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  • Mohamed Chibani's avatar
    multi-stream: report an incoming call with a media list · bac6a6e9
    Mohamed Chibani authored and Adrien Béraud's avatar Adrien Béraud committed
    Currently, an incoming call is always assumed to have either audio
    and video media or only audio media.
    This assumption was removed and the incoming call are reported with
    the list of included media with some of their attributes as found in
    the call invite (SDP). This will allow to process calls with an
    arbitrary number of media.
    It will also allow to add new media to a call by requesting a media
    change using a SIP re-invite (with new SDP). For instance, add video
    to an audio-only call. The peer will receive the new offer and may
    choose to accept or not the new media.
    Not all media change requests require validation from the user/client.
    Meaning that for instance, if a new SDP (media change request) is
    received to notify that the peer muted it's audio, the media change
    request can be processed without requiring validation from the
    Gitlab: #445
    Change-Id: Ibc2b2501a3ec7e2c22f4e9d47cec3eda3dd43fef