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ModalTextEdit.qml 4.86 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick
import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
import net.jami.Constants 1.1
// This component is used to display and edit a value.
Loader {
id: root
property string prefixIconSrc: JamiResources.round_edit_24dp_svg
property color prefixIconColor: JamiTheme.editLineColor
property string suffixIconSrc: ""
property color suffixIconColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedBlue
property string suffixBisIconSrc: ""
property color suffixBisIconColor: JamiTheme.buttonTintedBlue
property color textColor: JamiTheme.textColor
required property string placeholderText
property string staticText: ""
property string dynamicText
property bool inputIsValid: true
property string infoTipText
property string infoTipLineText
property bool isPersistent: true
property string elidedText: ""
property int maxCharacters
property real fontPixelSize: JamiTheme.materialLineEditPixelSize
property bool fontBold: false
property int echoMode: TextInput.Normal
property QtObject textValidator: RegularExpressionValidator {
id: defaultValidator
property var icon
property bool isSettings
property bool isSwarmDetail
property bool readOnly: false
property bool isEditing: false
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == Loader.Ready && icon)
root.item.icon = icon;
// Always start with the static text component displayed first.
property bool editMode: true
// Emitted when the editor has been accepted.
signal accepted
signal keyPressed
signal activeChanged(bool active)
// Always give up focus when accepted.
onAccepted: focus = false
// Needed to give proper focus to loaded item
onFocusChanged: {
if (item && root.focus && root.isPersistent) {
isEditing = !isEditing;
// This is used when the user is not editing the text.
Component {
id: displayComp
MaterialTextField {
id: displayCompField
font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize
readOnly: root.readOnly
text: elidedText != "" ? elidedText : staticText
horizontalAlignment: elidedText != "" ? TextEdit.AlignLeft : TextEdit.AlignHCenter
isSwarmDetail: root.isSwarmDetail
isSettings: root.isSettings
textColor: root.textColor
placeholderText: root.placeholderText
prefixIconSrc: isSwarmDetail ? "" : root.prefixIconSrc
prefixIconColor: root.prefixIconColor
// This is used when the user is editing the text.
Component {
id: editComp
MaterialTextField {
id: editCompField
focus: true
infoTipText: root.infoTipText
infoTipLineText: root.infoTipLineText
prefixIconSrc: root.prefixIconSrc
prefixIconColor: root.prefixIconColor
suffixIconSrc: root.suffixIconSrc
suffixIconColor: root.suffixIconColor
suffixBisIconSrc: root.suffixBisIconSrc
suffixBisIconColor: root.suffixBisIconColor
textColor: root.textColor
font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize
font.bold: root.fontBold
echoMode: root.echoMode
placeholderText: root.placeholderText
onAccepted: root.accepted()
onKeyPressed: root.keyPressed()
onTextChanged: dynamicText = text
text: staticText
inputIsValid: root.inputIsValid
onFocusChanged: {
if (!focus && root.editMode) {
root.editMode = isPersistent;
onIsActiveChanged: activeChanged(isActive)
validator: root.textValidator
isSettings: root.isSettings
isSwarmDetail: root.isSwarmDetail
readOnly: root.readOnly
maxCharacters: root.maxCharacters
// We use a loader to switch between the two components depending on the
// editMode property.
sourceComponent: {
editMode || isPersistent ? editComp : displayComp;