Wrong username in contact list after adding an account and import leads to "Swarm: Is false"?
Not sure if you can reproduce but I think these were the steps I reproduced this bug (maybe I need to change my description and the steps later)
- Jami (Windows 10): Click add account
- Jami (Windows 10): I now add my own account (I already have the same user account on my android device)
- I use the option "Import from another device"
- Now all my contacts from the android device are also transferred except one contact (I have three contacts in this test; My own user account "test1"; another user account"test2"; and a "real" contact)
- However the other user account "test2" does not show up but a version like 7b2d4af12345... ( I didn't check if matches the "test2" account)
- I delete the 7b2d4af12345... contact
- After some time (over 30 seconds or more?) I get an invitation (Windows 10) of the user account "test2" with the "real" name "test2"(but I think also the Android version of Jami sent me an invitation) (Maybe related?: jami-project#1449 (comment 36195) ) so no 7b2d4af12345... etc.
- Even if I accept (just Windows 10 or even both: Android and Windows 10) I just see "You have accepted the conversation request. Waiting until "test2" connects to synchoronize the conversation"
- Now I exit Jami just Windows 10
- Suddenly "test2" is in contact list **but my own account is gone **(just in the contact list of course)
- As soon as I exit Jami (Windows 10) and enter again my own account in the contact list is visible again
So the issues should be at least that I get a 89dfs0if... contact in the contact list instead of a user name and sometimes
Note: Android: I never deleted the "real"contact (just one in past so I get "Swarm: Is true") but my other account "test2" was often deleted and re-added so maybe that's also the issue? (Although I reproduced (another) issue if I use the Windows 10 client)
another issue?
In the contact list: my own account "test1" and my other account "test2" show "Swarm: Is false";
However my third contact shows "Swarm: Is true"
This happend after I followed the steps mentioned above