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  • Andreas Traczyk's avatar
    portaudio: expose seperate indexes for input/output devices · 754f17df
    Andreas Traczyk authored and Kateryna Kostiuk's avatar Kateryna Kostiuk committed
    - Portaudio enumerates all input and output devices in a single
      list, but we split them up in the selection models in lrc. This
      patch exposes device indexes based on device type, converts them
      to an Portaudio index for saving to preferences.
    - This patch also catches out of range values incoming from the
      saved preferences. This can happen if we decide to switch default
      host APIs in portaudio, or if someone's cat walks on their laptop
      while they edit their config.
    Change-Id: I350f283588745fe4186ae11a8410d7c9374b72ee