Report Bug button does nothing
I'm using Jami on Linux Mint XFCE Edition. The version of Jami shown in the Software Manager is 20230118.1.2de9157d, and it's a Flatpak. When I go into the Settings -> Open Logs and click Report Bug, nothing happens.
I'm using Jami on Linux Mint XFCE Edition. The version of Jami shown in the Software Manager is 20230118.1.2de9157d, and it's a Flatpak. When I go into the Settings -> Open Logs and click Report Bug, nothing happens.
assigned to @agsantos
added good first issue sprintto review labels
mentioned in commit 313b3bf2
removed sprintto review label
The comment Aline sent ->
it was merged 3 days ago. 20230206 is the 6th February. It will be in the next nightly/release