When I was sent a file today, it ended up in
I think we can all agree that is suboptimal. No user file should be put anywhere in ~/Library.
I suggest a simple fix that doesn't require interaction with the Max UI:
if JAMI_DOWNLOAD is defined in the environment, use that, else
if $HOME/Downloads exists, use that, else
put it in the user's home directory
If none of the above works, it might be better to reject the transfer than to squirrel the file away 5 levels deep in a system directory.
To minimize confusion, I also suggest that instead of "Success", the recipient's message be "Receivedfilename", where filename is the full path to the file.
That would save the user the frustration of trying to use the mouse to open the file, and searching around for it. In my case, for instance, before I decided to search the disk for the file, we opted to use email instead.