtils.savePeerProfileToDisk(vcard, accountId, from.rawRingId + ".vcf", mDeviceRuntimeService.provideFilesDir())

     * Refuses and blocks a pending trust request
    fun discardTrustRequest(accountId: String, contactUri: Uri): Boolean =
        if (contactUri.isSwarm)  {
            JamiService.declineConversationRequest(accountId, contactUri.rawRingId)
        } else {
            val account = getAccount(accountId)
            var removed = false
            if (account != null) {
                removed = account.removeRequest(contactUri) != null
                mHistoryService.clearHistory(contactUri.rawRingId, accountId, true).subscribe()
            mExecutor.execute { JamiService.discardTrustRequest(accountId, contactUri.rawRingId) }

     * Sends a new trust request
    fun sendTrustRequest(conversation: Conversation, to: Uri, message: Blob = Blob()) {
        Log.i(TAG, "sendTrustRequest() " + conversation.accountId + " " + to)
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.sendTrustRequest(conversation.accountId, to.rawRingId, message) }

     * Add a new contact for the account Id on the Daemon
    fun addContact(accountId: String, uri: String) {
        Log.i(TAG, "addContact() $accountId $uri")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.addContact(accountId, uri) }
     * Remove an existing contact for the account Id on the Daemon
    fun removeContact(accountId: String, uri: String, ban: Boolean) {
        Log.i(TAG, "removeContact() $accountId $uri ban:$ban")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.removeContact(accountId, uri, ban) }

    fun findRegistrationByName(account: String, nameserver: String, name: String): Single<RegisteredName> =
        if (name.isEmpty())
            Single.just(RegisteredName(account, name))
        else registeredNames
            .filter { r: RegisteredName -> account == r.accountId && name == }
            .doOnSubscribe {
                mExecutor.execute { JamiService.lookupName(account, nameserver, name) }

    fun findRegistrationByAddress(account: String, nameserver: String, address: String): Single<RegisteredName> =
        if (address.isEmpty())
        else registeredNames
            .filter { r: RegisteredName -> account == r.accountId && address == r.address }
            .doOnSubscribe {
                mExecutor.execute { JamiService.lookupAddress(account, nameserver, address) }

    fun searchUser(account: String, query: String): Single<UserSearchResult> {
        if (query.isEmpty()) {
            return Single.just(UserSearchResult(account, query))
        val encodedUrl: String = try {
            URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8")
        } catch (e: UnsupportedEncodingException) {
            return Single.error(e)
        return searchResults
            .filter { r: UserSearchResult -> account == r.accountId && encodedUrl == r.query }
            .doOnSubscribe {
                mExecutor.execute { JamiService.searchUser(account, encodedUrl) }

     * Reverse looks up the address in the blockchain to find the name
    fun lookupAddress(account: String, nameserver: String, address: String) {
        //Log.w(TAG, "lookupAddress $address")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.lookupAddress(account, nameserver, address) }

    fun pushNotificationReceived(from: String, data: Map<String, String>) {
        // Log.i(TAG, "pushNotificationReceived()");
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.pushNotificationReceived(from, StringMap.toSwig(data)) }

    fun setPushNotificationToken(pushNotificationToken: String) {
        //Log.i(TAG, "setPushNotificationToken()");
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setPushNotificationToken(pushNotificationToken) }
    fun setPushNotificationConfig(token: String = "", topic: String = "", platform: String = "") {
        //Log.i(TAG, "setPushNotificationConfig()");
        val config = StringMap().apply {
            put("token", token)
            put("topic", topic)
            put("platform", platform)
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.setPushNotificationConfig(config) }

    fun volumeChanged(device: String, value: Int) {
        Log.w(TAG, "volumeChanged $device $value")

    fun accountsChanged() {
        // Accounts have changed in Daemon, we have to update our local cache

    fun stunStatusFailure(accountId: String) {
        Log.d(TAG, "stun status failure: $accountId")

    fun registrationStateChanged(accountId: String, newState: String, code: Int, detailString: String?) {
        Log.d(TAG, "registrationStateChanged: $accountId, $newState, $code, $detailString")
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        val state = AccountConfig.RegistrationState.valueOf(newState)
        val oldState = account.registrationState
        if (oldState == AccountConfig.RegistrationState.INITIALIZING && state != AccountConfig.RegistrationState.INITIALIZING) {
            account.devices = JamiService.getKnownRingDevices(account.accountId).toNative()
        } else {
            account.setRegistrationState(state, code)
        if (oldState != state) {

    fun accountDetailsChanged(accountId: String, details: Map<String, String>) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        Log.d(TAG, "accountDetailsChanged: $accountId ${details.size}")

    fun volatileAccountDetailsChanged(accountId: String, details: Map<String, String>) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        //Log.d(TAG, "volatileAccountDetailsChanged: " + accountId + " " + details.size());

    fun accountProfileReceived(accountId: String, name: String?, photo: String?) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        mVCardService.saveVCardProfile(accountId, account.uri, name, photo)
            .subscribe({ vcard -> account.loadedProfile = mVCardService.loadVCardProfile(vcard).cache() })
                { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error saving profile", e) }

    fun profileReceived(accountId: String, peerId: String, vcardPath: String) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        Log.w(TAG, "profileReceived: $accountId, $peerId, $vcardPath")
        val contact = account.getContactFromCache(peerId)
        if (contact.isUser) {
            mVCardService.accountProfileReceived(accountId, File(vcardPath))
                .subscribe({ profile: Profile ->
                    account.loadedProfile = Single.just(profile)
                }) { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error saving contact profile", e) }
        } else {
            mVCardService.peerProfileReceived(accountId, peerId, File(vcardPath))
                .subscribe({ profile -> contact.setProfile(profile) })
                    { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error saving contact profile", e) }
            //contact.setProfile(mVCardService.peerProfileReceived(accountId, peerId, File(vcardPath)))

    fun incomingAccountMessage(accountId: String, messageId: String?, callId: String?, from: String, messages: Map<String, String>) {
        Log.d(TAG, "incomingAccountMessage ---> accountId: $accountId , messageId: $messageId, from: $from, messages.size: ${messages.size} messages: $messages")
        incomingMessageSubject.onNext(Message(accountId, messageId, callId, from, messages))

    fun accountMessageStatusChanged(accountId: String, conversationId: String, messageId: String, contactId: String, status: Int) {
        val newStatus = InteractionStatus.fromIntTextMessage(status)
        Log.d(TAG, "accountMessageStatusChanged: $accountId, $conversationId, $messageId, $contactId, $newStatus")
        if (conversationId.isEmpty()) {
                .accountMessageStatusChanged(accountId, messageId, contactId, newStatus)
                .subscribe({ t: TextMessage -> messageSubject.onNext(t) }) { e: Throwable ->
                    Log.e(TAG, "Error updating message: " + e.localizedMessage) }
        } else {
                ?.updateSwarmInteraction(messageId, Uri.fromId(contactId), newStatus)

    fun composingStatusChanged(accountId: String, conversationId: String, contactUri: String, status: Int) {
        Log.d(TAG, "composingStatusChanged: $accountId, $contactUri, $conversationId, $status")
        getAccount(accountId)?.composingStatusChanged(conversationId, Uri.fromId(contactUri), Account.ComposingStatus.fromInt(status))

    fun errorAlert(alert: Int) {
        Log.d(TAG, "errorAlert : $alert")

    fun knownDevicesChanged(accountId: String, devices: Map<String, String>) {
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account ->
            account.devices = devices

    fun exportOnRingEnded(accountId: String, code: Int, pin: String) {
        Log.d(TAG, "exportOnRingEnded: $accountId, $code, $pin")
        mExportSubject.onNext(ExportOnRingResult(accountId, code, pin))

    fun nameRegistrationEnded(accountId: String, state: Int, name: String) {
        Log.d(TAG, "nameRegistrationEnded: $accountId, $state, $name")
        val acc = getAccount(accountId)
        if (acc == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Can't find account for name registration callback")
        acc.registeringUsername = false
        if (state == 0) {
            acc.setDetail(ConfigKey.ACCOUNT_REGISTERED_NAME, name)

    fun migrationEnded(accountId: String, state: String) {
        Log.d(TAG, "migrationEnded: $accountId, $state")
        mMigrationSubject.onNext(MigrationResult(accountId, state))

    fun deviceRevocationEnded(accountId: String, device: String, state: Int) {
        Log.d(TAG, "deviceRevocationEnded: $accountId, $device, $state")
        if (state == 0) {
            getAccount(accountId)?.let { account ->
                val devices = HashMap(account.devices)
                account.devices = devices
        mDeviceRevocationSubject.onNext(DeviceRevocationResult(accountId, device, state))

    fun setConversationPreferences(accountId: String, conversationId: String, info: Map<String, String>) {
        JamiService.setConversationPreferences(accountId, conversationId, StringMap.toSwig(info))

    fun updateConversationInfo(accountId: String, conversationId: String, info: Map<String, String>) {
        JamiService.updateConversationInfos(accountId, conversationId, StringMap.toSwig(info))
    fun addConversationMembers(accountId: String, conversationId: String, uris: List<String>) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            for (uri in uris)
                JamiService.addConversationMember(accountId, conversationId, uri)

    fun addConversationMember(accountId: String, conversationId: String, uri: String) {
        // mExecutor.execute {
        JamiService.addConversationMember(accountId, conversationId, uri)
    fun removeConversationMember(accountId: String, conversationId: String, uri: String) {
        // mExecutor.execute {
        JamiService.removeConversationMember(accountId, conversationId, uri)

    fun contactAdded(accountId: String, uri: String, confirmed: Boolean) {
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account ->
            val details: Map<String, String> = JamiService.getContactDetails(accountId, uri)
            val contact = account.addContact(details)
            val conversationUri = contact.conversationUri.blockingFirst()
            if (conversationUri.isSwarm) {
                var conversation = account.getByUri(conversationUri)
                if (conversation == null) {
                    conversation = account.newSwarm(conversationUri.rawRingId, Conversation.Mode.Syncing)
            //account.addContact(uri, confirmed);
            if (account.isEnabled) lookupAddress(accountId, "", uri)

    fun contactRemoved(accountId: String, uri: String, banned: Boolean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Contact removed: $uri User is banned: $banned")
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account ->
            mHistoryService.clearHistory(uri, accountId, true).subscribe()
            account.removeContact(uri, banned)

    fun registeredNameFound(accountId: String, state: Int, address: String, name: String) {
        try {
            registeredNameSubject.onNext(RegisteredName(accountId, name, address, state))
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.w(TAG, "registeredNameFound exception", e)

    fun userSearchEnded(accountId: String, state: Int, query: String, results: List<Map<String, String>>) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId) ?: return
        val r = UserSearchResult(accountId, query, state)
        r.results = { m ->
            val uri = m["id"]!!
            account.getContactFromCache(uri).apply {
                synchronized(this) {
                    m["username"]?.let { name ->
                        if (this.username == null)
                            this.username = Single.just(name)
                    setProfile(Single.fromCallable {
                        val firstName = m["firstName"]
                        val lastName = m["lastName"]
                        val profilePicture = m["profilePicture"]
                        Profile("$firstName $lastName", mVCardService.base64ToBitmap(profilePicture))

    private fun getInteraction(account: Account, conversation: Conversation, message: Map<String, String>): Interaction {
        /* for ((key, value) in message) {
            Log.w(TAG, "$key -> $value")
        } */
        val id = message["id"]!!
        val type = message["type"]!!
        val author = message["author"]!!
        val parent = message["linearizedParent"]
        val authorUri = Uri.fromId(author)
        val timestamp = message["timestamp"]!!.toLong() * 1000
        val replyTo = message["reply-to"]
        val reactTo = message["react-to"]
        val edit = message["edit"]
        val contact = conversation.findContact(authorUri) ?: account.getContactFromCache(authorUri)
        val interaction: Interaction = when (type) {
            "initial" -> if (conversation.mode.blockingFirst() == Conversation.Mode.OneToOne) {
                val invited = message["invited"]!!
                val invitedContact = conversation.findContact(Uri.fromId(invited)) ?: account.getContactFromCache(invited)
                invitedContact.addedDate = Date(timestamp)
                Log.w(TAG, "invited $invited $invitedContact")
                ContactEvent(account.accountId, invitedContact).setEvent(ContactEvent.Event.INVITED)
            } else {
                Interaction(conversation, Interaction.InteractionType.INVALID)
            "member" -> {
                val action = message["action"]!!
                val uri = message["uri"]!!
                Log.w(TAG, "member $action $uri")
                val member = conversation.findContact(Uri.fromId(uri)) ?: account.getContactFromCache(uri)
                member.addedDate = Date(timestamp)
                ContactEvent(account.accountId, member).setEvent(ContactEvent.Event.fromConversationAction(action))
            "text/plain" -> TextMessage(author, account.accountId, timestamp, conversation, message["body"]!!, !contact.isUser)
            "application/data-transfer+json" -> {
                try {
                    val fileName = message["displayName"]!!
                    val fileId = message["fileId"]
                    val paths = arrayOfNulls<String>(1)
                    val progressA = LongArray(1)
                    val totalA = LongArray(1)
                    JamiService.fileTransferInfo(account.accountId, conversation.uri.rawRingId, fileId, paths, totalA, progressA)
                    if (totalA[0] == 0L) {
                        totalA[0] = message["totalSize"]!!.toLong()
                    val path = File(paths[0]!!)
                    val isComplete = path.exists() && progressA[0] == totalA[0]
                    Log.w(TAG, "add $isComplete DataTransfer at ${paths[0]} with progress ${progressA[0]}/${totalA[0]}")
                    DataTransfer(fileId, account.accountId, author, fileName, contact.isUser, timestamp, totalA[0], progressA[0]).apply {
                        daemonPath = path
                        status = if (isComplete) InteractionStatus.TRANSFER_FINISHED else InteractionStatus.FILE_AVAILABLE
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    Interaction(conversation, Interaction.InteractionType.INVALID)
            "application/call-history+json" ->
                Call(null, account.accountId, authorUri.rawUriString, if (contact.isUser) Call.Direction.OUTGOING else Call.Direction.INCOMING,timestamp).apply {
                    message["duration"]?.let { d -> duration = d.toLong() }
            "application/update-profile" -> Interaction(conversation, Interaction.InteractionType.INVALID)
            "merge" -> Interaction(conversation, Interaction.InteractionType.INVALID)
            else -> Interaction(conversation, Interaction.InteractionType.INVALID)
        interaction.replyToId = replyTo
        interaction.reactToId = reactTo
        interaction.edit = edit
        if (replyTo != null) {
            interaction.replyTo = conversation.loadMessage(replyTo) {
                JamiService.loadConversationUntil(account.accountId, conversation.uri.rawRingId, id, replyTo)
        if ( == null)
   = contact
        interaction.setSwarmInfo(conversation.uri.rawRingId, id, if (parent.isNullOrEmpty()) null else parent)
        interaction.conversation = conversation
        return interaction

    private fun addMessage(account: Account, conversation: Conversation, message: Map<String, String>, newMessage: Boolean): Interaction {
        val interaction = getInteraction(account, conversation, message)
        if (conversation.addSwarmElement(interaction, newMessage)) {
            /*if (conversation.isVisible)
                mHistoryService.setMessageRead(account.accountID, conversation.uri, interaction.messageId!!)*/
        return interaction

    fun conversationLoaded(id: Long, accountId: String, conversationId: String, messages: List<Map<String, String>>) {
        try {
            val task = loadingTasks.remove(id)
            // Log.w(TAG, "ConversationCallback: conversationLoaded " + accountId + "/" + conversationId + " " + messages.size());
            getAccount(accountId)?.let { account -> account.getSwarm(conversationId)?.let { conversation ->
                val interactions: List<Interaction>
                synchronized(conversation) {
                    interactions = { addMessage(account, conversation, it, false) }
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Exception loading message", e)

    fun conversationProfileUpdated(accountId: String, conversationId: String, info: StringMap) {

    fun conversationPreferencesUpdated(accountId: String, conversationId: String, preferences: StringMap) {

    private enum class ConversationMemberEvent {
        Add, Join, Remove, Ban

    fun conversationMemberEvent(accountId: String, conversationId: String, peerUri: String, event: Int) {
        Log.w(TAG, "ConversationCallback: conversationMemberEvent $accountId/$conversationId")
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account -> account.getSwarm(conversationId)?.let { conversation ->
            val uri = Uri.fromId(peerUri)
            when (ConversationMemberEvent.values()[event]) {
                ConversationMemberEvent.Add, ConversationMemberEvent.Join -> {
                    val contact = conversation.findContact(uri)
                    if (contact == null) {
                ConversationMemberEvent.Remove, ConversationMemberEvent.Ban -> {
                    if (conversation.mode.blockingFirst() != Conversation.Mode.OneToOne) {
                        conversation.findContact(uri)?.let { contact -> conversation.removeContact(contact) }

    fun conversationReady(accountId: String, conversationId: String) {
        Log.w(TAG, "ConversationCallback: conversationReady $accountId/$conversationId")
        val account = getAccount(accountId)
        if (account == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "conversationReady: can't find account")
        val info = JamiService.conversationInfos(accountId, conversationId).toNativeFromUtf8()
        /*for (Map.Entry<String, String> i : info.entrySet()) {
            Log.w(TAG, "conversation info: " + i.getKey() + " " + i.getValue());
        val mode = Conversation.Mode.values()[info["mode"]!!.toInt()]
        val uri = Uri(Uri.SWARM_SCHEME, conversationId)
        var c = account.getByUri(uri)//getSwarm(conversationId) ?: account.getByUri(Uri(Uri.SWARM_SCHEME, conversationId))
        var setMode = false
        if (c == null) {
            c = account.newSwarm(conversationId, mode).apply {
                setLastMessageNotified(mHistoryService.getLastMessageNotified(accountId, uri))
        } else {
            c.loaded = null
            setMode = mode != c.mode.blockingFirst()
        val conversation = c
        synchronized(conversation) {
            // Making sure to add contacts before changing the mode
            for (member in JamiService.getConversationMembers(accountId, conversationId)) {
                val memberUri = Uri.fromId(member["uri"]!!)
                var contact = conversation.findContact(memberUri)
                if (contact == null) {
                    contact = account.getContactFromCache(memberUri)
            if (conversation.lastElementLoaded == null)
                conversation.lastElementLoaded = Completable.defer { loadMore(conversation, 2).ignoreElement() }
            if (setMode)
        loadMore(conversation, 2)

    fun conversationRemoved(accountId: String, conversationId: String) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId)
        if (account == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "conversationRemoved: can't find account")

    fun conversationRequestDeclined(accountId: String, conversationId: String) {
        Log.d(TAG, "conversation request for $conversationId is declined")
        getAccount(accountId)?.removeRequest(Uri(Uri.SWARM_SCHEME, conversationId))

    fun conversationRequestReceived(accountId: String, conversationId: String, metadata: Map<String, String>) {
        Log.w(TAG, "ConversationCallback: conversationRequestReceived " + accountId + "/" + conversationId + " " + metadata.size)
        val account = getAccount(accountId)
        if (account == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "conversationRequestReceived: can't find account")
        val conversationUri = if (conversationId.isEmpty()) null else Uri(Uri.SWARM_SCHEME, conversationId)
        val from = Uri.fromId(metadata["from"]!!)
        val request = account.getRequest(from)
        if (request == null || conversationUri != request.conversationUri) {
                metadata["received"]!!.toLong() * 1000L,
                metadata["mode"]?.let { m -> Conversation.Mode.values()[m.toInt()] } ?: Conversation.Mode.OneToOne))

    fun messageReceived(accountId: String, conversationId: String, message: Map<String, String>) {
        Log.w(TAG, "ConversationCallback: messageReceived " + accountId + "/" + conversationId + " " + message.size)
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account -> account.getSwarm(conversationId)?.let { conversation ->
            synchronized(conversation) {
                val interaction = addMessage(account, conversation, message, true)
                val isIncoming = !!!.isUser
                if (isIncoming)
                if (interaction is DataTransfer)

    fun sendFile(conversation: Conversation, file: File) {
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.sendFile(conversation.accountId, conversation.uri.rawRingId,file.absolutePath,, "") }

    fun acceptFileTransfer(accountId: String, conversationUri: Uri, messageId: String?, fileId: String) {
        getAccount(accountId)?.let { account -> account.getByUri(conversationUri)?.let { conversation ->
            val transfer = if (conversation.isSwarm)
                conversation.getMessage(messageId!!) as DataTransfer?
            acceptFileTransfer(conversation, fileId, transfer!!)

    fun acceptFileTransfer(conversation: Conversation, fileId: String, transfer: DataTransfer) {
        if (conversation.isSwarm) {
            val conversationId = conversation.uri.rawRingId
            val newPath = mDeviceRuntimeService.getNewConversationPath(conversation.accountId, conversationId, transfer.displayName)
            Log.i(TAG, "downloadFile() id=" + conversation.accountId + ", path=" + conversationId + " " + fileId + " to -> " + newPath.absolutePath)
            JamiService.downloadFile(conversation.accountId, conversationId, transfer.messageId, fileId, newPath.absolutePath)

    fun cancelDataTransfer(accountId: String, conversationId: String, messageId: String?, fileId: String) {
        Log.i(TAG, "cancelDataTransfer() id=$fileId")
        mExecutor.execute { JamiService.cancelDataTransfer(accountId, conversationId, fileId) }
    private inner class DataTransferRefreshTask constructor(
        private val account: Account,
        private val conversation: Conversation,
        private val toUpdate: DataTransfer
    ) : Runnable {
        val scheduledTask: ScheduledFuture<*> = mExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(
        override fun run() {
            synchronized(toUpdate) {
                if (toUpdate.status == InteractionStatus.TRANSFER_ONGOING) {
                    dataTransferEvent(account, conversation, toUpdate.messageId, toUpdate.fileId!!, 5)
                } else {

    fun dataTransferEvent(accountId: String, conversationId: String, interactionId: String, fileId: String, eventCode: Int) {
        val account = getAccount(accountId)
        if (account != null) {
            val conversation = account.getSwarm(conversationId) ?: return
            dataTransferEvent(account, conversation, interactionId, fileId, eventCode)

    fun dataTransferEvent(account: Account, conversation: Conversation, interactionId: String?, fileId: String, eventCode: Int) {
        val transferStatus = InteractionStatus.fromIntFile(eventCode)
        Log.d(TAG, "Data Transfer $interactionId $fileId $transferStatus")
        val transfer = account.getDataTransfer(fileId) ?: conversation.getMessage(interactionId!!) as DataTransfer? ?: return
        val paths = arrayOfNulls<String>(1)
        val progressA = LongArray(1)
        val totalA = LongArray(1)
        JamiService.fileTransferInfo(account.accountId, conversation.uri.rawRingId, fileId, paths, totalA, progressA)
        val progress = progressA[0]
        val total = totalA[0]
        synchronized(transfer) {
            transfer.conversation = conversation
            transfer.daemonPath = File(paths[0]!!)
            transfer.status = transferStatus
            transfer.bytesProgress = progress
            val oldState = transfer.status
            if (oldState != transferStatus) {
                if (transferStatus == InteractionStatus.TRANSFER_ONGOING) {
                    DataTransferRefreshTask(account, conversation, transfer)
                } else if (transferStatus.isError) {
                    if (!transfer.isOutgoing) {
                        val tmpPath = mDeviceRuntimeService.getTemporaryPath(
                            conversation.uri.rawRingId, transfer.storagePath
        Log.d(TAG, "Data Transfer dataTransferSubject.onNext")

    fun setProxyEnabled(enabled: Boolean) {
        mExecutor.execute {
            for (acc in mAccountList) {
                if (acc.isJami && acc.isDhtProxyEnabled != enabled) {
                    Log.d(TAG, (if (enabled) "Enabling" else "Disabling") + " proxy for account " + acc.accountId)
                    acc.isDhtProxyEnabled = enabled
                    val details = JamiService.getAccountDetails(acc.accountId)
                    details[ConfigKey.PROXY_ENABLED.key] = if (enabled) "true" else "false"
                    JamiService.setAccountDetails(acc.accountId, details)

    companion object {
        private val TAG =
        private const val VCARD_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000
        private const val DATA_TRANSFER_REFRESH_PERIOD: Long = 500
        private const val PIN_GENERATION_SUCCESS = 0
        private const val PIN_GENERATION_WRONG_PASSWORD = 1
        private const val PIN_GENERATION_NETWORK_ERROR = 2

        private fun getDataTransferError(errorCode: Long): DataTransferError = try {
        } catch (ignored: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
            Log.e(TAG, "getDataTransferError: invalid data transfer error from daemon")