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    ReInvite implementation for two no-nat telephone
    yanmorin authored
    ReInvite implementation for two no-nat telephone
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sipcall.h 4.05 KiB
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Savoir-Faire Linux inc.
 * Author: Yan Morin <>
 * Author: Laurielle Lea <> 
 * Portions Copyright (C) 2002,2003   Aymeric Moizard <>
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with dpkg; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef __SIP_CALL_H__
#define __SIP_CALL_H__

#include <eXosip2/eXosip.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "call.h"

class CodecDescriptor;
class AudioCodec;

#define _SENDRECV 0
#define _SENDONLY 1
#define _RECVONLY 2

// Vector of CodecDescriptor
typedef std::vector<CodecDescriptor*, std::allocator<CodecDescriptor*> > CodecDescriptorVector;

class SipCall {
	SipCall (CALLID id, CodecDescriptorVector* cdv);
	~SipCall (void);

  int payload;

   * Store information about incoming call and negociate payload
  int newIncomingCall(eXosip_event_t *);
  int newReinviteCall(eXosip_event_t *);
	 * Use to answer to a ONHOLD/OFFHOLD event 
	int answeredCall 		(eXosip_event_t *);
	 * Use to answer to an incoming call 
	void  	answeredCall_without_hold (eXosip_event_t *);

	int  	ringingCall			(eXosip_event_t *);
	int  	receivedAck			(eXosip_event_t *);

	 * Manage local audio port for each sipcall
	void	setLocalAudioPort 	(int);
	int 	getLocalAudioPort 	(void);	

  std::string getLocalIp() { return _localIp; }
  void setLocalIp(const std::string& ip) { _localIp = ip; }

  bool isReinvite() { return _reinvite; }
  void endReinvite() { _reinvite = false; }; 

	 * Manage id, did (dialog-id), cid (call-id) and tid (transaction-id) 
	 * for each sipcall
	void 	setId				(CALLID id);
	CALLID	getId				(void);
	void 	setDid				(int did);
	int 	getDid				(void);
	void 	setCid				(int cid);
	int 	getCid				(void);
	void 	setTid				(int tid);
	int 	getTid				(void);

	 * Manage remote sdp audio port
	int 	getRemoteSdpAudioPort (void);
	char* 	getRemoteSdpAudioIp (void);

	 * Manage audio codec
	AudioCodec* getAudioCodec	(void);
	void	setAudioCodec		(AudioCodec* ac);

	 * Accessor to remote-uri
	inline char* getRemoteUri (void) { return _remote_uri; }

	 * To avoid confusion when an incoming call occured in the same time 
	 * that you make an outgoing call
	inline void setStandBy (bool standby) { _standby = standby; }
	inline bool getStandBy (void) { return _standby; }

  std::string getName() const { return _name; }
  std::string getNumber() const { return _number; }

	void	alloc			(void);
	void	dealloc			(void);
	void 	noSupportedCodec(void);	

	int sdp_complete_message(sdp_message_t * remote_sdp, osip_message_t * msg);
	int sdp_analyse_attribute (sdp_message_t * sdp, sdp_media_t * med);
	// Private member variables
	CodecDescriptorVector* _cdv;
	AudioCodec* _audiocodec;
  CALLID 	_id;
  int 	_cid;		// call id
  int 	_did;		// dialog id
  int 	_tid;		// transaction id
  bool	_standby; 	// wait for a cid and did when outgoing call is made
  int  	_status_code;
  char*	_reason_phrase;
  char*	_textinfo;
  char*	_remote_uri;
  char*	_remote_sdp_audio_ip;
  int		_local_audio_port;
  int  	_remote_sdp_audio_port;
  int 	_local_sendrecv;           /* _SENDRECV, _SENDONLY, _RECVONLY */
  int 	_remote_sendrecv;          /* _SENDRECV, _SENDONLY, _RECVONLY */

  std::string _localIp;
  std::string _name;   // set by incoming call
  std::string _number; // set by incoming call

  bool _reinvite;

#endif // __SIP_CALL_H__