What kind of device were you sending messages to?
Also you are using an old revision of Ring.
We are currently working with the F-droid team to get more frequents updates.
I am sending messages to an Android user on a Huawei P9 who downloaded latest version from yersteday from Play Store.
I have only F-Droid store on my phone so I don't have another option unfortunately..
Do you remember some issues like this already solved on the latest version available?
Here is the topic about a better fdroid integration. Once it will be done, integrated on fdroid side, further updates should appear quickly in fdroid.
Right now your best option would be to use tools such as Yalp store to get latest Ring version.
Do you remember some issues like this already solved on the latest version available?
@belette Is it the messages you are sending that are being dropped (from your f-droid Ring, to a push enabled Google Play Ring) ? If it is, I don't have an idea, but if it is the other way around, I can advise to whitelist Ring from the battery optimized apps on your Android device (in the absence of push notifications [f-droid build], the app must not be subjected to Doze or standby mode else it won't receive messages).
Thanks @sblin, is this new version is fixing theses issues? Last time I have tester a couple months ago it was still the same...with or without OpenDHT Proxy
Hello I have maybe similar issue. From my phone sending messages / initiation of phone calls / video calls not working anyhow (sent messages = circle without check mark, call tries = "missed OUTGOING call" - strange - how can I miss an outgoing call?). From the other side my colleague can send me message and I receive all and when he initiates voice call I dont see anything. We play with this application 2 days (searching for skype/messenger open alternative). We found a strange behavior so now we started doing a use-case testing. This problem started when:
My colleague disconnected internet
I sent a longer text message (length about 1-2 SMS) - seeing circle without check mark - good my colleague is offline
I disconnected internet connection
wait about 10 minutes
My colleague turned on internet - he didnt received anything
I turned on internet - my colleague still didnt received nothing
When he sends message I receive immediately. When I send any other message he cannot receive.
How can I help you to find it? you can search for my account as teoret.
rebooting my phone didnt help. I use standard setting, I turned on discovery of local peers, I turned on service on background, placed JAMI app to whitelist so Android doesnt kill it in sleep.
I have downloaded the latest F-Droid version (20200107-01) and it is very frustrating! I can't have any reliable exchange with a friend who is testing it with me.
Sometimes the messages are sent but never received, sometimes he received the message 1hour later, sometimes I don't receive his messages.
Pictures are always failing even if we are both on the application on foreground.
We tried multiple network conditions, same issue even using VPN with fixed IP public address to avoid potential issue with carrier NAT (even if DHT should solved this).
Do you experiment theses issues as well or are we the only ones?
Many thanks
Hello. We have exactly the same issues as @belette. We use also the last version from F-Droid. I confirm the same problems at our side (messages, pictures) we tried also different networks (home's WiFi, LTE). Today I received the testing messages but after several hours later.
And sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully the conversation stack is currently rewritten.
Can we try something? Just to identify the problematic part, let's simplify the network. In the account settings (for both parts of the conversation), in the advanced tab, the is the "DHT proxy" settings. Can you disable this if it's enabled? And for now, enable "Run in background" in the settings of the app. This will just forget the DHT proxy and avoid system kills.
Sébastien Blinadded 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
Hello. I have exactly the same issues as @belette. We use also the last version from F-Droid. I confirm the same problems at our side (messages, pictures). I close the app and re-open it, but I don't receive anything
I also have similar experiences with using Jami from F-Droid with the proxy, although it's improved a lot in the last years, messages sometimes cannot be received. I've also seen this problem with the Play store build, although occurrences appear much rarer. Sometimes people need to ping me through a side channel (text or whatever) to let me know I'm not receiving messages; the fix is usually to manually reconnect the account.
i have the same problem, (using the latest mai 2021 release on f-droid)
messages that are sent,
are not always received,
even though the recipient is online
(unable to fix the problem also, rendering jami useless unfortunately)
more information: the recipient has the green online circle
also tried using the desktop client (debian stable):
the message to the online recipient is not sent