Something strange happend:
(using newest version of Jami AND OBS Studio, Windows 10)
I wanted to test out OBS-VirtualCam.
I've opened Jami (you automatically sign in to the Jami user account) and I've selected video source "OBS-VirtualCam".
OBS: Normally (previous versions of Jami) if you didn't click on "Start Virtual Camera" Jami only shows the following picture: Link:
And if you click on "Start Virtual Camera" you can see your screen etc.
However - This time everything I've seen is a black screen. I've tried it a couple of times again AND suddenly after a few seconds I saw the video of the OBS-VirtualCam.
I can't remember what happend next but I think I tried to return to another camera. Returning didn't work.
So I quitted Jami.
Suddenly- as soons as I wanted to open Jami my account was missing: I used the option transfer my account to another device and was able to log in again.
BUT- As soon as I've closed Jami and open the program again the account is still missing again (I have to transfer my account again).
So I restarted my PC.
Since then Jami has no audio source anymore - no audio source is showing up (microphone, output device and ringtone device).
Every time I exit Jami and open the program again my account is logged out automatically and I have to transfer my account from another device again.
Elyschanged title from Windows: Account locked out automatically, no no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account locked out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?)
changed title from Windows: Account locked out automatically, no no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account locked out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?)
Elyschanged title from Windows: Account locked out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?)
changed title from Windows: Account locked out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?)
It seems that this issue is produced by Jami itself.
logs show "Error initializing daemon"
Elyschanged title from Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected
changed title from Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected (because of OBS-VirtualCam?) to Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected
There is no login on Jami (except you use a JAMS account).
But if the daemon is not initialized it's sure that the UI will show nothing. "Error initializing daemon" means that there is no daemon, but I need the logs from the daemon to know what the daemon is trying to init
The account was deleted and suddenly shown again (after importing the Jami account; together with "new"(=same) devices). - Many times I closed and reopened Jami.
I don't have these problems anymore. So I will close this issue.
But @sblin
If this issue occurs again how do I get the logs from the daemon (Windows)? I only see "On GNU/Linux".
EDIT: Suddenly everything works again. I opened Jami after a short time again. (However the day before I very often exit and launched Jami again and it never changed)
Not sure if it's important. I used a usb webcam for a few times and the removed the device today. But I think I had this issues in the past even if I didn't use a usb webcam.
[1646844644.962|24960|ringbuffer.cpp :55 ] Create new RingBuffer audiolayer_id[1646844644.994|24960|video_device.h :135 ] Default video settings: 640x480, 29.97000002997 FPS[1646844644.999|24960|video_device_monitor.cpp:222 ] Failed to add device video=@device_sw_{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{27B05C2D-93DC-474A-A5DA-9BBA34CB2A9C}: invalid map key[1646844645.004|24960|video_device_monitor.cpp:222 ] Failed to add device video=@device_sw_{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{9E2FBAC0-C951-4AA8-BFA9-4B196644964C}: invalid map key[1646844645.010|24960|manager.cpp :713 ] Not initialized[1646844645.011|24960|manager.cpp :713 ] Not initialized17:50:45.017 os_core_win32. !pjlib 2.11 for win32 initialized[1646844645.017|24960|manager.cpp :784 ] Using PJSIP version 2.11 for win32[1646844645.018|24960|manager.cpp :785 ] Using GnuTLS version 3.6.7[1646844645.018|24960|manager.cpp :786 ] Using OpenDHT version 2.3.0[1646844645.018|24960|manager.cpp :787 ] Using FFmpeg version 4.0.0-2597-g21c8feb73[1646844645.019|24960|manager.cpp :790 ] Using Libgit2 version 1.1.0[1646844645.025|24960|sipvoiplink.cpp :742 ] SIPVoIPLink@0000023B708E64F0[1646844645.027|24960|manager.cpp :806 ] Configuration file path: C:\Users\Myusername\AppData\Local\jami\dring.ymlError initializing daemonNo accounts to migrateQObject::connect(lrc::api::ContactModel, ContactAdapter): invalid nullptr parameterCan't update current account info data for ""NewAccountModel::getAccountInfo, can't find dummy ; Using default avatarNewAccountModel::getAccountInfo, can't find dummy ; Using default avatarlatest: 202112221025 current: 202112221635No new version found
EDIT: It seems it it takes a lot of time (weeks ?) that Jami can "remember" the user account.
Otherwise you have to import your account again which means you have multiple devices connect (although you "just" have one pc)
@sblin or @atraczyk How do I get the daemon (NOT the client) logs if I am using Windows 10? Or is it simply not possible to get the daemon logs if I use windows 10?
But this issue seems to also appear if you are using a linux distro:
Yes, the Windows client file logging mechanism was broken during the addition of the GUI log widget. There is a fix for that in review( and also an improvement to the console logging mechanism in which the logs will be routed to the parent console window if possible( This will allow the logs to persist beyond the lifetime of Jami.exe.
@sblin@atraczyk But will this patch allow to get the DAEMON logs (NOT "just" the client logs) like it should be possible if I were using a linux distro?
Since the Ring GUI and daemon are separated processes, the easiest way to get logs from both is to start them one at a time, manually.
And how will I get the daemon logs if my account is lost at the beginning? Because the log system of Jami only works once Jami is started (AFTER the welcome page)? And the cmd.exe only shows the client logs?
Or are the daemon logs already included if I use Windows 10?
But - as mentioned:
If you take a look at the logs below are they enough to reproduce and fix this issues?
And how will I get the daemon logs if my account is lost at the beginning? Because the log system of Jami only works once Jami is started (AFTER the welcome page)? And the cmd.exe only shows the client logs?
@El4 The logging patches I posted previously will soon be merged and correct this behavior.
Regarding this issue, can you please clarify what you mean by "account logged out"? Or better yet, what indicates to you that you must re-import your account? (e.g. account expired/migration required, account disconnected)
I've just tested several scenarios using version 202203161422 on Windows 10 and OBS Studio 27.2.3, and I get expected results when routing the OBS Virtual Camera device as my video input. Have you tried version 202203161422?
Audio and video device detection mechanisms are different. So this issue looks like 3 issues in one. Something like:
@atraczyk I am not sure if OBS Virtual Cam is related to this issue. I also had this issue if I was using a "real" webcam. So it seems to be just a coincidence. (regarding the OBS-Virtual Cam)
But Jami also does not remember the audio devices:
I just get Audiomanager "portaudio". I have no microphone, no video input and no ring device.
In the past I had no issues: All audio devices were displayed correctly.
(I just have this issue (jami-project#1401 (moved)) but probably not (?) because of the mentioned issue)
So this is my scenario [using Windows 10, newest (no-beta) version of Jami]:
I double-click on Jami. (I don't have welcome page since I already created my Jami user account)
Now I can make calls, write text messages, etc.
This issue:
I double-click on Jami.
Suddenly I can see the welcome page (although I already have linked my account to this device before)
However I link my acount to this device AGAIN. (using my Android smartphone)
Jami shows the page where I can make video calls etc. .
I just get Audiomanager "portaudio". I have no microphone, no video input and no ring device.
I exit Jami.
As soon as I open (/double-click on) Jami again I see the welcome page again AND I have to link my account again (and again ....)
However, in the past - maybe after a few weeks and 20 attempts - everything worked again.
[Can't open file: "C:/Users/Myusername/AppData/Local/jami/9291d08f66856eeb/profile.vcf"[1647458384.232|31648|account_manager.cpp:457 ] getContacts(): account not loaded[1647458384.233|31648|account_manager.cpp:549 ] getTrustRequests(): account not loaded[1647458384.234|31648|jamiaccount.cpp :2252 ] Calling convModule() with an uninitialized account.[1647458384.235|31648|jamiaccount.cpp :2252 ] Calling convModule() with an uninitialized account.
Elyschanged title from Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected to Account lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected
changed title from Windows: Account logged out automatically, no audio device detected to Account lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected
@sblin@atraczyk Now I am using the newest beta version. Same issue remains. (I think in the past after a few weeks/months everything suddenly worked again)
I need to add that if you plug new audio devices into the audio jack / usb port (after you launched Jami) Jami still does not detect any audio device.
However webcams ("videos") are detected (but you can't use the audio input / microphone)
Elyschanged title from Account lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected to Account and contacts lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected
changed title from Account lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected to Account and contacts lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected
Sometimes I have only one device linked (Settings; after I selected "Import account from backup file") but now I have three devices linked - although I am using only one device
@Mehdighayour Until now I can't use Jami because of this issue (I can't use any audio device (input/output) and Jami does not remember the account). The other developers seem busy.
@El4 I'm sorry for the issue you have with Jami. I don't have the solid response for that. @sblin or @atraczyk will respond to you whenever they have time.
@Mehdighayour Not sure if this helps/ is useful for developers ... but if it is ... Can you add the Gitlab option relates to jami-client-qt#568 (closed) ? (Because it's nearly the same but I have more bugs)
@sblin Nope. This issue has been already reported (but not using the Windows 10 client, but a linux client). See: jami-client-qt#568 (closed)
I am using Ubuntu 18 with Jami installed via snap.
I've asked the same question many times but still got not the right answer:
Can you get the DAEMON (not client) logs if you are using Windows 10? The docs don't show any way how I can differentiate between the daemon and client logs if I am using Windows (NOT any Linux distro).
(It seems you can just get daemon and client logs if you are using GNU/Linux)
As mentioned:
I once suddenly had this issue for a few weeks. Then everything suddenly worked again. ( I used Jami ~40 times)
Now I have this issue again.
Open a terminal(cmd.exe) and launch Jami.exe with the following options:
-d to log to the console
-f <logfile> to write logs to <logfile>
and this get the logs from the daemon.
But again, without scenario this issue will probably never advance, and are accounts in the directory.
The most probable thing is that your camera from OBS is just unusable, corrupting dring.yml, cause "evice_sw_{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{27B05C2D-93DC-474A-A5DA-9BBA34CB2A9C}: invalid map ke" this makes no sense for your settings. (cc @atraczyk )
So yeah, precise the exact step. But for me, as it's related to the usage of virtual camera with incorrect settings. it's not a "high priority" issue (cc @Mehdighayour) as it's not a common use case.
I think this issue just once happend randomly while using OBS. (At first I just thought it might be related)
@atraczyk@sblin My issue still persists / reappears even if I never used OBS again.
contains no scenario for us
I already posted the logs I got. - I just used -d ... and the first logs show "Error initializing daemon" and then if I select "Import account from backup file" (I have to do that every time I exit and enter Jami again) I get issues like "Can't load from cache"
precise the exact step
Open Jami (it does not matter if you run Jami as an admin or not)
All settings (except language settings) and your account(s) are lost - You see the "Welcome page"
Import account from backup file
Now you can see your own account
No contacts are in your contact list (even if you added them before you used Jami the last time)
Add contacts
Write messages/ make calls (-doesn't make sense since no audio device is detected)
Exit Jami
-> Now you start from step 1 again
However - you can NEVER use any audio device (or just the audio of your webcam)- "no audio device detected" (although before this issue appeared I was able to select all my audio devices)
By scenario is how we can reproduce ourself. If I reproduce step 1 to 8 on several computers I never saw this issue, so something is missing. It means that a config or other thing needs to be determined.
C:\Users\Myusername\AppData\Local\jami\dring.yml is probably malformed and the important thing to understand is how you scrap your config. Without this information, there is no magic, the issue will just not advance. As we said, we can't reproduce on a lot of devices. And personally I don't have any clue and never saw that
If I reproduce step 1 to 8 on several computers I never saw this issue, so something is missing.
That's actually the point. This is why I first thought it is related to OBS. But it seems this is wrong/just a coincidence?
And personally I don't have any clue and never saw that
That's actually also strange. I NEVER changed any settings and suddenly I got this issue in the past. After a few weeks (I always tried using Jami) it suddenly worked again. I never had this issue again... at least over months
And now - same issue again. I think it happens randomly but once this issue occurs it stays very long.
(BTW: I am using now the newest beta version of Jami).
I think that the developers (at least Windows 10 users ... Ubuntu? dont't know) might get this issue suddenly after you use Jami.
(I think there was no Windows update that could be the reason ... but I'm not sure ... if it's just because of a specific windows update Ubuntu users should never had this (same/similar) issue?)
But at the moment I can't use Jami since you can only make video calls or ... audio calls ... WITHOUT any audio or audio device... and that doesn't make any sense.
@sblin I suddenly had the same issue again. Not sure - but this time OBS was involved again.
Steps to reproduce?
I opened Jami; I saw that the resolution of OBS VirtualCam was not right (I did NOT open OBS Studio - Although the Virtual Cam showed up)
Now I opened OBS-Studio: Base resolution: 1360x768 did not change anything. However I changed the output scaled resolution to 1360x768 (before I had 1280 x 564?) and changed the common fps value to 30 fps (instead of 60 fps).
Now I exit Jami and launch OBS Virtual Cam.
Now I want to open Jami. Suddenly "Account and contacts lost after you exit Jami; no audio device detected ".
I stopped the virtual cam and exit OBS-Studio.
I used "Import account from backup file".
However this time
The first time I opened Jami just the contacts were lost and no audio device was detected.
Then I exit Jami again.
After I open Jami again just one contact in the contact list was missing.
I exit Jami and launch OBS-VirtualCam.
This time the contacts in the contact list are shown again.
Not sure if it related to OBS or it just happens randomly.
Now I don't have any issues again. Maybe I can reproduce later?