SFLphone is an open-source SIP/IAX2 compatible enterprise-class softphone, published under the GNU Public License 3. GIT REPOSITORY Tree information: * daemon: contains the core application code. This code is mandatory to run the softphone. It may be considered as the core as it implements all the logic (audio layer, communication layer, account management, codecs management, dbus services). * gnome: contains the GTK+ client for SFLphone. It will connect and communicate to the core application through D-Bus. * tools: scripts Please refer to the INSTALL file or our development website (http://projects.savoirfairelinux.net/projects/show/sflphone) for installation guide. To contact the developers: * Mailing list: http://lists.savoirfairelinux.net/mailman/listinfo/sflphone SFLphone Team
Tristan Matthews
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.sflphone.org/var/repos/sflphone/git/sflphone into audio_buffers