Contact shown twice
Bug report form
Describe your environment
Please specify the following:
- Jami version: 20230714-01
- Device model: motorola one macro (XT2016-1)
- Android version: Android 10 (QMDS30.47-33-5)
- What build you are using: Play Store
Steps to reproduce
- Can you reproduce the bug: [at will | occasionally | not at all]
- Steps:
- Try to pair contact twice (using QR Code)
- Actual result: You would end up with having the same contact twice.
- Expected result: It should not allow to pair the same contact twice. Or if it happened the contact should be shown only ones on the contact list.
Additional information
We paired our contacts by reading each other QR Codes. As we saw nothing happened (no contact appeared, cos we have to wait more time for it i guess) we repeated the process. Now we cannot get rid of doubling the contact. Even if we remove it and add again the contact still shown twice. Please fix it as it is annoying. Another issue is that one of those contacts it empty and doesn't send or receive messages. The clearing cache (in android app settings) does not help.