Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (30 April 2005) version 0.4.1-pre1
- Changed the order of initialization of modules, in order to
removed a race condition.
- We can build in different build directories.
(thanks to Mikael Magnusson)
- We actualy check if portaudio and eXosip2 libs
are installed. (thanks to Mikael Magnusson)
Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (30 April 2005) version 0.4.1-pre1
- Now, we send a final response to reINVITEs
(thanks to Mikael Magnusson)
Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (29 April 2005) version 0.4.1-pre1
- Bug fix when trying to use more than 6 lines.
Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (20 August 2005) version 0.4.1-pre1
- Manager has now a LifetimeLibrary policy.
- Utilspp has been rearranged.
Laurielle LEA (10 August 2005) version 0.4
- Add blink notification for voice-message
- Cleanup code
Laurielle LEA (1st August 2005) version 0.4
- Add comments in header files
Laurielle LEA (29 July 2005) version 0.4
- Add scrolling message
Laurielle LEA (27 July 2005) version 0.4
- Migrate from libeXoSIP 0.9.0 to libeXosip2-1.9.1-pre15
Laurielle LEA (20 July 2005) version 0.4
- Fix mute feature.
- Fix many bugs about line management.
- Add "Compose" item in trayicon menu.
Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (18 July 2005) version 0.4
- Fix incoming call sound notification.
- Fix transfer if no busy line.
Jerome OUFELLA (13 July 2005) version 0.4
- Fix tone.
Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre (13 July 2005) version 0.4
Laurielle LEA (13 July 2005) version 0.4
- Fix bug if network is not available.
Laurielle LEA (11 July 2005) version 0.4
- Check functions return.
- Stop program when error opening skin file.
- Divide toggle() of qtguimainwindow.cpp in small functions.
- Add return test.
- Cleanup audiortp.cpp.
- Replace #define by global variable in codecDescriptor.cpp.
- Set mutex of ringbuffer in the functions of RingBuffer object.
- Divide run() of audiortp.cpp in 3 small functions.
- Changed device static function in Manager for configurationpanel.ui.h.
- Updated README.
Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre (6 July 2005) version 0.4
- Fixed all autotools problems.
- Updated all autotools scripts to use PortAudioCpp.
Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre (9 June 2005) version 0.4
- Added the autotools support.