[Windows 10] Second own account can't be enabled once disabled; first account can't be disabled if you don't restart Jami
using Windows 10; newest version of Jami
EDIT: Actually sometimes you can disable/enable your own Jami account if you very often click "Enable account". However the first time it often does not work. Or you have to restart Jami ones or a few times
Steps to reproduce:
- You've created your own (first) Jami account
- Now click "Add account" (the second own Jami account; now you can make calls "sameaccount1"<-> "sameaccount1")
- Disable the first Jami account (uncheck "Enable account"), now you can see a red dot of your first account
- Now exit Jami
- Now you want to enable your first Jami account so you select "Enable account"
- However your first Jami account will always have the red dot; and all contacts (Windows 10) in the contact list of your first Jami account are have no dot (neither green nor red) - it does NOT matter how often you repeat "Enable account"
Even the Android device shows no dot (green/red) of your first Windows 10 Jami contact
Now (always Windows 10)
You already enabled the second own account
- Now exit Jami
- Now open Jami and go to the first Jami account
- Now enable the first Jami account
- Now everything works again
Next issue:
- If you reopen Jami you can't disable your second account (no matter how often you repeat "Enable account"; Jami does not remember your settings)
- You have to exit Jami
- Open Jami again: Now you can disable your second account; and you can also enable/disable the second account again without any issues