- Nov 07, 2005
yanmorin authored
Add driver in/out capacity (experimental) Add switch <CSeq> audiodriver command (experimental)
- Oct 23, 2005
yanmorin authored
Add debugging information for initialization, the audiolayer initialization is too long
- Oct 18, 2005
yanmorin authored
Fixes for handling line: don't stop the tone, if it's not for the actual line Fixes for the TCP IO: accept every incoming line, before sending one
yanmorin authored
Fixes for check inside global ringtones directory if the preference don't have a path Remove warning inside request.h Add two constants for directory seperator inside user_cfg
- Oct 06, 2005
yanmorin authored
Cleaning compilation and debug message
- Oct 05, 2005
yanmorin authored
Add my copyright to the file Add a CodecMap (the map) and CodecDescriptorMap (the one that initialize it) for the request: list seq1 codecdescriptor
- Oct 04, 2005
yanmorin authored
Remove the old config Add mutex to audiolayer (its share between 3 or 4 threads) Add mutex to the tone (its share by two threads) Simplify the tone interface... Remove the qtGUImainwindow from the compilation with the ENABLE_MAINTENER
- Oct 02, 2005
yanmorin authored
Add a Local_IP variable inside the configuration file, but later it will use the IP inside the request/response. I finally call the asterisk phone with my computer.
yanmorin authored
Méga ménage pour enlever le module de configuration et le remplacer par Conf::Config qui n'est pas singleton.
- Sep 30, 2005
yanmorin authored
Correct some typo Try to correct two servers failure, but didn't work Correct getcallstatus 205/206
- Sep 28, 2005
yanmorin authored
configgetall works configget works configset not tested yet getzeroconf not tested yet
- Sep 22, 2005
yanmorin authored
Initialize the sound volume inside init() -> initVolume() Add the argtokenizer.cpp file I didn't remove the sound configuration for qt (x/y)
- Sep 14, 2005
yanmorin authored
Patch to integrate a text server --enable-maintener to play with it
- Sep 06, 2005
yanmorin authored
Zeroconf Integration and managerimpl.cpp bug fix for gui setup (when sflphonerc file doesn't exist)
- Sep 02, 2005
jpbl authored
- Aug 31, 2005
jpbl authored
- Jul 08, 2005
jpbl authored
- Jun 01, 2005
llea authored
- May 24, 2005
llea authored
- May 20, 2005
llea authored