AC_CHECK_HEADER(boost/tokenizer.hpp, , AC_MSG_ERROR("Unable to find the libboost tokenizer headers; you may need to install the libboost-dev package" ) )
# check for libgsm1 (doesn't use pkg-config)
dnl Check for libspeex
[disable support for gsm codec])],
AS_IF([test "x$with_gsm" != xno],
[AC_CHECK_HEADER([gsm.h], , AC_MSG_FAILURE([Unable to find the libgsm1 headers (you may need to install the dev package). You may use --without-gsm to compile without gsm codec support.]))]
[AC_CHECK_LIB([gsm], [gsm_decode],
[libgsm link test failed. You may use --without-gsm to compile without gsm codec support.])]
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GSM], test "x$with_gsm" = "xyes", [Define if you have libgsm])
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_GSM, test "x$with_gsm" = "xyes" )
dnl Check for libspeex
[disable support for speex codec])],
AS_IF([test "x$with_speex" != xno],
[AC_CHECK_HEADER([speex/speex.h], , AC_MSG_FAILURE([Unable to find the libspeex headers (you may need to install the dev package). You may use --without-speex to compile without speex codec support.]))]
[AC_CHECK_LIB([speex], [speex_decode_int],
[libspeex link test failed. You may use --without-speex to compile without speex codec support.])]
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SPEEX], test "x$with_speex" = "xyes", [Define if you have libspeex])
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SPEEX, test "x$with_speex" = "xyes" )
if test "x$with_speex" = "xyes" ; then
AC_CHECK_HEADER([speex/speex.h], [
AC_CHECK_LIB(speex, speex_decode_int,
], [ with_speex=no ]
], [ with_speex=no ]
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SPEEX, test "x$with_speex" = "xyes" )