Open the Jami app
2. Sometimes contacts appear or don't appear
3. When they appear and I open one, no UI interface appears, just the camera preview.
Actual result: Sometimes contacts appear and sometimes they don't.
Expected result: To see all the contacts every time I open the app.
I don't use the mobile app, only the Android TV version so I can't confirm if it happens the same in that version.
I'm really not sure since I started to see the issue after the update arrived but I can't confirm if it was immediately or after some time like that person states.
Richard Brancheschanged title from Contacts disappeared intermittently after latest Android TV update to Contacts disappear intermittently after latest Android TV update
changed title from Contacts disappeared intermittently after latest Android TV update to Contacts disappear intermittently after latest Android TV update
Pierre Nicolaschanged title from Contacts disappear intermittently after latest Android TV update to TV: Contacts disappear intermittently after latest update
changed title from Contacts disappear intermittently after latest Android TV update to TV: Contacts disappear intermittently after latest update
Hello, I can confirm that the issue reported here seems to be gone, however, when I attempt to make a videocall nothing happens, a gray screen stays forever and nothing else happens afterwards.
No - I just meant that disappearing contacts might be related? And it's now fixed?
Yes I am able to see the contacts again, it wasn't working in the Jami version stated in this bug report but it seems to work fine now though I don't know since which version was fixed because I stopped using the app but I started using it again.
The problem now is that when I click to make a videocall a gray screen stays indefinitely and when I call to my device from a different one I hear the ringtone but nothing happens either.
Looks like this issue hasn't been fixed, I am facing the issue on the mobile app so I'm going to reopen this bug report.
Everytime I close the app on my phone the only contact I use to test the app disappears from the contacts list, but if I look it up I can send messages and make videocalls, which in turn allows me to re-add the contact again but once I close the app the story repeats.
I'm afraid I have to reopen this bug report, I am again having an issue when I attempt to add a contact that was previously added to the account.
As you can see in the attached video, when I search for the contact nothing happens, and if I attempt to call or videocall the contact the screen remains black which leads the app to become unresponsive so I have to force-close it.
I received new version 20241112-01 and the contact appears again, but messages are not arriving between them, I will close this bug report and I will create a separate one for that issue.