[Split account]Dhtproxy frozen
The dhtproxy doesn't work anymore, can't receive message confirmations/export account on DHT, etc
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- Sébastien Blin assigned to @ayounes
assigned to @ayounes
- Sébastien Blin changed milestone to %Iteration 16 (POC prep)
changed milestone to %Iteration 16 (POC prep)
- Sébastien Blin added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Developer
For accounts that have a password the daemon is calling the following callback exportOnRingEnded(String accountId, int code, String pin) with code = 1 which means that we have PIN_GENERATION_WRONG_PASSWORD
Edited by Mohamed Amine Younes Bouacida - Sébastien Blin added SprintIn progress label
added SprintIn progress label
- Sébastien Blin assigned to @sblin and unassigned @ayounes
- Sébastien Blin changed title from [Split account]Cannot generate PIN for non JAMS account to [Split account]Dhtproxy frozen
changed title from [Split account]Cannot generate PIN for non JAMS account to [Split account]Dhtproxy frozen
- Sébastien Blin changed the description
changed the description
- Sébastien Blin added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
- Sébastien Blin assigned to @vivanov and unassigned @sblin
- pin fixed with https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht/pull/439
- send push from new proxy fixed with https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht/pull/440
Edited by Vsevolod Ivanov- Sébastien Blin assigned to @sblin and unassigned @vivanov
- Sébastien Blin added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
added SprintTo review label and removed SprintIn progress label
- Sébastien Blin added SprintDone label and removed SprintTo review label
added SprintDone label and removed SprintTo review label
- Sébastien Blin closed
- Sébastien Blin removed SprintDone label
removed SprintDone label
- Loic Bogino added severitycritical label
added severitycritical label