using the newest version of Jami (windows 10):
Device 1 (PC, Windows 10); Device 2 (Android 11)
Video call:
video of Jami Windows 10: video lag (a few seconds)
video of android: no noticeable lag
even if you select hardware acceleration; even if you have a good Internet connection
using Screenshare (Jami, no virtual camera; person A, Windows 10, only 0.5 mbps upload speed) to show person B (Android) my gameplay of Splinter Cell Blacklist.
I believe there is no video lag.
I've selected sound input device/microphone "realtek high definition audio". The audio (opus only enabled) seems to be delayed for less than one second (Person B) but the sound lag is noticeable.
For example if I shoot out the lights they turn black on the video call but (person B) hears the gun sound later.
I did a few tests with Jami and Element using OBS-VirtualCam (always same settings; Windows 10 and Android 11):
OBS-VirtualCam: as mentioned I always used the same settings
Windows 10, only 0.5 mbps upload speed; Android 11: 4G LTE (both low ping- less than 20 ms; Android 95 mbps download speed, 5 mbps upload speed)
Windows 10 HD-Monitor; Mate 20 Pro 2340 x 1080
At first I used Element (newest version) and selected the camera "OBS-VirtualCam".
There's just a little latency due to the distance / connection (windows 10: computer monitor vs Android: phone screen). The video quality is less sharp than the video quality of Jami. But the video is very smooth, no pixelated video.
Now using Jami: hardware acceleration OFF
same settings: select the camera "OBS-VirtualCam"(60fps).
at least 2-3 seconds video delay (computer monitor vs phone screen), any fast movement leads to a pixelated video
So it does not seem to be an issue regarding the virtual cam itself.
Jami: If I use screen sharing to show the game there's a ~ 1 second video delay. Not every movement leads to a pixelated video but you'll still sometimes see a pixelated video. (if there's no pixelated video the video quality of Jami is far better when compared to Element)
OBS-VirtualCam: no settings were changed (Element vs Jami)
So it seems that Jami is not compatible with some virtual cams like OBS-VirtualCam.
Elyschanged title from Video lag (Windows) to Video lag (Windows) especially if use obs virtual camera
changed title from Video lag (Windows) to Video lag (Windows) especially if use obs virtual camera
Jami: hardware acceleration always OFF (turning on didn't change anything)
It seems related to the fps (Jami only):
Jami: If OBS-VirtualCam has 80 fps there are many seconds of video delay.
Nearly only one second (or less) video delay if the framerate of OBS-VirtualCam is set to 30 fps.
However - if the framerate is set to 20 fps or less there is no improvement anymore.
You have to restart Jami again if the framerate is changed so that it will show up (Jami: Audio and Video Settings)
Element: Even if you set the framerate of OBS-VirtualCam to 81 fps there is no video delay.
@El4 : Good question i'll ask the team about this one and try to get an answer for you asap.
Nonetheless being kind of a special case imo (i also understand that it might be an important use case for you) i can't guarantee that it would be a priority right now.
@mcallet The fix of this issue together with jami-project#1122 (closed) would be very important for me - ... and probably many other users. Thank you!
It would be great if the development team can fix these two issues.