Plugin call UX fixes
Activating a plugin in a call can sometimes make globally disabled plugins appear in the plugin list.
Plugins should be loaded off the UI thread
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- Alexander Lussier-Cullen marked this issue as related to #1493
marked this issue as related to #1493
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen assigned to @alussier-cullen
assigned to @alussier-cullen
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen added SprintIn progress label
added SprintIn progress label
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen changed title from Add automatic plugin activation when configured as such to Plugin call UX fixes
changed title from Add automatic plugin activation when configured as such to Plugin call UX fixes
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen added SprintIn progress label and removed SprintTo review label
added SprintIn progress label and removed SprintTo review label
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen mentioned in commit bc75f0dd
mentioned in commit bc75f0dd
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen mentioned in commit e657e4fe
mentioned in commit e657e4fe
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
- Author Developer
The problem of automatic plugin enabling runs deeper than just than top layer UX logic in the app, so I'm moving this point from the ticket.
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen removed SprintTo review label
removed SprintTo review label
- Alexander Lussier-Cullen closed