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managerimpl.h 11.45 KiB
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Savoir-Faire Linux inc.
 *  Author: Yan Morin <>
 *  Author: Laurielle Lea <>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef __MANAGER_H__
#define __MANAGER_H__

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cc++/thread.h>

#include "stund/stun.h"
#include "call.h"
#include "observer.h"
#include "config/config.h"

//#include "audio/audiodevice.h"
#include "audio/tonelist.h" // for Tone::TONEID declaration
#include "audio/audiofile.h"
#include "audio/dtmf.h"
#include "audio/codecDescriptor.h"

class AudioLayer;
class CodecDescriptor;

class GuiFramework;

class TelephoneTone;

class VoIPLink;
class DNSService;

// Status
#define CONNECTED_STATUS	"Connected"
#define LOGGED_IN_STATUS	"Logged in"
#define RINGING_STATUS		"Ringing"
#define TRYING_STATUS		"Trying ..."
#define HANGUP_STATUS       "Hang up"
#define ONHOLD_STATUS       "On hold ..."
#define TRANSFER_STATUS     "Transfer to:"
#define MUTE_ON_STATUS		"Mute on"
#define ENTER_NUMBER_STATUS "Enter Phone Number:"

 * Define a type for a list of call
typedef std::vector< Call* > CallVector;

 * Define a type for a list of VoIPLink
typedef std::vector< VoIPLink* > VoIPLinkVector;

 * To send multiple string
typedef std::list<std::string> TokenList;

class ManagerImpl {
  ManagerImpl (void);
  ~ManagerImpl (void);

	// Init a new VoIPLink, audio codec and audio driver
  void init (void);
  void terminate (void);

	// Set the graphic user interface
  void setGui (GuiFramework* gui);

	// Accessor to audiodriver
        // it's multi-thread and use mutex internally
  AudioLayer* getAudioDriver(void) const { return _audiodriverPA ;}

  	// Accessor to VoIPLinkVector
  VoIPLinkVector* getVoIPLinkVector (void) {return &_voIPLinkVector;}
  // Codec Descriptor
  CodecDescriptorMap& getCodecDescriptorMap(void) {return _codecDescriptorMap;}

   * Attribute a new random id for a new call 
   * and check if it's already attributed to existing calls. 
   * If not exists, returns 'id' otherwise return 0 
  CALLID generateNewCallId (void);

   * Add a new call at the end of the CallVector with identifiant 'id'
  Call* pushBackNewCall (CALLID id, Call::CallType type);
  void callSetInfo(CALLID id, const std::string& name, const std::string& number);
  bool callCanBeAnswered(CALLID id);
  bool callCanBeClosed(CALLID id);
  bool callIsOnHold(CALLID id);
   * Functions which occur with a user's action
  int outgoingCall (const std::string& to);
  int hangupCall (CALLID id);
  int cancelCall (CALLID id);
  int answerCall (CALLID id);
  int onHoldCall (CALLID id);
  int offHoldCall (CALLID id);
  int transferCall (CALLID id, const std::string& to);
  void mute();
  void unmute();
  int refuseCall (CALLID id);

  bool saveConfig (void);
  bool registerVoIPLink (void);
  bool unregisterVoIPLink (void);

  bool sendTextMessage(const std::string& account, const std::string& to, const std::string& message);
   * Handle choice of the DTMF-send-way
   * @param   id: callid of the line.
   * @param   code: pressed key.
  bool sendDtmf (CALLID id, char code);
  bool playDtmf (char code);
  bool playTone ();
  void stopTone();
  CALLID getCurrentCallId() { ost::MutexLock m(_mutex); return _currentCallId; }

  int incomingCall (CALLID id, const std::string& name, const std::string& number);
  void peerAnsweredCall (CALLID id);
  int peerRingingCall (CALLID id);
  int peerHungupCall (CALLID id);
  void incomingMessage(const std::string& message);

  void displayTextMessage (CALLID id, const std::string& message);
  void displayErrorText (CALLID id, const std::string& message);
  void displayError (const std::string& error);
  void displayStatus (const std::string& status);
  void displayConfigError(const std::string& message);

  void startVoiceMessageNotification (const std::string& nb_msg);
  void stopVoiceMessageNotification (void);

  void registrationSucceed();
  void registrationFailed();

  // configuration function requests
  bool getEvents();
  bool getZeroconf(const std::string& sequenceId);
  bool attachZeroconfEvents(const std::string& sequenceId, Pattern::Observer& observer);
  bool detachZeroconfEvents(Pattern::Observer& observer);
  bool getCallStatus(const std::string& sequenceId);
  bool getConfigAll(const std::string& sequenceId);
  bool getConfig(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, TokenList& arg);
  bool setConfig(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
  bool setConfig(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, int value);
  bool getConfigList(const std::string& sequenceId, const std::string& name);
  void selectAudioDriver(void);
  bool setSwitch(const std::string& switchName);

  // configuration function for extern
  // throw an Conf::ConfigTreeItemException if not found
  int getConfigInt(const std::string& section, const std::string& name);
  std::string getConfigString(const std::string& section, const std::string& name);

	 * Handle audio sounds heard by a caller while they wait for their 
	 * connection to a called party to be completed.
  void ringback ();

	 * Handle played music when an incoming call occurs
  void ringtone ();
  void congestion ();
  void callBusy(CALLID id);
  void callFailure(CALLID id);

  // return 0 if no tone (init before calling this function)
  AudioLoop* getTelephoneTone();
  // return 0 if the wav is stopped
  AudioLoop* getTelephoneFile();

   * @return true is there is one or many incoming call waiting
   * new call, not anwsered or refused
  bool incomingCallWaiting(void);
	 * Notification of incoming call when you are already busy
  void notificationIncomingCall (void);

	 * Get information about firewall 
	 * @param	stunSvrAddr: stun server
  void getStunInfo (StunAddress4& stunSvrAddr);
  bool useStun (void);
   * Inline functions to manage volume control
   * Read by main thread and AudioLayer thread
   * Write by main thread only
  unsigned short getSpkrVolume(void) { return _spkr_volume; }
  void setSpkrVolume(unsigned short spkr_vol) {  _spkr_volume = spkr_vol; }
  unsigned short getMicVolume(void) {  return _mic_volume;  }
  void setMicVolume(unsigned short mic_vol) {    _mic_volume = mic_vol;   }

   * Manage information about firewall
  inline int getFirewallPort 		(void) 		{ return _firewallPort; }
  inline void setFirewallPort 	(int port) 	{ _firewallPort = port; }
  inline std::string getFirewallAddress (void) 	{ return _firewallAddr; }

	 * Init default values for the different fields
  void initConfigFile (void);
  bool hasLoadedSetup() { return _setupLoaded; }


  REGISTRATION_STATE getRegistrationState() { return _registerState; }

  * Create .PROGNAME directory in home user and create 
  * configuration tree from the settings file if this file exists.
  * @return	0 if creating file failed
  *			1 if config-file exists
  *			2 if file doesn't exist yet.
  int createSettingsPath (void);

   * Initialize audiocodec with config setting
  void initAudioCodec(void);
   * Initialize audiodriver
  void initAudioDriver(void);

   * Initialize zeroconf module and scanning
  void initZeroconf(void);
   * Init the Gui interface (after setting it) inside setGui
  void initGui();

   * Init the volume for speakers/micro from 0 to 100 value
  void initVolume();

   * Configuration
  bool getDirListing(const std::string& sequenceId, const std::string& path, int *nbFile);
  bool getAudioDeviceList(const std::string& sequenceId, int ioDeviceMask);
  Conf::ConfigTree _config;
  bool getCountryTones(const std::string& sequenceId);
  void sendCountryTone(const std::string& sequenceId, int index, const std::string& name);

   * Erase the Call(id) from the CallVector
   * Protected by other function by _mutex lock
  void deleteCall	(CALLID id);
  Call* getCall (CALLID id);
  void setCurrentCallId(CALLID id);
  void removeCallFromCurrent(CALLID id);

   * Play one tone
   * @return false if the driver is uninitialize
  bool playATone(Tone::TONEID toneId);
  // Multithread variable with extern accessor and change only inside the main thread
  /** Vector of VoIPLink */
  VoIPLinkVector _voIPLinkVector;
  /** Vector of CodecDescriptor */
  CodecDescriptor* _codecBuilder;

  // Sound variable
  AudioLayer* _audiodriverPA;

  // Main thread
  DTMF* _dtmfKey;

  // map of codec (for configlist request)
  CodecDescriptorMap _codecDescriptorMap;

  // Protected by Mutex
  ost::Mutex _toneMutex;
  TelephoneTone* _telephoneTone;
  AudioFile _audiofile;

  // To handle volume control
  short _spkr_volume;
  short _mic_volume;
  short _mic_volume_before_mute;

  // End of sound variable

  // Multithread variable (protected by _mutex)
  /** Mutex to protect access to code section */
  ost::Mutex _mutex;
  /* Vector of calls  */
  CallVector _callVector;
  // Current callid : protected implicitely by function using _mutex 
  CALLID _currentCallId; 
  // functions that set mutex:
  //  terminate, pushBackNewCall, generateNewCallId, outgoingCall (after gen/push)
  //  hangupCall, cancelCall, answerCall, onHoldCall, offHoldCall, transferCall, refuseCall, 
  //  callSetInfo, callCanBeClosed, callCanBeAnswered, callIsOnHold, incomingCall,
  //  peerAnsweredCall, peerRingingCall, peerHunguCall, callBusy, callFailure
  //  getCallStatus, getCurrentCallId
  // functions that are called by those functions
  //  getCall, deleteCall, stopTone, switchCall, decWaitingCall, setCurrentCallId, getAudioDriver, ringtone, incWaitingCall

  // warning, incomingCallWaiting | incWaitingCall | decWaitingCall are prtected by _incomingCallMutex

  // Multithread variable (non protected)
  GuiFramework* _gui;

   * Multithreaded
   * Incomings Call:
  ost::Mutex _incomingCallMutex;
  unsigned int _nbIncomingWaitingCall;
  void incWaitingCall(void);
  void decWaitingCall(void);

   * Path of the ConfigFile 
  std::string 	_path;
  int _exist;
  int _setupLoaded;

	// To handle firewall
  int _firewallPort;
  std::string _firewallAddr;

  // return false if exosip or the network checking failed
  bool initRegisterVoIPLink();
  // true if we tried to register Once
  bool    _hasTriedToRegister;
  // Register state
  REGISTRATION_STATE _registerState;

  void switchCall(CALLID id);

  // tell if we have zeroconf is enabled
  int _hasZeroconf;

  // DNSService contain every zeroconf services
  //  configuration detected on the network
  DNSService *_DNSService;


#endif // __MANAGER_H__