Swarm: issues follow up
- when you add a contact, remove it, close the app, open the app and add the same contact and remove it
- SIP contact addition
- SIP incoming call from a new contact will not be shown in the client
- SIP call transfer contact picker broken
- when you add a contact, remove it, close the app, open the app and add the same contact and remove it
- Windows: file transfer problems:
- create_symlink insufficient privilege causes failed download/upload
- Receive message from non swarm. (it generates an invite). Accept the invite by sending a text message => smarlist disappears
- 2 accounts on same device with a common conversation, sometimes the composing notification is showing sometimes for the current account when typing
- Sometimes, history flash and all messages re-append
- Alice (2 device) sends a file from one device, she should be able to download the file from her other device
- Sometimes, history flash and all messages re-append
- Related: additional
Invitation received
message visible in the chat view (not present after a reload)
- Related: additional
- Filter tab invites number can be > 0 but without any invites in the list
- legacy account create a non-swarm conversation with swarm client, the file transfer will fail right away (possible cause is that the conversation folder is missing for the legacy account)
- Alice calls Bobs (new contact). Bob got 2 invitation (the non-swarm and swarm one)
- Duplicates swarm/no swarm (if the conversation is not in contact details)
- After sync, when loading a conversation auto download files if it's a little file
- Windows: file transfer problems:
- superfluous prefix in file URI causes failure to open a successfully downloaded resource
- Import a file with conv to sync, some duplicates are created
- notification linux: Buttons for invitation doesn't work (acceptInvitation/refuseInvitation incorrect, openConversation search peer uri)
- if crash during call with swarm, restarting doesn't get back the call
- Import account with conversation's request (from another computer) => items not shown?
- After a call, the textarea is too big