Valid auto-share time (example: work hours, or 'leaving work' time for wife)
Always Share with Contact
Temporary share with contact
Share during calendar event
Set meetup location (pin location, "John has set a meetup location" notification fire)
Share location when bluetooth device is discovered ("Connecting to car shares location with wife/kids automatically" - Sharing location due to car connection")
Leave location notification ("share my location when I leave this area -> Wife")
Share location due to 'run' or 'bike' app ("John has started a run")
What would be the most bsttery-friendly way to do this? I'm thinking using accelerometer data compared against two GPS pings/locations (current and previous) could do this. But, I have no expertise here.
I'd also recommend adding a "~" next to the speed value, so that users understand that the numbers are very much approximate and not at all exact (unless we have a way of ensuring accuracy).
For sure, it could be exposed from the abstracted location in android and you could ask the user how often to update? The speed and direction could be based on 3 prior locations or something.
I know on android the GPS is only powered on if a precise location is requested and there isn't enough existing data to get a exact fix. For instance, AGPS from towers can provide the fix most of the time.
Cool. Seems like there's a lot of potential for neat features in the future with this. At least this one seems possibly easy to implement. Not sure about the others.