Since the introduction of libqt-jami deb packages, they were built using quite an ugly hack on the Jenkins side. This patch reworks all of that so that libqt-jami is built for each distro version if it was not already previously built, or if a force rebuild is specified. Change-Id: Ib74b747628a007cd0d61b068e0ff9ed80006b93d
Since the introduction of libqt-jami deb packages, they were built using quite an ugly hack on the Jenkins side. This patch reworks all of that so that libqt-jami is built for each distro version if it was not already previously built, or if a force rebuild is specified. Change-Id: Ib74b747628a007cd0d61b068e0ff9ed80006b93d
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Dockerfile_debian_unstable 749 B
FROM debian:unstable
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get clean
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y -o Acquire::Retries=10 \
devscripts \
equivs \
# add deb-src entries (needed for next step)
RUN sed -n '/^deb\s/s//deb-src /p' /etc/apt/sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-src.list
RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update
ADD scripts/prebuild-package-debian.sh /opt/prebuild-package-debian.sh
COPY packaging/rules/debian-qt/* /tmp/builddeps/debian/
RUN /opt/prebuild-package-debian.sh qt-deps
COPY packaging/rules/debian/* /tmp/builddeps/debian/
RUN /opt/prebuild-package-debian.sh jami-deps
ADD scripts/build-package-debian.sh /opt/build-package-debian.sh
CMD /opt/build-package-debian.sh