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Aline Gondim Santos authored
GitLab: #341
Change-Id: Ibe7ad479845bf9390e8634c6b80cb0be79976143



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Jami provides all its users a universal communication tool, autonomous, free, secure and built on a distributed architecture thus requiring no authority or central server to function.

jami-qt is the cross platform client for Jami. For now, it's mainly used for the Windows platform and is not tested on other platforms.

For more information about the jami project, see the following:

Getting involved


Build instructions

Note: This project is quite new, and still need some work for the build integration.


This client is only the graphical part, you will need to also build the daemon and LRC (the library containing the logic for desktop clients). Because of this, the recommended way is to clone our meta-repository containing all submodules needed.

In order to use the Qt Client it is necessary to have the Qt version 5.14 or higher. If your system does not have it you can install it from sources or download the binary installer.

Build all projects

git clone

Jami installer uses python3. If it's not installed, please install it:

cd ring-project/
./ --init

Then you will need to install dependencies:

  • For GNU/Linux
./ --dependencies --qt # needs sudo

Then, you can build daemon, lrc and client-qt with:

./ --install --qt

And you will have the daemon in daemon/bin/dring and the client in client-qt/build-local/jami-qt. You also can run it with

If you use a Qt version that is not wide-system installed you need to specify its path after the --qt flag, i. e., `./ --install --qt /home//Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64

./ --run --qt

Build only the client

cd client-qt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DQT5_VER=5.15.0 -DQT5_PATH=/home/<username>/Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64 -DLRC=<path_to_lrc> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation_path>
make -j

Variables QT5_VER and QT5_PATH are used to specify version and path for a custom installation of Qt.

If lrc library is installed in a custom directory you can set its path with the variable LRC. Additionally you can specify built library location with LRCLIB (otherwise it will seach inside LRC with the suffixes /lib, /build and /build-local).

After the build has finished, you are finally ready to launch jami-qt in your build directory.

If you want to install it to the path provided by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX you can run:

make install

If you want more details, or separately build other projects you can check this page.

Building On Native Windows

Only 64-bit MSVC build can be compiled.

Note: command ./ --init is not required on the Windows build

Setup Before Building:

  • Download Qt (Open Source)

    Prebuild Module
    Components: msvc2017_64 Qt WebEngine
  • Download Visual Studio (version >= 2015)

  • Install Qt Vs Tools under extensions, and configure msvc2017_64 path under Qt Options

    Qt Version SDK Toolset
    Minimum requirement: 5.9.4 10.0.16299.0 V141
  • Install Python3 for Windows

Start Building

  • Using Command Prompt
    git clone
    cd ring-project/
    git submodule update --init daemon lrc client-windows
    git submodule update --recursive --remote daemon lrc client-windows
  • Using Elevated Command Prompt
    python --dependencies


  1. This command will install chocolatey which may require you to restart the Command Prompt to be able to use it.
  2. This command will install msys2 (64 bit) by using chocolatey command which may cause issues below:
    a. Choco may require you to restart the Command Prompt after finishing installing msys2.
    b. Only if you have already installed msys2 (64 bit) under the default installation folder, we will use the existing one.
  3. This command will install strawberry perl by using chocolatey command which may fail if you have already installed it.
  4. This command will install cmake by using chocolatey command which will not add cmake into PATH (environment variable).

The issue 1, 2(a), 3 can be solved by restarting the Command Prompt under Administrator right and re-run the command.
The issue 3 can be solved by uninstalling your current strawberry perl and re-run the command.
The issue 4 can be solved by adding the location of the cmake.exe into PATH.

  • Using a new Non-Elevated Command Prompt
    python --install
  • Then you should be able to use the Visual Studio Solution file in client-windows folder (Configuration = Release, Platform = x64)

To control the toolset and the sdk version that are used by msbuild, you can use --toolset and --sdk options
To control which Qt version should be used (qmake, windeployqt), uou can use --qtver option
By default: toolset=v141, sdk=10.0.16299.0, qtver=5.9.4
For example:

    python --install --toolset v142 --sdk 10.0.18362.0 --qtver 5.12.0

Build Module individually

  • Jami-qt also support building each module (daemon, lrc, jami-qt) seperately


  • Make sure that dependencies is built by
  • On MSVC folder (ring-project\daemon\MSVC):
    cmake -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="ReleaseLib_win32" -DCMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME="x64" -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T '$(DefaultPlatformToolset)' ..
    python -b daemon
  • This will generate a .lib file in the path of ring-project\daemon\MSVC\x64\ReleaseLib_win32\bin

Note: each dependencies contrib for daemon can also be updated individually
For example:

    python -b opendht


  • Make sure that daemon is built first
    cd lrc
    python -gb


  • Make sure that daemon, lrc are built first
    cd client-windows
    python -d
    python -b
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File copy-runtime-files.ps1


  • For all python scripts, both --toolset and --sdk options are available.
  • For more available options, run scripts with -h option.
  • --qtver option is available on and

Packaging On Native Windows

  • To be able to generate a msi package, first download and install Wixtoolset.
  • In Visual Studio, download WiX Toolset Visual Studio Extension.
  • Build client-windows project first, then the JamiInstaller project, msi package should be stored in ring-project\client-windows\JamiInstaller\bin\Release


Compile the client with BUILD=Debug and compile LibRingClient with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug


Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.

Jami is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See COPYING or for the full GPLv3 license.