Jami version: Windows QT Beta 202104292750 (Desktop client)
On windows with Wired LAN (1000mb/s);
i have UPnP On, LocalPeerDiscovery On, DHT-Proxy On, TURN On, STUN On.(default servers settings)
Receiver side:
Android 11, version One UI 3.1, KernelVersion 4.14.190, Galaxy A71, SM-A715F/DS
Android Jami (BETA) together 20210421-01
On Android phone on LAN via 'Wi-Fi 5G';
i have UPnP Off, LocalPeerDiscovery On, DHT-Proxy On, TURN On, STUN On.(default servers settings)
Both clients are in the same LAN behind a firewall/router.
The Android Phone has been connected to the LAN for 2+ days.
Steps to reproduce
Can you reproduce the bug: often
3 or 4 times a week, but it takes a while to come into that state again.
(on windows, the caller) i restarted Jami and started with -D option to catch debug output.
(on windows) i went to settings and disabled and re-enabled the account, hoping it would refresh and work.
(on android) i did not change account to off/on, else it re-initializes and the problem is gone.(but bug still there ;)
On windows, Open Jami.
On android, have the phone connected to LAN for days. Don't switch profile off and on.
On windows, Call a contact which runs on Android.
Actual result:
Windows app shows 'calling' and immediately stops with the message "Missed outgoing call"
Android app only sees the message "Missed call"
Expected result:
Android app shows incoming call, and user has time to pick up.
Additional information
Calling from Android to Windows can keep ringing and looks Ok.
While calling from Windows to Android, the ringing immediately breaks off without doing anything on android. It does ring once on android, and also shows 'missed incoming call'.
(on the Android Phone) When i set the profile to off and on, then the Windows client immediately is able to communicate, and also the text messages which didn't come through(sent from that windows client) arrive.
This happened in older versions too, where i had to Off/On the profile on Android to get Android client working again.
But it seems this problem is there already long, so i file a report.
Attached is the logs from the Windows client only.
it shows calls going both ways. only the calls from windows to android failed immediately.
The log contains all info printed from starting to call up-to failing. it fitted in one screen.
Sadly i can't perform any debugging on my android company phone.
In case you need additional info, or need me to try out some things, my jami ID is 'rtwin_x'
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rtwin_xchanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
changed the description
rtwin_xchanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
changed the description
rtwin_xchanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
I still see the same issue with newer versions.
i'm using Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19044.1586]
Jami QT desktop client - version (BETA) 202203151416 Taranis
Settings: localdiscovery=On, Proxy=On(Addr=default),Upnp=On,TURN=On(deafult addr)
I sent a message from both an
FairPhone 3+, e/OS/, Android 10, Jami Taranis 20220121-01,(using WIFI in same lan) and
Samsung(Galaxy A71), Android 11, Jami Taranis 20220311-01,(using cellular 4G)
but the windows client doesnt' receive it.(this happens after a while, maybe an hour or so..)
When i turn the Jami account Off and On in Windows/QT client, suddenly it starts receiving the messages which were sent by both Android clients.
(i've also seen it the other way around, where my Android phone doesn't receive, and its account needs to be switched off and on again)
i have this problem for much longer (even before the GIT thing got incorporated).
i'll try to get a minimalistic debug-log from the QT client.
i don't know how to check in Android App. It does nt say in the profile details of the contact in the chat.
But in the QT Client, it show for the contact in the chat as is Swarm: False (for both android contacts..)
i thought i attended it a long time ago, by deleting the contacts, and finding them again. I will do that again.
Just now, i deleted the contact on both Qt-client(Win10) and Android-client(FP3 phone).
Searched the contact on Qt-client, and sent a text.
Then on Android-client i got a connection request, to which i pressed "accept". And now it keeps saying "downloading conversation from peer". After minutes nothing has changed.
Then on the Android-client, i switched of WIFI so it only had 4G, and nothing changed. So, seconds after that, i went into my profile settings to set my profile offline and online again.
That's when the "downloading conversation from peer" went away, and my message i sent from Qt-client appeared.
Now, in my Android-client, in the chat, on the profile-details i see a message "(i) Private swarm". As well as on the chat-profile details on the Qt-client it says 'is Swarm: True'
(Again that off/online toggle on the receiver end was required :/ )
I will check if anything changed
Jami Taranis 2022-0311-01(Beta tester via GooglePlayStore)
Settings same as windows.
Connected via cellular 4G.
Router has UPnP enabled. Version Ziggo "Connect Box"
Conform standaard specificaties : DOCSIS 3.0
Hardware versie : 5.01
Software versie : CH7465LG-NCIP-6.15.31p1-NOSH
I have multiple identities setup in the windows Qt client(5 in total. None are used)
For the sake the next test, i removed all conversations for all identities.
I confirmed for the below conversation, swarm:true.
In the logs just before this point, Android sent "17:00" to QT, and Qt received.