"common_name_is_required":"Common name is required.",
"state_is_required":"State is required.",
"city_is_required":"City is required.",
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
"select_option_setting_up_certificate_authority":"Select an option for setting-up the certificate authority that will be used to sign all Jami accounts generated on this JAMS instance.",
"must_be_60_characters_or_less":"Must be 60 characters or less",
"username_is_required":"Username is required.",
"username_is_required":"Reikia naudotojo vardo!",
"must_be_50_characters_or_less":"Must be 50 characters or less",
"password_must_match":"Passwords must match",
"password_must_match":"Slaptažodžiai privalo sutapti",
"password_confirmation_required":"Password confirmation is required.",
"information_appears_incorrect_connection_directory_failed":"The information provided appears to be incorrect, the connection to the directory has failed. Please check the information and credentials provided and try again.",
"identity_management":"Identity Management",
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
"server_parameters":"Server Parameters",
"choose_a_country":"Choose a country",
"active_directory_server_informations":"Active Directory server information",
"admin_username":"Admin username",
"domain_name":"Domain Name",
"ldap_server_information":"LDAP Server informations",
"base_dn_please_use_ldap_convention":"Base DN (Please use LDAP convention)",
"field_ldap_structure_contains_username":"This is the field in your LDAP structure which contains the username.",
"use_public_nameserver":"Use public nameserver",
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@
"15_minutes":"15 minutes",
"30_minutes":"30 minutes",
"60_minutes":"60 minutes",
"1_month":"1 Month",
"3_months":"3 Months",
"6_months":"6 Months",
"1_year":"1 Year",
"1_month":"1 month",
"3_months":"3 months",
"6_months":"6 months",
"1_year":"1 year",
"please_enter_valid_cors_domain_url":"Please enter a valid CORS domain URL.",
"global_parameters_cover_general_configuration_of_servers_engine":"The global parameters cover the general configuration of the server's engine.",
"cors_domain_name":"CORS domain name",
"set_domain_of_web_cleint_server_to_connect_to_hans_admin_dashboard_and_jami_accounts_also_to_set_client_crls_ocsps":"Set the domain of the web client-server to connect to the JAMS admin dashboard and Jami accounts. It is also used to define where the clients should download CRLs and submit OCSP queries. In case you are running a proxied instance (i.e. JAMS behind IIS), please make sure to set this field correctly, otherwise devices will not be able to download CRLs or validate certificates.",
"domain_name_of_web_client_server":"The domain name of your web client server. Requires http:// or https://",
"domain_name_of_web_client_server":"The domain name of your web client server.",
"certificate_revocation_list_lifetime":"Certificate Revocation List Lifetime",
"set_liftetime_crl_list_certificates_revoked":"Set the lifetime of the CRL which contains the list of the certificates that have been revoked before their scheduled expiration date.",
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"search_users_using":"Search users using (username, first name, last name)",
"search_users":"Search users",
"servername_is_required":"Server name is required.",
"password_is_required":"Password is required.",
"password_is_required":"Password is required!",
"domain_name_is_required":"Domain name is required.",
"port_must_be_a_number":"Port must be a number.",
"port_must_be_positive":"Port must be positive.",
@@ -97,28 +97,28 @@
"ldap_server":"LDAP Server",
"active_directory":"Active Directory",
"no_users_found_matching":"No users found matching search value!",
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_revoke_this_device":"Are you sure you want to revoke this device?",
"confirm_revoke":"Confirm Revoke",
"add_a_contact":"Add contact",
"new_version_jams_available":"A new version of JAMS is available. Would you like to update now?",
"add_a_contact":"Pridėti adresatą",
"new_version_jams_available":"Yra prieinama nauja JAMS versija. Ar norėtumėte atnaujinti dabar?",
"running_community_version_jams":"You are currently running the community version of JAMS. Would you like to purchase a JAMS subscription?",
"you_are_not_allowed_to_access_this_section":"You are not allowed to access this section. Please contact your administrator to get administrator privileges.",
"an_update_is_available_for_jams":"An update is available for JAMS.",
"updating_jams_shutting_down_shortly":"Updating JAMS, shutting down shortly...",
"license_registred_successfully":"Prenumerata sėkmingai registruota.",
"a_generic_occured_while_trying_to_load_license_or_license_could_not_be_found":"A generic occurred while trying to load your subscription or your subscription could not be found!",
"subscription_code":"Subscription Code",
"your_license_is_already_activated":"Your subscription is already activated!",
"paste_your_jams_enterprise_subscription_code_received_from_jami":"Paste your JAMS Enterprise subscription code received from the Jami store.",
"blueprint_name":"Blueprint name",
"change_language":"Change language",
"change_language":"Keisti kalbą",
"device_id":"Device Id",
"add_user_to_group":"Add user to group...",
"add_user_to_a_group":"Add user to a group",
"remove_from_group":"Remove from group",
"myprofile":"My profile",
"device_id":"Įrenginio Id",
"add_user_to_group":"Pridėti naudotoją į grupę...",
"add_user_to_a_group":"Pridėti naudotoją į grupę",
"remove_from_group":"Šalinti iš grupės",
"myprofile":"Mano profilis",
"select_blueprint":"Select a blueprint",
"add_moderator_to_blueprint":"Add moderator to blueprint ...",
"add_moderator_to":"Add moderator to",
"remove_moderator":"Remove moderator",
"add_moderator_to":"Pridėti moderatorių į",
"remove_moderator":"Šalinti moderatorių",
"allow_incoming_calls_from_unknown_allow_video_calls_info":"If this option is disabled, only audio calls will be allowed.",
"allow_incoming_calls_from_unknown_contacts_info":"If this option is disabled, only contacts from your list will be allowed to contact you.",
"auto_answer_calls_info":"If this option is enabled, incomming calls will be automaticly answered. This option can be usefull if you want for example to monitor your house or a particular room when you are away from home.",
"local_lan_info":"If this option is enabled, you will be able to communicate with connected contacts on you local lan, even if your lan is disconnected from internet.",
"rendezvous_info":"If this option is enabled, incomming calls will automaticly be added to a conference room.",
"rendezvous_moderators_info":"Moderators are people allowed to manage rendezvous points and conferences even if they are not hosted on their devices."
"allow_incoming_calls_from_unknown_allow_video_calls_info":"If this option is disabled, only audio calls are allowed.",
"allow_incoming_calls_from_unknown_contacts_info":"If this option is disabled, only contacts from your list can contact you.",
"auto_answer_calls_info":"If this option is enabled, incoming calls are automatically answered. This option can be useful to monitor your house or a particular room when you are away from home for example.",
"local_lan_info":"If this option is enabled, you can communicate with connected contacts on you local lan, even if your lan is disconnected from the Internet.",
"rendezvous_info":"If this option is enabled, incoming calls are automatically added to a conference room.",
"rendezvous_moderators_info":"Moderators can manage the Rendezvous point.",
"allow_jami_user_to_search_for_other_contacts":"Allow user to add new contacts",
"upnp_custom_popup":"UPnP allows Jami to automatically open network ports to establish peer-to-peer communications.",
"turn_server_configuration_popup":"Configure a TURN server to establish a connection when peer-to-peer communication is not possible",
"dht_configuration_popup":"Configure the DHT proxy server used by this account",
"contact_management":"Contact management",
"lookup_info":"If this option is disabled, user can not search and add new contacts",