@sblin When can you do that?
The last version on F-Droid is already several months old.
I wonder how long users will use Jami - especially when there are things that still feel to me like they're in development - if they can't always have a current version with the corresponding improvements. What do you think?
Ok, so we generated a new release and the script was called.
I still have some modifications to do in the script and our Jenkins to fully automate the process, but the first PR generated is here https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4731
Just launched the android pipeline (failed last friday, we did a lot of changes and update on gerrit/jenkins). A MR should be submitted today to FDroid, this time with good details
Merged doesn't mean anything at F-Droid. Still no current version of Jami, although you have already activated the auto-update. Patience seems to be the only thing that helps ;)
Although the commits in the F-Droid data repo are constantly updated with each new Jami release, the revisions are not merged into the master anymore. https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/merge_requests/6460
So at the moment the auto-update does not work at all. The last version is already three months old again.
Can you please do something about that? Google Play Store should stay no option for FLOSS Jami users!