Hi. I would like to suggest on Ring team to make their Fedora official package, available in Fedora official repositories instead of being - as the current case now - available on repositories of Ring project itself.
This could be truly applied for Ubuntu & Debian also.
I mean official Ring packagers team use official repositories of Ubuntu, Debian & Fedora directly to post their official Ring packages. This will be better, isn't it ?
Yeah official repos are better. But, for now we can't really maintain packages for all platforms. If any packager want to do that it will be appreciated and we will help.
What about AppImage ? It will be much easier to you to build AppImage for Ring & by this it will be available for all (or almost all) Linux distros.
If you accept this suggestion (AppImage), then please make Ring check for version update every time user launch it, & inform user about new Ring version if any.
Currently, I use Rambox (universal messenger application) as AppImage & it is O.K
Fredy Pulidochanged title from Is there plan to add Ring to Fedora repositories officially by Ring team ? to Fedora: official distribution repository package
changed title from Is there plan to add Ring to Fedora repositories officially by Ring team ? to Fedora: official distribution repository package
My suggestion is that: you are already do official .rpm for Fedora. So, why do not submit them to official Fedora repositories ? I mean instead of your own repositories for Fedora, you close them & host your official Fedora packages on official Fedora repositories .... This what I'm asking for. Fedora is bleeding cut distro & their are many upstream developers who post their applications/program binaries on official Fedora repositories being their maintainers by themselves ....
Because each distribution have different policies + different needs. This needs a lot of human time nobody has, not only fedora but for all distributions on the website.
Also nobody here has the package maintainer status for Fedora. It's just undoable for us to do that in that state.
But if an official distro packager want to help on that point we will be happy to help.
Also there is difference between our packages and an official packages, we can choose to have ffmpeg bundled in our rpm, so hardware acceleration + adaptative bitrate will work. Fedora will never embeds a patched ffmpeg, so most users will not have these features.
Your speech "Also there is difference between our packages and an official packages, we can choose to have ffmpeg bundled in our rpm, so hardware acceleration + adaptative bitrate will work. Fedora will never embeds a patched ffmpeg, so most users WILL NEVER have these features."
This mean that it is impossible to add Jami to official Fedora repositories without loss of functionalities! Okay, there is alternative: RPMFusion repositories, as qTox already did. uTox is available from official Fedora repositories, while RPMFusion repositories though it is open source & I think your issue could be worked-around by using RPMFusion repositories.
I will change title of this issue accordingly.
Nokia808changed title from Fedora: official distribution repository package to Fedora: RPMFusion repository package
changed title from Fedora: official distribution repository package to Fedora: RPMFusion repository package
@Nokia808 We all here are Free Software passionate people and we really want to have Jami in all the possible repositories but our team have limits and priorities.
We create this Issue (and others per distribution) because we want to get Jami in official distributions and we require to think both the technical and human/social aspects to get a balance between features, distribution policies and keep it maintainable in the long term.
Concerning RPMFusion, is not in our plan (And I'll rename this ticket) but we really hope that other people in the community will add Jami in this kind repositories because we can not do it, is more important to add/improve/fix features to Jami itself and be sure we can maintain the packages we already distribute from our website.
The good think about this discussion is you help us to realize things, by example until today I think we have not documents to help people that do packaging to get Jami in Distributions and 3rd party repositories. We will evaluate the strategy and then we could publish some documentation.
Thanks for your active interest in Jami :)
Fredy Pulidochanged title from Fedora: RPMFusion repository package to Fedora: official distribution repository package
changed title from Fedora: RPMFusion repository package to Fedora: official distribution repository package
I'm very appreciating your very hard efforts. Jami real value appearing during these special critical days when officials blocking central services like WhatsApp ....... No one can block Jami unless by block Internet as a whole. Moreover, it is heavily encrypted & client side encryption ! It is a diamond !
To solve problem of shortage of your resources, I'm still seeing Flatpak on FlatHub is the best (after solving issue of udev) .... This way you will make Jami available for more than 22 distros by one package effort.
Not wanted to be maintained by us. We already provide a package and this will be necessary, because for the patched dependencies we have to give the best experience. We also provide official snap. There is a guix pretty up-to-date too. Maybe appimage and flatpak will come, but not enough human resources for our sides.
@abandali any reason you reopened that? FFmpeg is not even in Fedora proper (so I don't see how Jami, with its bundled FFmpeg copy, could meet their distribution policy).
@mcournoyer yes, I'd like to look into getting Jami packaged for RPM Fusion. From what I can tell, even though RPM Fusion is not "official"ly Fedora, it's the next best thing if many users already use it to install free software packages that Fedora doesn't include for whatever reason. Having the option of installing Jami from RPM Fusion, those who already use RPM Fusion wouldn't have to add and trust yet another repo, and those who don't have it already would be able to install other pieces of free software from it than just Jami.
Maxim Cournoyerchanged title from Fedora: official distribution repository package to Maintain a RPM Fusion package
changed title from Fedora: official distribution repository package to Maintain a RPM Fusion package
Edited the title accordingly. It's not a bad idea, I'm just weary of spreading the effort thinner given our very finite resources. But if you think it's easy, go for it.
The use of RPMFusion repositories was my suggestion when I realize why they can not add Jami for official Fedora repositories. But, at that time, they refuse my suggestion & reverted my changing of title & finally closed the thread .... !!
It is nice to see you find the correct path that I suggested, though after very very long time .... !