Bug on GNU/Linux gnome with the icon and multiple instances
Describe your environment
Please specify the following:
- OS: Fedora 34 with Gnome desktop
- Jami version:202105282159
- What build you are using: jami.net
Steps to reproduce
Note: Better the scenario is, better we will be able to reproduce and debug.
- Can you reproduce the bug: at will
- Steps:
- Open jami 2. (You can reopen another Jami)
- Actual result: When I start Jami, it launches well, but the icon is a generic one (not the icon of Jami) and it is written net.jami.jami-qt When lauching from the command line I get:
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
QDBusMarshaller: type `VectorString' attempts to redefine basic D-BUS type 'as' (QStringList) (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)
QDBusMarshaller: type `MapStringVectorString' produces invalid D-BUS signature `a{s}' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)
QDBusMarshaller: type `QMap<QString,MapStringVectorString>' produces invalid D-BUS signature `a{s}' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)
I am also able to lauch several instances of Jami, which is weird.
- Expected result:
Additional information
Several instances, view of the icon tray (appindicator extension for gnome)