Jami Android App can dangerously scan and add any QR Code
Describe your environment
Please specify the following:
- Jami version: 20240506-01
- Device model: Pixel 7a
- Android version: 14
- What build you are using: your own (commit id = 04117d84 + daemon commit id = aa24a6db)]
Steps to reproduce
- Can you reproduce the bug: [at will]
- Steps:
- Generate a QR Code for the text "Hello World" using any free online service 2. Scan that QR Code in jami app while adding a new contact ...
- Actual result: The Jami app would try to add a new contact with uri jami:jami:Hello World
- Expected result: The Jami app should be restricted to scanning only jami QR Codes and should display error for non-jami QR Codes
Additional information
Very Dangerous: Once a contact is added using wrong QR Code, you can't delete that account from the app. i.e: A contact "jami:Hello World" once added, would stay forever in your contact list.