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ParticipantsLayoutVertical.qml 12.27 KiB
 * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
 * Authors: Sébastien Blin <>
 *          Aline Gondim Santos <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import QtQuick

import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15

import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
import net.jami.Models 1.1
import net.jami.Constants 1.1
import net.jami.Enums 1.1

SplitView {
    id: root

    property int layoutCount: commonParticipants.count + activeParticipants.count
    property var participantComponent

    orientation: Qt.Vertical
    handle: Rectangle {
        implicitWidth: root.width
        implicitHeight: 11
        color: "transparent"
        Rectangle {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            height: 1
            width: parent.implicitWidth - 40
            color: JamiTheme.darkGreyColor

        Rectangle {
            width: 45
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            height: 1
            color: "black"

        ColumnLayout {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            height: 11
            width: 45
            Rectangle {
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.leftMargin: 10
                Layout.rightMargin: 10
                height: 2
                color: JamiTheme.darkGreyColor
            Rectangle {
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.leftMargin: 10
                Layout.rightMargin: 10
                height: 2
                color: JamiTheme.darkGreyColor

    Rectangle {
        id: genericParticipantsRect

        TapHandler { acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton }

        SplitView.preferredHeight: (parent.height / 4)
        SplitView.minimumHeight: parent.height / 6
        SplitView.maximumHeight: inLine? parent.height / 2 : parent.height

        visible: commonParticipants.count > 0 &&
                 (inLine || CallParticipantsModel.conferenceLayout === CallParticipantsModel.GRID)
        color: "transparent"

        property int lowLimit: 0
        property int topLimit: commonParticipants.count
        property int currentPos: 0
        property int showable: {
            if (!inLine)
                return commonParticipants.count
            if (commonParticipantsFlow.componentWidth === 0)
                return 1
            var placeableElements = Math.floor((width * 0.9)/commonParticipantsFlow.componentWidth)
            if (commonParticipants.count - placeableElements < currentPos)
                currentPos = Math.max(commonParticipants.count - placeableElements, 0)
            return Math.max(1, placeableElements)

        RowLayout {
            anchors.fill: parent

            RoundButton {
                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
                width : 30
                height : 30
                radius: 10
                text: "<"
                visible: genericParticipantsRect.currentPos > 0
                            && activeParticipantsFlow.visible
                onClicked: {
                    if (genericParticipantsRect.currentPos > 0)
                background: Rectangle {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    color: JamiTheme.lightGrey_
                    radius: JamiTheme.primaryRadius

            Item {
                id: centerItem
                Layout.fillHeight: true
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.margins: 4

                // GENERIC
                Flow {
                    id: commonParticipantsFlow
                    anchors.fill: parent

                    spacing: 4
                    property int columns: {
                        if (inLine)
                            return commonParticipants.count
                        var ratio = Math.round(root.width / root.height)
                        // If ratio is 2 we can have 2 times more elements on each columns
                        var wantedCol = Math.max(1, Math.round(Math.sqrt(commonParticipants.count) * ratio))
                        var cols =  Math.min(commonParticipants.count, wantedCol)
                        // Optimize with the rows (eg 7 with ratio 2 should have 4 and 3 items, not 6 and 1)
                        var rows = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(commonParticipants.count/cols))
                        return Math.min(Math.ceil(commonParticipants.count / rows), cols)
                    property int rows: Math.max(1, Math.ceil(commonParticipants.count/columns))
                    property int componentWidth: {
                        var totalSpacing = commonParticipantsFlow.spacing * commonParticipantsFlow.columns
                        var w = Math.floor((commonParticipantsFlow.width - totalSpacing)/ commonParticipantsFlow.columns)
                        if (inLine) {
                            w = Math.max(w, height)
                            w = Math.min(w, height * 4 / 3) // Avoid too wide elements
                        return w

                    Item {
                        height: parent.height
                        width: {
                            if (!inLine)
                                return 0
                            var showed = Math.min(genericParticipantsRect.showable, commonParticipantsFlow.columns)
                            return Math.max(0, Math.ceil((centerItem.width - commonParticipantsFlow.componentWidth * showed) / 2))

                    Repeater {
                        id: commonParticipants

                        model: GenericParticipantsFilterModel
                        delegate: Loader {
                            sourceComponent: callVideoMedia
                            active: root.visible
                            asynchronous: true
                            visible: {
                                if (status !== Loader.Ready)
                                    return false
                                if (inLine)
                                    return index >= genericParticipantsRect.currentPos
                                            && index < genericParticipantsRect.currentPos + genericParticipantsRect.showable
                                return true
                            width: commonParticipantsFlow.componentWidth + leftMargin_
                            height: {
                                if (inLine || commonParticipantsFlow.rows === 1)
                                    return genericParticipantsRect.height
                                var totalSpacing = commonParticipantsFlow.spacing * commonParticipantsFlow.rows
                                return Math.floor((genericParticipantsRect.height - totalSpacing)/ commonParticipantsFlow.rows)

                            property int leftMargin_: {
                                if (inLine || commonParticipantsFlow.rows === 1)
                                    return 0
                                var lastParticipants = (commonParticipants.count % commonParticipantsFlow.columns)
                                if (lastParticipants !== 0 && index === commonParticipants.count - lastParticipants) {
                                    var compW = commonParticipantsFlow.componentWidth + commonParticipantsFlow.spacing
                                    var lastLineW = lastParticipants * compW
                                    return Math.floor((commonParticipantsFlow.width - lastLineW) / 2)
                                return 0

                            property string uri_: Uri
                            property string deviceId_: Device
                            property string bestName_: BestName
                            property string avatar_: Avatar ? Avatar : ""
                            property string sinkId_: SinkId ? SinkId : ""
                            property bool isLocal_: IsLocal
                            property bool active_: Active
                            property bool videoMuted_: VideoMuted
                            property bool isContact_: IsContact
                            property bool isModerator_: IsModerator
                            property bool audioLocalMuted_: AudioLocalMuted
                            property bool audioModeratorMuted_: AudioModeratorMuted
                            property bool isHandRaised_: HandRaised
                            property bool voiceActive_: VoiceActivity

            RoundButton {
                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
                width : 30
                height : 30
                radius: 10
                text: ">"
                visible: genericParticipantsRect.topLimit - genericParticipantsRect.showable > genericParticipantsRect.currentPos
                            && activeParticipantsFlow.visible
                onClicked: {
                    if (genericParticipantsRect.topLimit - genericParticipantsRect.showable > genericParticipantsRect.currentPos)
                background: Rectangle {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    color: JamiTheme.lightGrey_
                    radius: JamiTheme.primaryRadius

    // ACTIVE
    Flow {
        id: activeParticipantsFlow

        TapHandler { acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton }

        SplitView.minimumHeight: parent.height / 4
        SplitView.maximumHeight: parent.height
        SplitView.fillHeight: true

        spacing: 8
        property int columns: Math.max(1, Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(activeParticipants.count)))
        property int rows: Math.max(1, Math.ceil(activeParticipants.count/columns))
        property int columnsSpacing: 5 * (columns - 1)
        property int rowsSpacing: 5 * (rows - 1)

        visible: inLine || CallParticipantsModel.conferenceLayout === CallParticipantsModel.ONE

        Repeater {
            id: activeParticipants
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            model: ActiveParticipantsFilterModel
            delegate: Loader {
                active: root.visible
                asynchronous: true
                sourceComponent: callVideoMedia
                visible: status == Loader.Ready

                width: Math.ceil(activeParticipantsFlow.width / activeParticipantsFlow.columns) - activeParticipantsFlow.columnsSpacing
                height: Math.ceil(activeParticipantsFlow.height / activeParticipantsFlow.rows) - activeParticipantsFlow.rowsSpacing

                property string uri_: Uri
                property string bestName_: BestName
                property string avatar_: Avatar ? Avatar : ""
                property string sinkId_: SinkId ? SinkId : ""
                property string deviceId_: Device
                property int leftMargin_: 0
                property bool isLocal_: IsLocal
                property bool active_: Active
                property bool videoMuted_: VideoMuted
                property bool isContact_: IsContact
                property bool isModerator_: IsModerator
                property bool audioLocalMuted_: AudioLocalMuted
                property bool audioModeratorMuted_: AudioModeratorMuted
                property bool isHandRaised_: HandRaised
                property bool voiceActive_: VoiceActivity