Are you sure you → Do you really → Do you by a password → with a password confirmExtensionReset: OK → Reset confirmExtensionUninstall: OK → Uninstall confirmRmConversation → confirmLeaveConversation Change-Id: I8e61197a19fb61f3d362d76b1a6d676dcb842b75 GitLab: #1730
Are you sure you → Do you really → Do you by a password → with a password confirmExtensionReset: OK → Reset confirmExtensionUninstall: OK → Uninstall confirmRmConversation → confirmLeaveConversation Change-Id: I8e61197a19fb61f3d362d76b1a6d676dcb842b75 GitLab: #1730
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ConversationSmartListContextMenu.qml 6.66 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Mingrui Zhang <mingrui.zhang@savoirfairelinux.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick
import net.jami.Models 1.1
import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
import net.jami.Constants 1.1
import "../../commoncomponents"
import "../../commoncomponents/contextmenu"
ContextMenuAutoLoader {
id: root
signal showSwarmDetails
property string responsibleAccountId: ""
property string responsibleConvUid: ""
property bool isBanned: false
property bool isCoreDialog: false
property var mode: undefined
property int contactType: Profile.Type.INVALID
property bool hasCall: false
property bool readOnly: false
// For UserProfile dialog.
property string aliasText
property string registeredNameText
property string idText
property list<GeneralMenuItem> menuItems: [
GeneralMenuItem {
id: startVideoCall
canTrigger: CurrentAccount.videoEnabled_Video && !hasCall && !readOnly
itemName: JamiStrings.startVideoCall
iconSource: JamiResources.videocam_24dp_svg
onClicked: {
LRCInstance.selectConversation(responsibleConvUid, responsibleAccountId);
if (CurrentAccount.videoEnabled_Video)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: startAudioCall
canTrigger: !hasCall && !readOnly
itemName: JamiStrings.startAudioCall
iconSource: JamiResources.place_audiocall_24dp_svg
onClicked: {
LRCInstance.selectConversation(responsibleConvUid, responsibleAccountId);
GeneralMenuItem {
id: clearConversation
canTrigger: mode === Conversation.Mode.NON_SWARM && !hasCall && !root.isBanned
itemName: JamiStrings.clearConversation
iconSource: JamiResources.ic_clear_24dp_svg
onClicked: MessagesAdapter.clearConversationHistory(responsibleAccountId, responsibleConvUid)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: removeContact
canTrigger: !hasCall && !root.isBanned
itemName: {
if (mode !== Conversation.Mode.NON_SWARM)
return JamiStrings.removeConversation;
return JamiStrings.removeContact;
iconSource: JamiResources.ic_hangup_participant_24dp_svg
onClicked: {
var dlg = viewCoordinator.presentDialog(appWindow, "commoncomponents/ConfirmDialog.qml", {
"title": JamiStrings.confirmAction,
"textLabel": JamiStrings.confirmLeaveConversation,
"confirmLabel": JamiStrings.optionLeave
dlg.accepted.connect(function () {
if (mode !== Conversation.Mode.NON_SWARM)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: hangup
canTrigger: hasCall
itemName: JamiStrings.endCall
iconSource: JamiResources.ic_call_end_white_24dp_svg
onClicked: CallAdapter.hangUpACall(responsibleAccountId, responsibleConvUid)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: acceptContactRequest
canTrigger: contactType === Profile.Type.PENDING
itemName: JamiStrings.acceptContactRequest
iconSource: JamiResources.add_people_24dp_svg
onClicked: MessagesAdapter.acceptInvitation(responsibleConvUid)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: declineContactRequest
canTrigger: contactType === Profile.Type.PENDING
itemName: JamiStrings.declineContactRequest
iconSource: JamiResources.round_close_24dp_svg
onClicked: MessagesAdapter.refuseInvitation(responsibleConvUid)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: blockContact
canTrigger: !hasCall && contactType !== Profile.Type.SIP && !root.isBanned && isCoreDialog && root.idText !== CurrentAccount.uri
itemName: JamiStrings.blockContact
iconSource: JamiResources.block_black_24dp_svg
onClicked: {
var dlg = viewCoordinator.presentDialog(appWindow, "commoncomponents/ConfirmDialog.qml", {
"title": JamiStrings.confirmAction,
"textLabel": JamiStrings.confirmBlockConversation,
"confirmLabel": JamiStrings.optionBlock
dlg.accepted.connect(function () {
GeneralMenuItem {
id: unblockContact
canTrigger: root.isBanned
itemName: JamiStrings.reinstateContact
iconSource: JamiResources.round_remove_circle_24dp_svg
onClicked: MessagesAdapter.unbanConversation(responsibleConvUid)
GeneralMenuItem {
id: contactDetails
canTrigger: contactType !== Profile.Type.SIP
itemName: isCoreDialog ? JamiStrings.contactDetails : JamiStrings.convDetails
iconSource: JamiResources.person_24dp_svg
onClicked: {
if (isCoreDialog) {
viewCoordinator.presentDialog(appWindow, "mainview/components/UserProfile.qml", {
"aliasText": aliasText,
"registeredNameText": registeredNameText,
"idText": idText,
"convId": responsibleConvUid
} else {
Component.onCompleted: menuItemsToLoad = menuItems