You receive a call:
Now you can see Person B and a video preview of yourself (Person A)
Issue occurs:
a) Step 1: You tap the overview button; Step 2: You tap the home button; Step3: You tap the overview button again
Now you see 3 different videos.
b) Step 1:You tap the overview button; Step 2: You return to Jami.
Now you see 3 different videos.
c) Step 1:You tap the home button; Step 2: You return to Jami.
Now you see 3 different videos.
d) You see the third video preview and tap the return button. Step 2: You tap on "back to the current call". Now you see a distorted image with the hang up button.
example d):
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Screen sharing: All steps as described previously.
(Sometimes (Windows 10, newest version) Person B just sees a black screen (not the content of the screen of Person A). If not: see next steps:)
You return to Jami NOT by clicking on the video preview instead you tap on the app again. Sometimes you have to tap on the user you are calling - sometimes you just need to tap on "back to the current call".
Now the middle screen is only black and Person B (Windows 10) is shown as an additional video preview (red arrow).
You can see yourself on the other preview.
If you tab on the preview of the other person you get a grey screen with no videos anymore.
Now you tap the overview button and you can see TWO windows of Jami. If you tap the video preview suddenly everthing works again.
But if you tap the overview button again you can see two windows of Jami again AND a third video preview of Person B again.
Ok thanks for the answer! Regarding windows it would be important to fix screen lag issues (that didn't happen if I was using Element (Windows <-> Android, same settings) so it's probably because of Jami) jami-client-qt#403 and the sound issue jami-project#1122 (closed).
But I understand that due to the small number of people of the developer team it can take time.
Ok. Third window is gone (Android beta version: 2021092401)
If you return to Jami and tap on "change / flip camera" (and don't tap on "screenshare" again to stop to sharing your screen) the button "Share screen" is still selected AND the video preview of yourself is just a black bar; see issue: #922 (closed) (Attachment: yellow arrow shows what you can see)
during screen share: And the video preview of your screen is just the black bar mentioned (see yellow arrow).
However -although the android user can't see his own preview - the Windows 10 user can view the camera video (of the Android smartphone) with no problems
newest beta version (20211004-01): The black bar is gone but you don't see any preview anymore.
If you stop screensharing you see the preview again (Android)
Having no preview while screensharing is the expected behavior (at least currently).
For the last part it's indeed an issue, thanks @El4