I just downloaded the current Jami installer onto my Windows 7 x64 machine and installed it. I can click on "Create Jami Account" in the screen which is shown first when launching a freshly installed Jami, I can then skip to chose a username in the second screen, but it always crashes without giving any error message when I click on "Create Account" in the third screen. Windows just brings up the usual error message window "Jami.exe stopped working".
Btw all the English terms for item names could be slightly off since I'm on a German language Windows machine.
EDIT I found this thread in the forums where another user seem to experience the same issue and interestingly he's also running Windows 7 and also seems to at least have German language installed.
EDIT2 I just tried the Jami Beta version and I'm sad to say that it has the exact same issue.
Thanks for the link!
I attached the crash dump file. In it's original state it was 13 MiB so I had to compress it into a 7z-file to be able to attach it here.Jami.exe.4108.dmp.7z
Btw in case it isn't obvious from the dump file I used a freshly installed Jami which I installed via a freshly downloaded jami.beta.x64.msi.
@sblin was there a follow up issue or other fix for this? A colleague of mine (on windows) couldn't participate in our jami evaluation, because of this early crash. If this is an ongoing investigation, I might be able to point him here to help investigating the cause (can't promis this, it's not my time). I'm windows free and the qt client is stable (for now) on my system
Can you actually use the option "Restore an account from Backup" (If you have any backup)? Or use the option "Link this device using an existing account" (If you have a smartphone and used it to create an account)?
Probably - but I don't want to impose more on my colleagues time - its vacation time there; I don't have a windows machine at my disposal; cross-platform use of jami was the big point for me (f-droid availability a big plus);
Maybe when they're back, and this is still a mystery, we can experiment a bit more.
@tomterl Sadly nobody here is able to reproduce on any windows device we got.
The dump gives no useful information. (Only "The thread tried to execute an invalid instruction.").
It can be rather a system incompatibility, something badly installed, or a Qt bug. What is the hardware on this device (CPU/GPU)? I don't know if on windows there is something like a system log, maybe the invalid instruction used can be found here